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WHAT ARE UFO’s. UFOs are unidentified flying objects, but no one really knows what they are. Many researchers (called "ufologists") have theories about what UFOs might be, but because no one can examine a UFO in a scientific laboratory, all of these ideas are really only educated guesses. We can offer a definition of UFOs, however, that you may find useful when you study the subject: A UFO is the reported sighting of an object or light seen in the sky or on land, whose appearance, trajectory, actions, motions, lights, and colors do not have a logical, conventional, or natural explanation, and which cannot be explained
What do UFOs look like ? How fast do they move ? UFOs come in all shapes and sizes. Some are only small spots of light that move in strange patterns across the night sky. These are called nocturnal lights (NLs) and are the most commonly reported type of UFO. Faraway objects, often disk- or saucer-shaped, seen in the daytime are called daylight disks (DDs). When UFOs approach much nearer to witnesses (within 500 feet), these sightings are called close encounters. There are three types of close encounters, designated as CE-1, CE-2, and CE-3. (Abductions are sometimes referred to as CE-4s.) During close encounters, witnesses report seeing UFOs that are shaped like saucers, boomerangs, spheres, diamonds, cigars, triangles, or other strange shapes. They have bright lights, sometimes white or red, other times multicolored. The reported speed of UFOs varies dramatically. UFOs can hover silently for a long time then instantaneously fly off at great speeds--certainly much faster than conventional aircraft. They can move slowly across the sky, or perform unbelievable maneuvers, such as right angle turns, at incredibly high speeds. We do not know what powers UFOs, or why they have such maneuverability. ((CLOSE ENCOUNTER –CE))
When did people first see UFOs ? Many UFO researchers argue that UFOs have appeared throughout history. There are many myths, legends, and stories that tell of strange things seen in the sky or beings who came from the sky to help humans develop civilization. Because modern scholars cannot directly check the facts of these stories, it is impossible to determine if these are accurate reports of true events. During World War II pilots saw strange, glowing balls of light flying beside their airplanes. They called these lights "foo fighters," a term based on an expression ("where there's foo, there's fire") from Smokey Stover, a popular comic strip at the time. At first the Allied command believed the foo-fighters were secret German weapons or surveillance devices.
How can you recognize a UFO hoax ? Although tens of thousands of UFOs have been reported over the past forty years, less than 1% have been shown to be hoaxes. For the most part, competent UFO investigators have been able to recognize hoaxes almost immediately. The most common type of UFO hoax is a prank balloon, which involves tying a flare or candle to a helium-filled balloon. On rare occasions elaborate hoaxes have been perpetrated, necessitating a more extensive investigation. To eliminate the possibility that a UFO report is a hoax, one must examine the credibility of the witnesses, the details of the report, and any physical evidence, especially photographs. The UFO report to determine if there are any unbelievable claims or glaring inconsistencies. For example, are there elements in the report similar to those found in science fiction or so unusual that they do not appear in other UFO accounts? Does the witness claim to have seen the UFO many times, although other witnesses cannot be found? Does the witness claim that important evidence is mysteriously missing or taken by unknown "government agents"? While such facts may not prove a hoax, they can cast doubt on the report and must be considered during the investigation.
What do aliens look like, and where do they come from ? Because we do not know for certain that UFOs are spacecraft, we cannot be sure aliens are visiting the earth from other planets. Many ufologists argue that there is enough evidence to show that UFOs are really spacecraft operated by intelligent aliens. Among the reports of encounters with aliens (Close Encounters of the Third Kind, or CE-3s), there is a wide variety of descriptions. There are many theories about where aliens come from, but there is no absolute proof. Some speculate that aliens come from other planets, while others suggest different dimensions. The idea that UFO beings are time travelers from our own future is also a possibility. The most intriguing clue about the origin of the aliens comes from the UFO .
Are people ever hurt by UFOs ? People occasionally report feeling pain or receiving an injury during a UFO encounter or abduction. Physical effects include eye irritation, sunburn, skin cuts, and sickness. After the experience, witnesses may have nightmares and feel anxious, and they may undergo personality changes or changes in their beliefs about important life issues. Witnesses, especially abductees, claim later UFO encounters and other experiences with the paranormal, such as poltergeist activity or the development of psychic powers.
What is an IFO ? An IFO is an Identified Flying Object. In essence, it is a natural or man-made object that people reported as a UFO. About 90%-95% of all UFO reports prove to be IFOs, after an examination of the evidence by a trained investigator. People report natural or conventional objects as UFOs because they do not recognize them as such, due to unusual environmental conditions, ignorance, or the rarity of a natural event. For example, people have reported the planet Venus as a UFO, unaware of how bright the planet can appear at certain times of the year. Stars near the horizon are sometimes reported as UFOs because atmospheric turbulence and thermals (columns of warm air) cause them to twinkle rapidly in red and blue colors. Stars may also appear to dart back and forth because of autokinesis. This is a psychological phenomenon in which a person's eye movements create the illusion that a bright object seen in the dark without a frame of reference is moving.
