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Irish Project

Irish Project. Typology Approach for Building Stock Energy Assessment Michael Hanratty, IHER Energy Services Energy Action Conference, 6 th February 2012.

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Irish Project

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  1. Irish Project Typology Approach for Building Stock Energy AssessmentMichael Hanratty, IHER Energy ServicesEnergy Action Conference, 6th February 2012 "The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein."

  2. Irish Project Irish TABULA Co-funders "The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein."

  3. What is the aim of TABULA ? • TABULA aims to create a harmonised structure for European Building Typologies • Focus on residential buildings, but considerations also include non-residential buildings • 13 European countries take part in the project to create a National Building Typology based on the general approach • Duration: June 2009 – May 2012 • Energy Action represents Ireland on the TABULA project

  4. Expected results • National data by each partner: • typical values for thermal envelope areas, U-values, performance of supply systems • frequencies of building and system types in the national stock • energy saving measures on two levels: calibration factors for adaptation of calculated to measured consumption • Energy saving potential for measures on the two different levels - “standard” and “advanced”, calculated with national methods and simplified common method.

  5. Main deliverables • National Building Typology Brochures / Booklets for each country overview of the energy performance of typical buildings and the possible energy saving by refurbishment measures / target groups: national experts, energy consultants, house owners, ... • Building Typology Webtool Datasets of building and system types from all countries + measures + online calculation (common energy performance calculation method) target group: experts involved in European / international projects

  6. The Irish TABULA Project • Identify 25-40 national house/dwelling types • Detailed analysis of each house type • Model using DEAP and simplified common TABULA method • Model each type for both (1) standard and (2) advanced improvements • Present overview of each type on TABULA Webtool and via brochures/ booklet • Identify frequency of main house types to model national housing stock A National Advisory for TABULA includes representatives from Government Departments (DCENR, DOEHLG), Local Authorities (DCC, SDCC, DLR), ESB, ESRI and several consultants

  7. Overview of Irish Housing Stock Source: Census 2006

  8. Defining the Irish Typology in TABULA.xls • Appendix S of DEAP Methodology used as starting point • Exposed Wall U Values for different age bands • SEAI provided breakdown of 115,000 BER certs published by September 2010

  9. Exposed Wall U Values

  10. Irish Age Bands - based on Appendix S Data from SEAI: September 2010

  11. Irish Age Bands - based on Appendix S Same table by percentages Data from SEAI: September 2010

  12. Irish Age Bands - based on Appendix S Certain wall types in selected age bands were minimal and could be ignored Data from SEAI: September 2010

  13. Irish Dwelling types have been categorised and coded to create the Irish building typology for TABULA • 29 Irish house types • 5 Irish apartment types • Buildings from all EU countries have been coded in TABULA.xls

  14. Building age coding Five distinct building construction age bands have been selected to cover Irish dwelling types.

  15. Construction type coding Range of additional parameters have been selected to cover construction types

  16. Irish TABULA House Types within Appendix S Age Bands & Wall Types

  17. TABULA Building Matrix of Irish Dwellings

  18. Standard Measures (Stage 1)Based on SEAI Better Energy Homes Standard All of these improvement measures are coded in TABULA.xls

  19. Advanced Measures: (Stage 2) Proposal Stage 2 is an advancement on SEAI Better Energy Homes Scheme U Values based on Part L 2011

  20. Refurbishment Analysis Results (based on SEAI DEAP Calculation)

  21. TABULA Brochures of Typical Irish Dwellings

  22. External Wall Insulation to 2 neighbouring bungalows in Malahide in 2010 • House A: Had 85% efficient oil boiler and limited heating controls • House B: Had old Potterton gas boiler (68% efficient), limited heating controls • Walls and roofs were insulated to 2008 Building Regulations but neither house had floor insulation

  23. TABULA Webtool http://webtool.building-typology.eu/webtool/tabula.html?c=all

  24. TABULA Webtool Click on your Irish house type for full details…..

  25. TABULA Webtool You can select Polish buildings

  26. TABULA Webtool Or Czech buildings or……………. wherever you like

  27. Then click on your heating system option……

  28. Lots of calculation data is provided for the 3 stages… …here is energy needed for heating

  29. You can review the energy balance for the building fabric and the heating system for the existing building….

  30. National Brochures The TABULA webtool also provides background calculation data for the building and the heating system at all stages. …. This is all within the Standard version of the webtool .. .there will be a more advanced level version too!

  31. Comparing TABULA Results to data in SEAI’s Database of 225,00 BERs Source: SEAI, October 2011 • BER database includes many houses that have received grant-supported upgrades • TABULA house type are based on one specific fuel type

  32. Refurbishment Rates from SEAI Better Energy Homes (including HES, WHS, GHS) 2007-2011

  33. Conclusions & Recommendations • The Irish BER database is a rich resource of Irish building energy statistical data. However, it is not a scientific source of research data. • Deeper analysis by cross-referencing the BER database to Irish TABULA types: • will provide further insights into retrofitting policy and practice • will enable a national energy balance to be developed • Building data within the Irish census needs to be matched with building energy performance methodologies • A national house condition survey is critical to track the energy performance levels of Irish housing stock

  34. Final Steps • TABULA International Expert Workshop"Energy Assessment of National Housing Stocks - Building Typologies will take place on Wednesday, 29th February 2012 in framework of the "World Sustainable Energy Days 2012„ in Wels / AUSTRIA – YOU Are all welcome! • A master report containing all Irish brochures will be published by end February 2012 • Scientific Report of Irish Tabula project will be developed by end April 2012 • The Irish typology will hopefully be further developed and expanded after the programme finishes in May 2012

  35. Irish Project www.building-typology.eu www.iher.ie 01 4548300 michael@iher.ie "The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not represent the opinion of the Community. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein."

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