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Technology Readiness Considerations for Implementation of On-Line Assessments in Ohio’s K-12 School Buildings

Technology Readiness Considerations for Implementation of On-Line Assessments in Ohio’s K-12 School Buildings. March 2013 Ohio Department of Education Management Council • Ohio Education Computer Network. Agenda. Goals of the Presentation & Disclaimer PARCC Background

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Technology Readiness Considerations for Implementation of On-Line Assessments in Ohio’s K-12 School Buildings

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  1. Technology Readiness Considerations for Implementation of On-Line Assessments in Ohio’s K-12 School Buildings March 2013 Ohio Department of Education Management Council • Ohio Education Computer Network
  2. Agenda Goals of the Presentation & Disclaimer PARCC Background 3 Key On-Line Assessment Technology Components Readiness Steps / Deployment Models / Rotation Cycles Client Computing Assets Local Area Network Wide Area Network PARCC Tools Questions/Answers
  3. Technology Readiness Goals of This Presentation & Disclaimer Goals: Provide an overview of the technology components needed for the implementation of on-line assessments Help districts understand their possible technology options for deploying on-line assessments Provides information and tools for districts to prepare and implement for both on-line learning and on-line assessment Disclaimer: The presentation considers various technology components necessary to implement on-line assessments using various deployment models. PARCC standards and implementation policies have not been finalized and therefore the conclusions drawn in this presentation are subject to change. Budgetary estimates are for illustrative purposes only – actual costs may vary based on vendor selection and other factors. This presentation does not consider additional investments likely to be needed in software, staff support, management tools, or training. Acknowledgement: Many thanks to the staff of the Ohio Department of Education, Management Council of the Ohio Education Computer Network, and eTech Ohio Commission for their collaboration and input into this toolkit.
  4. Background Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) 22-state consortium working together to develop next-generation K-12 assessments in English and math Funded through a $186m grant from USDOE Race to the Top assessment competition – one time funding 24 million students PARCC Goals Builds a pathway to college and career readiness for all students Creates high-quality assessments that measure the full range of Common Core Standards Supports educators in the classroom Makes better use of technology in assessments, and Advances accountability at all levels
  5. 3 Key On-line Assessment Technology Components PARCC Hosting Provider Servers Internet Ohio K-12 Network .3 – 1Mbps .06 to .2 Mbps Clients While the final form of the on-line assessments’ software architecture has not yet been fully decided by PARCC, it is clear that the on-line assessments will be delivered over the Internet from a centrally hosted provider serving all PARCC consortia member states. In this delivery model it is likely that the PARCC assessment developer will implement a client-server architecture using either purpose-built client applications that are designed and compiled for individual computing device operating systems such as Windows, OS-X, Android or iOS; or designed for contemporary web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome or Firefox. Given the complexity and cost of developing unique software clients for the various and multiple operating systems types and versions, we conclude that is highly probable that web-browser enabled client delivery is the likely choice of PARCC’s assessment developer. This architecture is likely to use web browsers with various complimentary plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, HTML5 or other such tools needed to deliver multi-media assessment content that includes full-motion video, audio, and animation. Based on tests of on-line sample assessments from the Smarter Balance consortia – we estimate bandwidth requirements of between .06 and .2Mbps per item, per student. With assessment delivery expected over the Internet, the following primary technology system components are required for on-line assessment delivery: Client Computing Devices Local Area Networks Broadband Building Connectivity A single PARCC on-line assessment session is likely to require between.06 and .2Mbps
  6. Technology Readiness Steps
