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Join the holistic approach to health, wellbeing, and sustainability by incorporating them into mission, vision, and strategic plans of universities and colleges in Wales. Develop innovative approaches and drive change in society.
GrŵpTrawsbleidiol – AB a Sgiliau Dyfodol Cross Party Group – FE and Future Skills 19.02.2019
John Griffiths AC/AM Cadeirydd / Chair Aelod Cynulliad, Plaid Llafur Assembly Member, Labour Party
Simon Pirotte Pennaeth & PhrifWeithredwr, Coleg Penybont CEO & Principal, Bridgend College
Grŵp Trawsbleidiol ColegauCymru Cross Party Group 19 Chwefror 2019 / 19 February 2019 Simon Pirotte PrifWeithredwr / Pennaeth Principal / CEO Coleg Penybont / Bridgend College
Chris Deacy CyfarwyddwrCynorthwyol AD, PrifysgolFetropolitanCaerdydd Assistant HR Director, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Prifysgolion a Cholegau Cymru Iach a Chynaliadwy - Healthy and Sustainable Universities and Colleges Wales RCE Cymru Chris Deacy Assistant HR Director Cardiff Met Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol AD Met Caerdydd Healthy Universities UK Steering Group Member of Higher Education Future Generations Group, RCE Cymru secretariat and lead for Healthy and Sustainable Colleges and Universities Circle of Interest/network Grŵp Llywio Prifysgolion Iach y DU Aelod o Grŵp Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol Addysg Uwch, Ysgrifenyddiaeth Canolfan Rhagoriaeth Rhanbarthol Cymru (RCE) ac arweinydd y Cylch Diddordeb/y rhwydwaith Prifysgolion a Cholegau Iach
Prifysgolion a Cholegau Cymru Iach a Chynaliadwy – Healthy and Sustainable Universities and Colleges Wales • The RCE Cymru Healthy Universities Circle of Interest seeks to cohere a network of like-minded individuals and groups from across the further and higher education spectrum in Wales to develop and implement an holistic approach to health, wellbeing and sustainability. Attuned in Wales with the principles of the Well-being of Future Generations Act and working in harmony with the UK Healthy Universities Network, the RCE Cymru Healthy Universities Circle of Interest will be part of a global movement calling upon colleges and universities to: • Mae Cylch Diddordeb Prifysgolion Iach RCE Cymru yn ceisio cadw ynghyd rwydwaith o unigolion a grwpiau o gyffelyb anianar draws y sbectrwm addysg bellach ac uwch yng Nghymru er mwyn datblygu a gweithredu dull holistaidd o fynd ati ym maes iechyd, llesiant a chynaliadwyedd. Gan gydweddu yng Nghymru â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol a chydweithio a Rhwydwaith Prifysgolion Iach y DU, bydd Cylch Diddordeb Prifysgolion Iach RCE Cymru yn rhan o fudiad byd-eang sy’n galw ar golegau a phrifysgolion i: • incorporate health and sustainability into their mission, vision and strategic plans • ymgorffori iechyd a chynaliadwyedd o fewn eu cenhadaeth, gweledigaeth a’u cynlluniau strategol • arwain a gyrru newidiadau yn y gymdeithas drwy fodelu, profi a throsglwyddo dulliau arloesol o fynd ati. • lead and drive change in society by modelling, testing and transferring innovative approaches
Fframwaith Prifysgolion a Cholegau Iach a Chynaliadwy Cymru - Healthy and Sustainable Universities and Colleges Framework for Wales Dull Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru o fynd ati A Public Health Wales Approach Chwe egwyddor greiddiol:- • Equality and diversity - Cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth • Participation and empowerment - Cyfranogi a grymuso • Partneriaeth - Partnership • Whole system appraoch - Dull system gyfan o fynd ati • Applies to staff, studentsandwidercommunity -Yn berthnasol i staff, myfyrwyr a’r gymuned ehangach • Use of evidence, sharingandlearning - Defnyddio tystiolaeth, rhannu a dysgu RCE Cymru
Physicalactivity - Gweithgaredd corfforol • Mentalandemotional Health and well-being - Iechyd a llesiant meddyliol ac emosiynol • Substanceuseandmisuse - Defnydd a chamddefnydd o sylweddau • Personalandsexualhealthandrelationships - Iechyd personol a rhywiol a pherthynas • Healthyandsustainablefood - Bwyd iach a chynaliadwy • Sustainableenvironment - Amgylchedd cynaliadwy • http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/888/document/319500 RCE
Prifysgolion a Cholegau Iach a Chynaliadwy Cymru – Y Camau Nesaf - Next Steps for Healthy and Sustainable Universities and Colleges Wales • Work across universities and colleges in Wales to develop and implement an holistic approach to health, wellbeing and sustainability seeking to work with key partners such as; • Gweithio ar draws prifysgolion a cholegau yng Nghymru i ddatblygu a gweithredu dull holistaidd o fynd ati ym maes iechyd, llesiant a chynaliadwyedd gan anelu i gydweithio gyda’r canlynol: • Welsh Government - Llywodraeth Cymru • Public Health Wales - Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru • Universities Wales - Prifysgolion Cymru • CollegesWales – ColegauCymru • HEFCW - CCAUC • Sport Wales - Chwaraeon Cymru • HealthyUniversities UK - Prifysgolion Iach y DU RCE Cymru
Karen Roberts Time To Change Wales Programme Manager RheolwraigRhaglenAmser I Newid Cymru Laura Moulding Young People’s Champion Hyrwyddwr Pobl Ifanc
Time to Change Wales Ending the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health in Wales
Living with stigma is often worse than the illness
Our Mission • Improve public attitudes – behaviour change • Reduce the levels of discrimination in society including within the workplace • Empowering the numbers of people with lived experience of mental health problems • Advocating for changes to policy, practice and organisational culture
2 Strands • Young People Programme – sponsored by the big Lottery – ends in August 2019 • Working with Young Champions • 9 Pilot schools – worked with 14 • Working with Youth Organisations • Adult Campaign – funded by Welsh Government and Comic Relief until March 2021 • Aligning these two strands
Our Approach • Stigma needs to be tackled from several angles: • Employers and Workplace • Champions • Social Marketing
TTCW Employer Pledge The TTCW pledge is a public declaration that an organisation wants to step up to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination 120+ Welsh Employers have pledged to tackle stigma in the Workplace
My story How stigma and discrimination affected me
Who am I? • My name is Laura Moulding • I’m 22 years old (Ahhhhhhh!) • I am a Time To Change Wales Champion. • I have a passion for music.
Voices Nightmare Visions (Hallucinations)
Depression “I don’t want to see anyone. I lie in the bedroom with the curtains drawn and nothingness washing over me like a sluggish wave. Whatever is happening to me is my own fault. I have done something wrong, something so huge I can’t even see it, something that’ drowning me. I am inadequate and stupid, without worth. I might as well be dead.” – Margaret Atwood “I really want to be happy, but there’s something inside me that screams “you don’t deserve it!” (Author Unknown)
Stigma and Discrimination Labels are for clothes not people To those that doubt :
Support through Education • College Personal Tutor • Special Access to a quiet space • Time off (if really needed) • Understanding and supportive tutors • Mental Health adviser • Mental Health mentor
Facebook.com/ttcwales @TTCWales / @AINCymru Pledge@timetochangewales.org.uk
Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb Questions and Answers
@colegaucymru@collegeswalescolegaucymru.ac.ukcollegeswales.ac.uk@colegaucymru@collegeswalescolegaucymru.ac.ukcollegeswales.ac.uk Diolch Thank you