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Session 17 The West and the World. The Renaissance: How Money, Trade, Artistic Influences and Humanistic Interest create the Revival of European Culture Session for questions and issues. T h e A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t y o f R o m e HST 201 - Survey of Western Civilization I.
Session 17 The West and the World. The Renaissance: How Money, Trade, Artistic Influences and Humanistic Interest create the Revival of European Culture Session for questions and issues. T h e A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t y o f R o m eHST 201 - Survey of Western Civilization I
FINAL SCHEDULE W 26 Nov. No class Reading: The final chapters of the book should be finished. M 1 Dec. The Protestant Reformation. Reading in Coffin (909.09 COF) at the Library, Chapter 13: Reformations of Religion > Student Evaluation W 3 Dec. PRESENTATIONS, 1st batch (8 minutes each) DANA > St Paul’s Missionary Journeys: Conflicts and Politics EDGAR > The Creation of the Church of England: Religion ALESSANDRO > Machiavelli & Italian Prince HAYLEY > Cordoba, Cultural Hub of Europe. MORELLA > The Aryan Controversy in the Art and Architecture in Ravenna CARINA > The Importance of Relics in the Middle Ages: NICOLE > How did the Medici used art to promote themselves ANDREA > Culture and politics in Renaissance in Italy DAVID > Kiev and the Middle Ages: Its Interaction Sphere MAEGAN > Ottoman Empire in the Balkans NATALIE > Socrates and Jesus: Politics and Goverments CHRISTINA > Jewish and Islam Religions: Commonalities in Monotheits Semitic Societies M 8 Dec. HOLIDAY - class held on Friday 12 Dec. W 10 Dec. Politics, Religion and the Creation of the New Nation-States in Europe. Reading in Coffin (909.09 COF), at the Library, Chapter 14: Religious Wars and State Building, 1540–1660 > Presentations, 2nd batch PETROVIC TATJANA > Evolution of the Serbian Medieval State PRERADOVI? VUK > Crusades, East & West Prespectives RAY LESLIE (Elizabeth) ? REINECKE ALESIA > Medieval Infrastructure & Black Death SCIASCI NICHOLAS (Nico) > The Multicultural Society of Frederick II in Southern Italy: Arabs in a Christian Kingdom SHAPIRO TESS > The Role of Medieval Libraries: Keeping Knoweledge Alive SHASTRI NEHA > political purpose of founding cities, most named Alexandria. Your title could be: “Alexandrias Everywhere: Urban Imprinting of Greekness in the East." SIDOTI BARBARA > Charlemagne and the Legacy of carolingians: the division SOSA SALVADOR > Starting the Spanish Empire….. TRUSLOW HANNAH > Venice and the 4th Crusade: Commerce and Conquest WILSON JESSICA > Tax System & Publicani in the Augustan Era F 12 Dec. Review Session for the Final Exam No reading Paper DUE W 17 Dec. FINAL EXAM: 1pm- 3pm
M 8 Dec. HOLIDAY - class held on Friday 12 Dec. W 10 Dec. Politics, Religion and the Creation of the New Nation-States in Europe. Reading in Coffin (909.09 COF), at the Library, Chapter 14: Religious Wars and State Building, 1540–1660 > Presentations, 2nd batch TATJANA > Evolution of the Serbian Medieval State VUK > Crusades, East & West Perspectives LESLIE (Elizabeth) ? ALESIA > Medieval Infrastructure & Black Death NICHOLAS > The Multicultural Society of Frederick II in Southern Italy: TESS > The Role of Medieval Libraries: Keeping Knoweledge Alive NEHA > Political purpose of founding cities, most named Alexandria. BARBARA > Charlemagne and the Legacy of carolingians: the division SALVADOR > Starting the Spanish Empire….. HANNAH > Venice and the 4th Crusade: Commerce and Conquest JESSICA > Tax System & Publicani in the Augustan Era F 12 Dec. Review Session for the Final Exam No reading Paper DUE W 17 Dec. FINAL EXAM: 1pm- 3pm
Monasteries & monasticism Cordoba (Arist. before F) Monasteries & knowledge Universities How did the recovery of classical learning affect medieval intellectual life? & the Renaissance? 600-1100 Monasteries & monasticism
Monasteries & monasticism Cordoba (Arist. before F) Monasteries & knowledge Universities How did the recovery of classical learning affect medieval intellectual life? & the Renaissance? 1000-1200 Cordoba (Arist. before F)
Monasteries & monasticism Cordoba (Arist. before F) Monasteries & knowledge Universities How did the recovery of classical learning affect medieval intellectual life? & the Renaissance? 1100-1300 Monasteries & knowledge
Monasteries & monasticism Cordoba (Arist. before F) Monasteries & knowledge Universities How did the recovery of classical learning affect medieval intellectual life? & the Renaissance?
> MA, a time of parallel worlds in Europe > Renaissance of trade, first cities, the Crusades restore trading routes, then expansion and exploration> Cities: birth of the bourgeoisie, social issues(burghers)> Political systems in the MA: France, England and Germany> Christianity and Jerusalem…
The World of the cities> birth of the bourgeoisie, social issues(burghers)> plagues> universities> banks & trade, foreign relations> cathedrals and religion (relics)(Romanic vs. Gothic)> Renaissance