  7. On-line Assessment Deployment Models The availability, age and location of existing technology assets in Ohio’s schools will influence what on-line assessment model school districts implement. Deployment Model 1: Whole Building: The Whole Building deployment model utilizes a 1:1 computing model – 1 computer per student – to enable on-line assessments for all students concurrently. The primary benefit of this model is that it provides for a shorter testing lifecycle of approximately two days. This model requires the most technology, and therefore capital to implement. In addition to higher quantities of computing devices, concurrent use increases both local area network and broadband connectivity costs. Deployment Model 2: Classroom Rotation: The Classroom Rotation model utilizes computing devices within school classrooms to conduct on-line assessments. While the number of computers per classroom varies by district and building, many classrooms have five computers. These tend to be desktop computers connected to wired local area networks. The primary benefit of this model is leveraging current and past district and state investments in technology, and a medium-length testing. This model results in lower capital costs for devices, networks and broadband connectivity than DM1, as fewer devices are needed. Deployment Model 3: Lab Rotation: The Lab Rotation model utilizes computing devices in fixed computing lab locations or mobile carts that can be moved from classroom to classroom. These labs typically include 25 to 30 computing devices that would support a single class taking an on-line assessment concurrently. Fixed lab locations are typically desktop computers connected to wired local area networks. Mobile labs are typically laptop computers temporarily connected to the buildings wired LAN via a wireless access point inserted in the classroom. The primary benefit of this model is the ability to provide whole-class testing without investing in a 1:1 initiative. This model has the lowest capital outlay, due to reduced computing devices, and lower bandwidth consumption of local area networks and building broadband connections. The majority of schools that have implemented computer labs also have classroom-based technologies. Therefore, a combination of deployment models utilizing both a Classroom and Lab Rotation Model are possible. This Presentation does not consider this fourth deployment option.
  8. Factors Influencing Choice of A Deployment Model
  9. Planned On-Line Assessment Lifecycle Influences Choice of Deployment Model LEAs should anticipate that each assessment– PBAs and EoYA’s - will be completed in a mandated 20 day calendar window. For example, a 20 school day testing window (4 weeks) for all students Districts should anticipate that each assessment is likely to take at a minimum two-days per student, especially after bell, recess and lunch factors are considered. The MCOECN Planning Tool will help district determine how may days and rotations are needed for PBA and EOY assessments. Assuming a maximum number of assessment days and a 2 day testing rotation cycle, the maximum number of testing rotations is 10 (10 x 2 = 20 days) For a 2-day rotation, tote that a 9-Rotation and 10-Rotation Cycle requires groups to be split over a weekend boundary Shorter rotations of 1-5 days consumes less instructional time and is less management-intensive, and provide districts more “make-up” days Shorter rotations are likely to be the goal for most LEAs
  10. How many days and sessions (rotations) are needed? Use the Rotations Estimator to determine the number of days necessary to complete the PBA or EOY assessments, each within a 20-day calendar window Use these adjustments to shorten the length of each assessment session: Reduce the planned additional time per session Reduce the transition time between sessions Use these adjustments to lengthen the available AM or PM blocks of available testing time: Reduce or eliminate scheduled recesses Shorten lunch period Lengthen the school day by changing the first bell or dismissal time If these adjustments do not provide sufficient time to complete assigned assessment session within an available AM or PM time block on a given school day (goal is all green or red close to 0) – assign testing sessions to an additional day rotation (e.g. 2 to 3 days) Once the number of days and rotations is determined, use the computers worksheet to estimate the number of computers needed to complete the rotation schedule
  11. LEAs can predict the number of client devices they will need based on the number of planned assessment cycle rotations The number of rotations can be different for each school building as long as all students in required grades 3-11 complete the required assessment in the testing window, e.g. “20 days” The number of client devices needed serves as a planning target for schools to determine whether existing computing assets are sufficient or additional devices are necessary The Computers planning worksheet shows the number of computers needed per building to complete a testing rotation. More days per rotation requires more computing devices Possible 2, 3 and 4-day rotations are shown on the worksheet
  12. Rotation Model and Deployment Model: 1:1 For districts that choose to implement the Whole Building/1:1 assessment model the number of computers required is indicated in columns D&E on the Computers tab in the workbook
  13. Rotation Model and Deployment Model: Classrooms Classroom scheduling is the most complex to implement. This is due to different class sizes and potentially different quantities of computers in each classroom First determine the planned assessment rotation – 1, 2, 3 or 4 days using the Rotation worksheet Use the Computers worksheet to enter Classrooms instead of buildings The worksheet will indicate the number of computers needed to complete a 1, 2, 3 or 4 day rotation within the allotted 20 day testing window In the example above, a 3-Day testing rotation, with 5 computers in each classroom would require 6 additional computers, with two classrooms requiring 2 additional computers each and two classrooms requiring 1 additional computer each. In a 2-Day testing rotation, with 5 rotations, 1 additional computer is needed for 1 classroom
