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Redparques: Protecting Latin America's Protected Areas in the Context of Climate Change

Learn about Redparques, the technical alliance of public institutions managing protected areas in Latin America, and their commitment to conservation and development in the face of climate change.

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Redparques: Protecting Latin America's Protected Areas in the Context of Climate Change

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  1. ProtectedAreasin thecontext of climatechange, solutions in theground and politicalcommittmentsfromLatinAmericaPaula Bueno - RedparquesSub-Regional Coordination, Andes- AmazonAnalizVergara, WWF NASCC11 May 2016

  2. WhatisRedparques? REDPARQUES is the technical alliance of public institutions in charge of the administration and management of protected areas of 19 Latin American countries. It is aimed at exchanging experiences and mutual strengthening in order to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity in the region and the development of the national systems of protected areas. The regional office of FAO in Chile serves a Technical Secretariat.

  3. What is Redparques? REDPARQUES Process REDPARQUES is the technical alliance of public institutions in charge of the administration and management of protected areas of 19 Latin American countries. Created for exchange experiences and mutual strengthening in order to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity in the region and the development of the national systems of protected areas. The regional office of FAO in Chile serves a Technical Secretariat. • Drafttextcirculatedto REDPARQUES MembersbyChair (SERNANP) (May 2015) • Discussions - email (May-August 2015) • REDPARQUES Council Meeting: signedby PA Agency Directors of 16 countries (Lima, August 2015) • Post- meeting: 2 more countries (August- December 2015) • Presentation at UNFCCC COP 21 (Paris, December 2015): sideevents, announcements of support (Colombia’s target of 2.5 M ha), officialsubmissiontoSecretariat, pressconference REDPARQUES, CBD, WWF.

  4. What is Redparques? ProtectedAreas and ClimateChangeDeclaration: Content and purpose REDPARQUES is the technical alliance of public institutions in charge of the administration and management of protected areas of 19 Latin American countries. Created for exchange experiences and mutual strengthening in order to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity in the region and the development of the national systems of protected areas. The regional office of FAO in Chile serves a Technical Secretariat. Protected areas to become part of the global efforts to address climate change → PAs provide key ecosystem services! 1949 PAs in Latin America that help: • Carbon sequestration • Provision of water • Sustain food production Commitments from LAC countries: • Design and manage PAs with climate change criteria • Promote participatory management of biodiversity • Include PAs in national adaptation/mitigation strategies • Monitor and report the contribution of PAs to CC adaptation/mitigation • Create awareness for people and decision-makers

  5. PAsDeclaration at COP 21

  6. PAsDeclaration at COP 21

  7. What is Redparques? Future Steps REDPARQUES is the technical alliance of public institutions in charge of the administration and management of protected areas of 19 Latin American countries. Created for exchange experiences and mutual strengthening in order to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity in the region and the development of the national systems of protected areas. The regional office of FAO in Chile serves a Technical Secretariat. • Supporting WCPA internationalizing of the Declaration, already initiated by an article in PARKS • Mainstreamprotectedareas in climatechangestrategies • Strengthencooperationforresilience of NPAS • Integrateprotectedareas in UNFCCC processes

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