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WHY PAKISTAN IS NOT DEVELOPING. Group Members: Muhammad Usman 10-NTU-5060 Muhammad Ali 10-NTU-5037 Ateeq-ur-Rehman 10-NTU-5017 Ghulam Awais 10-NTU-5022 Abu Zar Khan 10-NTU-5007.
WHY PAKISTAN IS NOT DEVELOPING Group Members: Muhammad Usman 10-NTU-5060 Muhammad Ali 10-NTU-5037 Ateeq-ur-Rehman 10-NTU-5017 GhulamAwais 10-NTU-5022 Abu Zar Khan 10-NTU-5007
As you know the fellows even after the creation of its 62 years Pakistan still underdeveloped as compare to the other countries. I'm going to discuss the hurdles in Pakistan's progress path: • Injustice • Lack of Education • Improper Utilization of Natural Resources • Unemployment • Lack of Leadership
Injustice • Injustice is a violation of a person’s rights. • Injustice is like cancer. If it is not contained, it spreads. • If it is not treated it kills the human spirit
Justice in PAKISTAN is only for those who have the approach and power over the LAW • The system of providing justice in PAKISTAN is very poor, slow and require a lot of efforts to remove these drawbacks.
Justice should not be provided on the basis of approach and Status etc. • Justice should be provided to the every person with out discrimination and in time because a very famous saying is ”Justice delayed is justice denied”.
Lack of Education • Government has a non serious attitude towards education. The total budget of education is 1.5% to 2% of the total GDP • Due to this fact our education system still remain at the same place after 63 years.
There are 3 types education system running in our country Private, Government and Madressahs. • There is lot of difference between these system, in their syllabus and environment
There is lack of awareness among the people about the importance of education. • Poverty is also cause of education because the people cant bear the expense of quality education.
Government should take serious steps to provide quality education to those who cant afford it • In this way we can progress towards our goal.
Under utilization of natural resources • Natural Resources are very important for the development and prosperity of a country. • The progress of a country totally depends upon the utilization of the available resources, but not so in PAKISTAN.
The current natural resources are going to be end due to the mis-used of these resources,
Pakistan have no such advance technologies to discover these natural resources. • Due to lack of capital and limited size of the market and sluggish nature of the people
Government should take serious steps to discover these natural treasures, so that PAKISTAN may progress economically • Make more investments • Trained man power • Hire the latest technologies
Un-employment • Its the major factor that distract the development of Pakistan • In Pakistan the rate of un-employment is 5.6% due to less opportunity and no investment because of political instability.
Due to un-employment rate of crime also increases, person who have no job they start doing robbing, snatching, kidnapping, etc.
Due to un-employment rate of suicides also increases, because they are demotivated by the surroundings and they lose the hope of living. So that’s why they took this swear step.
Government should provide such an atmosphere to convince foreign investors to make investment in PAKISTAN to decrease the un-employment rate. • Government should provide opportunities by establishing new sector.
Lack of leader Ship “No person can be a great leader unless he takes genuine joy in the successes of those under him” • We had a only one Great leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah
After the Death of Quaid-e-Azam we lost the real Leader. After it we are still in search Of Leader like him, because now a Days the leaders in our country are only leader of their own self they have nothing to do with the poor nation of Pakistan.
Pakistan Nation deeply need Strong, Energetic and Motivating Leader ship. “Set Your Goals High and don’t stop Till you get there”
The solution of this problem is in the hand of Pakistani nation because they should choose now the person who they think have capabilities to become leader. Not the leader of words but the leader of actions.