  14. Rotation Model and Deployment Model: Labs The lab worksheet estimates the total number of labs required to complete a rotation schedule The WAPs only column estimates the number of classrooms that need a wireless access point based on the largest student class size – compare this total to the number of classrooms in a school building Labs can either be fixed locations within the school building or district, or mobile labs on a cart that are moved from classroom to classroom To accommodate all students in the largest class size taking the on-line assessments concurrently, the total number of computers in a computer lab should be equal to the largest class size for that school building Another alternative is to create one mobile lab equal to the largest class size, and make that lab available just to the largest class. This method complicates lab scheduling among and between classrooms
  15. Work backwards for each school building to determine whether existing computing assets meet the PARCC Minimum Standards Choice of a rotation cycle and the number of students determines the required number of needed client computing devices that meet the PARCC minimum standard For example, in a building with 347 students and a 2-day testing rotation of 5 groups of students would require 70 computers that meet the PARCC requirements Determine whether there are enough existing computers in the school building to achieve the desired rotation schedule, and whether they meet or exceed the current PARCC standards Acquire additional computers necessary to achieve the rotational cycle and/or do not meet the minimum PARCC standards PARCC Standards ≥
  16. On-line Assessment Technology Components Data based on 2010-2011 BETA Survey Client Computing Devices include desktop and laptop personal computers using the Windows, OSX or Linux operating systems and tablets based on iOS, Windows or Android operating systems. Generally speaking, mobile devices – either laptops or tablets – tend to be required to support 1:1 computing capability necessary to support all students taking on-line assessments concurrently in a school building. This is due to two factors – the lack of sufficient space to accommodate larger desktop PC sizes and the lack of sufficient wiring to connect desktop PCs to building local area networks. Mobile devices require less space and many utilize wireless local area network connectivity. There are over 605,000 personal computing devices in Ohio’s K-12 schools today. At least 28% are over 7 years old. As these assets reach the end of their useful life and fail, or PARCC technology standards require more advanced technology, these factors will require the purchase of new computing devices for on-line assessment. Of all necessary technology components for on-line assessment, client computing devices are the highest capital investment category.
  17. http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCCTechnologyGuidelinesDecember2012.pdf http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCCTechnologyGuidelinesDecember2012.pdf Current PARCC Technology Specifications
  18. Current PARCC Minimum CPU Specifications Windows XP Not Supported >4/8/14 Windows XP may require browser other than Internet Explorer to support HTML5 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/end-support-help Computers meeting only the minimum specifications for the 2014-2015 assessment are not likely to be compatible beyond the 2015-2016 assessment. PARCC recommends that schools upgrade from the oldest operating systems and memory levels as soon as possible All devices used for assessment must exceed the minimum requirements Notes:
  19. Current PARCC RecommendedCPU Specifications
  20. Other CPU Requirements
  21. On-line Assessment Technology Components 2011 Beta Wireless Responses Local Area Networks (LANs) connect computing devices to each other, and to building or district resources, the state’s K-12 broadband network, and the Internet. Wired LANs provide 100 or 1,000 Mbps of connectivity to fixed computing locations within a school building over structured cabling. Either are capable of supporting all three On-line assessment deployment models. Existing state programs from OSFC and prior programs such as SchoolNet ensure that public schools have access to wired LANs. Wireless LANs provide connectivity by sending radio frequencies to computing devices with built-in wireless fidelity or wi-fi radios. Currently available wireless LANs are capable of speeds of up to 600Mbps (802.11n), although the most common maximum installed today range from 11Mbs to 54Mbps (802.11a,b, &g). 54Mbps is necessary to support the whole-building assessment model, and in Ohio, only 20% of school buildings currently have this capacity installed on a building or campus-wide basis. Of reported buildings with wireless LANs, 47% have wireless technology that is seven years old, and 37% only have wireless access in limited areas of the school building (e.g. labs). For existing school buildings without building-wide wireless access, installation will likely require purchase of wired local area network switches capable of providing power over Ethernet (PoE)necessary to support installation of wireless access points in classrooms and other areas.