What theories do researchers have to explain UFO reports ? There are three general theories that try to explain UFOs. They may be: The products of intelligent beings. Unusual but natural phenomena. The result of people's need for a comforting or challenging belief system.
UFO Behavior Aliens in their UFOs will behave in a different manner depending on what sort of mission they are tasked. All currently available data is summarized in the following points. UFOs will ALWAYS head to their mission locale (as listed in the Hyper-Wave Decoder information) at top speed and then initiate one of the following behaviors depending on the mission: Most UFOs will slow down continuously as they prepare to land. Check the altitude to try and guess when and where they're going to land. Certain missions are done by several ships instead of just one. These are Alien Base and Alien Infiltration missions. Alien Research mission UFOs will slow down significantly and do several slow sweeps as they probe for data, also landing for brief periods. Alien Harvest and Alien Abduction missions will sweep an area at moderate speed and land multiple times .
Is there intelligent life on other planets ? Although the Center for UFO Studies is not specifically involved in the search for intelligent life on other planets, the idea that some UFOs are alien spacecraft makes this question somewhat relevant to ufology. While there have been many fanciful tales about life on other planets, most scientists search for intelligent life by using radio telescopes tuned to detect the emissions of other technologically advanced civilizations. (Projects involving the search for extraterrestrial intelligence are referred to by the acronym SETI.) One of the first organized attempts to discover extraterrestrial life was Project Ozma (named after the queen of Oz), which was initiated by the American radio astronomer, Frank Drake. The project tuned its telescopes to detect radio emissions from nearby sun-like stars, such as Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. Although signals proving the existence of intelligent life were never detected, valuable information about the universe was discovered. Despite the lack of success in discovering extraterrestrial signals, most astronomers consider the probability for extraterrestrial life to be very high. This conclusion is based on the Drake equation . Seven factors are used in the equation to determine the probable number of technological civilizations able and willing to transmit and receive radio signals. These factors include the rate of star birth, number of planets around a star, planets with life, supporting environments, intelligent life, communicating societies, and civilization life span.
Is there any intelligent civilization in the universe.You want proof , here we go.
The Earth Size UFO Entering The SUN. The Explanation Is I Believe The Object May Be Inter Galactic Ship From An Advanced Civilization. They Appear To Be Under Intelligent Control. They Don’t Compare To Be Act In A Natural Way That you Would Expect From Cosmological Object:- (Metaphysics That Deals With The Nature of The Universe, A Theory Describing the Natural Order of The Universe) Like Comets OR Meteorites And So On.
The Closer Image Of UFO Entering The SUN
Planet size Object Entering The SUN, Why ? Alien Space Craft Deliberately Crashing Into The Sun, It’s An Incredible Theory. But Why Were They Do It ?
The Answer Is An Astronomical Record. If We Look Around the World, Or Talk About The Ancient SANSKRIT, Or If We Talk About Ancient Civilization. They All Talked About “SUN-GOD” So They Use Our SUN As A Gateway. If You Are An Advanced Civilization, Now Here On I Am Talking About Very Very Advenced Civilization.
Could This Explain The Sun Or Behavior, The Change In Sun Body Or Solar Flair Activity Being Caused By Alien Ship. The Solar Flair appears Right After The Object Impact’s The Sun To Be Clear That Two Absolute Related. Sun Flair Most Like A Shot Wave Resulting From Penetration Of The Objects Through The Surface Of The Sun.
In This Picture We Can Clearly See That They Enter First & Come Out At Any Gateway In The Universe. Is Our SUN Is A Part Of Inter Galactic Highway Being Used By Alien Traffic. Are they Responsible For Disturbing The Nature Cycle & Threatening The Earth. If We Look For Alien Civilization, We Look For Energy Consumption.
Might Be There Are Three Types Of Civilization Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 C I V I L I Z A T I O N
Type 1 Civilization:- Has The Power of Entire Planet They Control Weather They Mind Ocean They Control Earthquake ((Example Of Type 1 Civilization Being Resembling A Planet In Space))
Type 2 Civilization:- Control The Output Of Star They Play With Star They Are Endless They Are Everlasting Even The Death Of Their SUN Is Not A Problem They Can Move Their Planet OR They Can Find New Star In Space
Type 3 Civilization:- Is Galactic They Control The Energy Output Of Entire STAR They Can Use The Plank Energy That Energy Use As A Gateway To Enter Our Universe To Another STAR+GALAXIES+PLANET=Only Platform For Advanced Civilization *PLANK ENERGY= is the unit of energy in the system of natural units known as Planck units. Where the speed of light in a vacuum is the reduced Planck's constant and G is the gravitational constant. *GATEWAY= A gateway is a theoretical passage through space-time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe.
What are we Do We Have Power To Control Our Planet ? Are We Type2 To Control Our Star ? Are We Type3 That We Control Galaxies ? The Answer Is We Are Type0 Because We Got Our Energy From Dead Plants, Oil & Coal. How Long It Takes To Become Type1 Civilization. MAY Be 100 Years From Now, We Are Just The Beginning Part. THINK ABOUT IT
The 75% Of Dark Energy Is Not In Used Till Now. The idea centers on how matter and energy falling into a black hole could in theory come out a "white hole" in another universe. Our universe could have itself formed from inside a black hole existing inside another universe. If our universe was born from a black hole in another universe, it would be impossible to cross its event boundary and see the other side. So was that universe born from a black hole in another universe, and so on ? It's a problem of an infinite number of universes. That's a very reasonable criticism.
