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Notice & Note. The Signposts! Strategies for Close Reading. Lesson 1:. Contrasts & Contradictions. STOP and Notice and Note. When you ’ re reading and a character says or does something that ’ s the opposite ( contradicts ) of what he has been saying or doing all along.
Notice & Note The Signposts! Strategies for Close Reading
Lesson 1: Contrasts & Contradictions
STOP and Notice and Note When you’re reading and a character says or does something that’s the opposite (contradicts) of what he has been saying or doing all along. You should STOPand ask yourself: “Why is this character doing that?” The answers could help you make a prediction or make an inference about the plot and conflict. • Contrasts and Contradictions
Harry Potter Hermione
Think about the character of Hermione. She is a kid who always does her homework, and she actually enjoys doing it! She also wants the teacher to know that she always has the answers.
Question: So, what would you think if one day Hermione came to class and didn’t have her homework?
“Thank You, Ma’m” This is a story about a boy who tries to seat a purse from a woman.
STOP and Notice and Note GOOD JOB!! Remember, we’re looking for places where a character does or says something that isn’t what we expect. When we find theses places we want to STOPand ask Ourselves: “Why would the character act this way?” WHEN I ask this question, then I’m learning more about the story and more about the character. • Contrasts and Contradictions
Assignment • In your personal reading, be sure to use notice contrasts and contradictions. Jot down your thoughts about why the character would act this way on a sticky note! Hermione didn’t come to class with her homework complete. I think she is nervous that Harry will find trouble in the forest; she is distracted. C&C Mark areas with a diamond.
Lesson 2: Memory Moment ★
STOP and Notice and Note When you’re reading and the author interrupts the action to tell you a memory. You should STOPand ask yourself: “Why might this memory be important?” The answers will tell you about the theme, conflict, or might foreshadow what will happen in the story. • Memory Moment
STOP and Notice and Note Sometimes the author makes it easy for us to identify. The character will say something like: “I remember the first time I met him” or “In that very moment the memory came flooding back.” Other times it is more subtle, like: “My dad liked to tell the story about…” or “This picture always reminded me of…” Often those moments are highlighted with words such as remember or memory or reminded. • Memory Moment
Be Alert! You want to be on the alert for times when a character shares a moment from the past because it’s likely to tell you something important, either about the character or about the plot. You should STOPand ask yourself: “Why might this memory be important?” • Memory Moment
Harry Potter Harry Potter
Throughout the novel, the plot is constantly interrupted by memory moments. Harry Potter struggles with memories from childhood.
Question: So, why might the memory of his parents be so important? Does his memory serve to help the theme, conflict, or foreshadow what might happen?
OK. Let’s find amemory moment! • See story “Hope Was Here” by Joan Bauer
“Hope Was Here This is a story about a girl moving to an unfamiliar place.
“’I didn’t know what kind of customers I’d get in Wisconsin.” Q: Why am I stopping here? Q: What is she remembering? Q: Why might this memory be important? What do we learn about her? Through this simple memory we learn what leaving this town means to her – she’s leaving behind a comfortable place, happy situation for one filled with uncertainty and anxiety.
Let’s take a look at another passage, from about the same point in the book. Hope has gotten in the car with her aunt, Addie, about to set out on the trip to a new life in Wisconsin. Addie is trying to reassure her. As we read, see if you notice the Memory Moment! (Put a “star” where you think it is.)
“Addie said it was our story.” Q: Why am I stopping here? Q: What is she remembering? Q: Why might this memory be important? What do we learn about Hope?
Let’s keep reading…As we read, mark with a star any memory or memories that you see, and when we are done reading, I’ll ask you to jot down why you think the memories you found are important. (Use Sticky Notes!)
I looked out the window, trying not to cry.” Q: Why am I stopping here? Q: What is she remembering? Q: Why might this memory be important? What do we learn about Hope? This is a powerful way to show the reader just how attached Hope is to her friends. She probably doesn’t know if she’ll ever see Harrison again and wonders if she’ll make new friends.
Quick-WriteRecord a summary of what these Memory Moments have shown you about Hope in these few passages.
What’s the point?Why might an author have memories repeated?Sometimes memory moments turn into “Again and Again” moments.
Assignment • In your personal reading, be sure to notice Memory Moments. Jot down your thoughts about why this memory is important! Harry has a memory of his father and mother being killed. I think this is critical because it fuels his need to destroy Voldemort. Mark areas with a star.
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Clip Art Designed by MsEffie