  22. Determine LAN Bandwidth Requirements 22
  23. On-line Assessment Technology Components 100Mbps 1.55Mbps Broadband Building Connectivityconnects computing devices connected to local area networks to the state’s K-12 network and the Internet. High capacity broadband connectivity is needed to support multiple student connections to the PARCC assessment system concurrently. 80% of school buildings in the state have broadband building connections of 100Mbps or greater. These buildings have sufficient broadband access to support all assessment deployment models. Buildings in the state with restricted broadband capacity with between 50 and Mbps and no additional building broadband traffic can support all three deployment models. Severely restricted buildings (6%) can support the Lab deployment and potentially the classroom model if they have 5 to 10Mbps. This also will have to manage their non-assessment Internet bandwidth during test deployment to ensure adequate capacity is reserved for testing. Buildings with less than 2Mbps of broadband building capacity will require upgrades to support any model.
  24. Determine WAN Bandwidth Requirements Use the Building Broadband worksheet to estimate the amount of peak bandwidth needed for different deployment and rotational models Peak bandwidth assumes all students in the deployment and rotations test concurrently Schools should plan to reduce non-assessment Internet traffic during testing sessions Schools can reduce the necessary building bandwidth with caching technology
  25. Other Thoughts: PARCC Security Lock down operating system and application specific features and functions: Local Area Network Connectivity Bluetooth DNS Service/IP Addressing Built-in Cameras Screen Captures Application switching Electronic Mail Instant Messaging Printing While these are inherently “configurable” Operating System level functions, a client OS platform management capability will be required to configure, manage and monitor these functions for all testing devices across a school district’s installed base of client devices– unless the school wants to manually configure each computing device. Use of these management tools on student-provided computing devices will require the school to configure and manage an asset owned by the student, likely requiring a change in the schools acceptable use policy. Many tools are NOT cross-platform!
  26. Technology Management Complexity Use server-hosted virtual desktops to configure and manage a unique environment for all students regardless of platform with or without Client Management Tools Use education purpose-built tools to configure, manage and monitor student use. Expand client management to remote control and classroom presentation Leverage commercial client management platforms to configure and manage Configure each Client-OS and randomly monitor for changes
  27. Classroom Management- The Challenge of Homogeneity (or not)
  28. Helpful Resources PARCC Technology Readiness Tool Training Overview PARCC Technology Standards Macintosh Computers Grouped By CPU Type Timeline of Personal Computer Operating Systems Intel Processor History from Intel Intel Processor History from Wikipedia MCOECN Planning Spreadsheets
  29. Q&A Sam Orth Chief Technology Officer Management Council • Ohio Education Computer Network 8050 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43235 (614) 285-4465 orth@mcoecn.org www.mcoecn.org
  30. Supporting Slides
  31. Tablet Requirements
  32. Tablet Requirements
  33. Client Device Considerations
  34. DM1: Whole Building Technology Requirements 1:1 Computing – one client device per student Requires whole-building wired local area network at 100 or 1000 Mbps to support fixed personal computers with an Ethernet port – or – Requires whole-building wireless Ethernet local area network to support mobile computers or tablets in classrooms 802.11n providing 54mbps strongly recommended (802.11ac when available) 802.11g at 22mbps will provide marginal capability with some potential network latency Requires building broadband connection to state K-12 network 100Mbps strongly recommended 50 to 99Mbps will provide marginal capability with some potential network congestion. Non-assessment bandwidth least likely to have a negative impact on assessment 450 Client Devices Wireless Network Highest Capacity Building Broadband Connection Shortest Testing Lifecycle (1wk) 2010-2011 BETA Snapshot 366 or 12.82% of school buildings reported having 1:1 computing capabilities These buildings reported availability of 77,124 computers but had apprx. 