Type three khoj Higher Middle And Lower Planetary System. Star, Galaxies, Planets=Platform For Advanced Civilization Type1, Type2, Type3 Civilization Three Laws Of Gravity We Know The Third Eye Of God Sun, Moon And Earth The Sound Om Is Word THREE THESE ALL ARE THE EXAMPLE OF TYPE THREE KHOj
Different level of contact Home signed, Missing People since 1960. Since that time nothing been solved They have different categorized these type of things. The Encounter Of First Kind:- When You See UFO. The Encounter Of Second Kind:- When You See Evidence Of It Crop Circle, Radiations. The Encounter Of Third Kind:- When You Make Contact. The Encounter Of Fourth Kind:- When They Abduct You. ABDUCT:- The unlawful carrying away, the condition of being abducted. to seize(to take prisoner) and take away (as a person) by force. Since 1960 more than 2000 visits report by FBI. The highest in Alaska, Second in Anchorage. In Anchorage there 353 visits report.
The khoj In the Puranas the ancient Vedic histories there are statements like: It is known that above the three planetary systems Bhur, Bhuvah and Swah, the planetary system of Maharloka is far superior to the Earth; but if periodic destruction is anyway applicable to all material planetary systems then what is the special distinction. In this material world we find that everything is temporary. It comes into being, stays for some time, produces some by-products, dwindles and then vanishes. That is the law of the material world, whether we use as an example this body, or a piece of fruit or anything. But beyond this temporary world there is another world of which we have information. That world consists of another nature, which is sanatana eternal. Jivan is also described as sanatana eternal. We have an intimate relationship with Very Advanced Civilization and because Of course we have a material conception of the sky, and we think of it in relationship to the sun, moon, stars and so on, but in this verse the Lord states that in the eternal sky there is no need for the sun nor for the moon nor electricity or fire of any kind because the spiritual sky is already illuminated by the Super Natural Power, the rays emanating from the Supreme Advanced Civilization. We are trying with difficulty to reach other planets we are all qualitatively one. Yet Bhagavad-Gita does not advise us to go to any of the planets in this material world, because even if we go to Brahmaloka, the highest planet, through some sort of mechanical contrivance by maybe traveling for forty thousand years (and who would live that long?), we will still find the material inconveniences of birth, death, disease and old age. But one who wants to approach the supreme planet. In this material segment there are millions and billions of universes with trillions of planets and suns, stars and moons. The living entities are traveling from one planet to another, but it is not that we can go to any planet we like merely by a mechanical arrangement. If we desire to go to highest planet, The moon, the sun and higher planets are called Svargaloka. There are three different statuses of planets: higher, middle and lower planetary systems. The earth belongs to the middle planetary system. process for going there.
The khoj July 20th 1969 first man landed on moon and planning for the mars, if human can travel across planet then why not other beings could visit earth?, if they are then where is the proof ? Actually there was. Ancient humans misunderstood aliens as a god because lack of knowledge about technology. As per First book of Moses, Moses was ordered to build the gate around the mountain before god descents otherwise Israelis will be vanished, why god needs gate to protect Israelis? Bhagwat Gita, is most valued Sanskrit text in India, In the book there is a description of flying machine called Vimanas, vimanas are made of metal they can appear at two locations at a time and moves without any sounds, which is similar to the modern UFO sightings, similar descriptions found in other Indian books like Mahabharata, Rigveda, Ramayana, there are description of some flying machines which can point a light on target and consume its power, they can disappear, and some flying machines are huge in size those described as a flying city, this descriptions are similar to the modern laser equipments and the space station or mother-ships, Indian gods used these flying machines for battle and Indian accepts there gods are not a earthly beings, they are from sky also they believe there gods created this universe.
Connections between Krishna and extraterrestrial life July 20th 1969 first man landed on moon and planning for the mars, if human can travel across planet then why not other beings could visit earth?, if they are then where is the proof ? Actually there was. Ancient humans misunderstood aliens as a god because lack of knowledge about technology. As per First book of Moses, Moses was ordered to build the gate around the mountain before god descents otherwise Israelis will be vanished, why god needs gate to protect Israelis? Bhagwat Gita, is most valued Sanskrit text in India, In the book there is a description of flying machine called Vimanas, vimanas are made of metal they can appear at two locations at a time and moves without any sounds, which is similar to the modern UFO sightings, similar descriptions found in other Indian books like Mahabharata, Rigveda, Ramayana, there are description of some flying machines which can point a light on target and consume its power, they can disappear, and some flying machines are huge in size those described as a flying city, this descriptions are similar to the modern laser equipments and the space station or mother-ships, Indian gods used these flying machines for battle and Indian accepts there gods are not a earthly beings, they are from sky also they believe there gods created this universe.