153,977 students Only 48.5% of 1:1 buildings reported having building or campus-wide wireless networks needed to support connectivity for the entire school building 71% of 1:1 buildings reported having building connections ≥100Mbps Model Investment Implications New purchases of mobile computers or tablets by schools or parents are necessary to achieve 1:1 computing ratio Older personal computers may need to be upgraded depending on PARCC support of Windows XP and Macintosh OS v. 10.4/5 Buildings without campus or building-wide wireless access must be upgraded to support building-wide connectivity Buildings with a broadband connection less than 50Mbps will require upgrades to recommended 100Mbps or greater
  35. DM2: Classroom Rotation Technology Requirements 1:5 Computing – 5 Computers Per Classroom Requires whole-building wired local area network at 100 or 1000 Mbps to support fixed personal computers with an Ethernet port – or – Requires whole-building wireless Ethernet local area network to support mobile computers or tablets in classrooms 802.11n providing 54mbps encouraged (802.11ac when available) Existing 802.11g at 22mbps will provide sufficient capacity– acquire 802.11n or ac. Requires building broadband connection to state K-12 network >20Mbps strongly recommended 10 to 20Mbps will provide marginal capability with some potential network congestion Non-assessment bandwidth not likely to have a negative impact on assessment 90 Client Devices Wired Network Medium Capacity Building Broadband Connection Medium Testing Lifecycle (5wks) 2010-2011 BETA Snapshot 10.92% of buildings reported no 1:1 computing initiatives or access to computer labs Without additional investments in computing devices for 1:1 or computer labs, these buildings would utilize their in-classroom computers for on-line assessments. While the planning assumption assumes 5 computers per classroom, BETA reported student computer ratios indicate approx. ratios of: K-1 4.20 2-3 3.61 4-5 3.33 6-8 3.11 9-12 2.94 Avg 3.44 Model Investment Implications New purchases of computers or tablets by schools to achieve target classroom computer rations if necessary Older personal computers may need to be upgraded depending on PARCC support of Windows XP and Macintosh OS v. 10.4/5 Buildings without campus or building-wide wireless access must be upgraded to support building-wide connectivity if mobile classroom devices requirewireless connectivity Buildings with a broadband connection less than 10Mbps will require upgrades
  36. DM3: Lab Rotation Technology Requirements 1 Computer Lab of 25 devices per building Requires computer lab wired local area network at 100 or 1000 Mbps to support fixed personal computers with an Ethernet port – or – Requires wired building local area network with mobile wireless access point to support mobile computers or tablets in a classroom-based lab 802.11n providing 54mbps encouraged Existing 802.11g at 22mbps will provide sufficient capacity– acquire 802.11n or ac. Requires building broadband connection to state K-12 network >10Mbps strongly recommended 1.55 to 10Mbps will provide marginal capability with some potential network congestion Non-assessment bandwidth most likely to have a negative impact on assessment 25 Client Devices Wired Network Lowest Capacity Building Broadband Connection Longest Testing Lifecycle (16.7wks) 2010-2011 BETA Snapshot 76.3% of school buildings reported having one or more computer labs within existing school buildings These buildings reported availability of 165,305 computers dedicated for computer lab use Buildings with computer labs have existing local area network wiring needed to support broadband connectivity for fixed computer labs or to support mobile labs which can be moved from classroom to classroom Model Investment Implications New purchases of desktop or mobile computers or tablets are necessary to achieve desired fixed or mobile lab configuration Older personal computers may need to be upgraded depending on PARCC support of Windows XP and Macintosh OS v. 10.4/5 New mobile labs will require a mobile wireless access point Buildings with a broadband connection equal to 1.55Mbps may need to be upgraded
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