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This study presents a computational representation for all planar symmetries of shapes, with a focus on local and partial symmetries alongside symmetry measurement methods. The algorithm covers computing discrete transforms and pinpointing local maxima precisely, showcasing applications in alignment, segmentation, and matching for shape analysis. Different algorithms like brute force, convolution, and Monte Carlo simulations are discussed, emphasizing the importance of weighting sample pairs and refining local maxima iteratively for accurate results. Techniques for aligning shapes based on symmetries and matching shapes in databases for optimal selection are also addressed.
The Planar-Reflective Symmetry Transform Princeton University
Motivation Symmetry is everywhere
Motivation Symmetry is everywhere Perfect Symmetry [Blum ’64, ’67] [Wolter ’85] [Minovic ’97] [Martinet ’05]
Motivation Symmetry is everywhere Local Symmetry [Blum ’78][Mitra ’06] [Simari ’06]
Motivation Symmetry is everywhere Partial Symmetry [Zabrodsky ’95] [Kazhdan ’03]
Goal A computational representation that describes all planar symmetries of a shape ? Input Model
Symmetry Transform A computational representation that describesall planar symmetries of a shape ? Input Model Symmetry Transform
Symmetry Transform A computational representation that describesall planar symmetries of a shape ? Perfect Symmetry Symmetry = 1.0
Symmetry Transform A computational representation that describesall planar symmetries of a shape ? Zero Symmetry Symmetry = 0.0
Symmetry Transform A computational representation that describesall planar symmetries of a shape ? Local Symmetry Symmetry = 0.3
Symmetry Transform A computational representation that describesall planar symmetries of a shape ? Partial Symmetry Symmetry = 0.2
Symmetry Measure Symmetry of a shape is measured by correlation with its reflection
Symmetry Measure Symmetry of a shape is measured by correlation with its reflection Symmetry = 0.7
Symmetry Measure Symmetry of a shape is measured by correlation with its reflection Symmetry = 0.3
Symmetry Measure Symmetry of a shape is measured by correlation with its reflection
Symmetry Measure Symmetry of a shape is measured by correlation with its reflection Symmetry = 0.1
Outline • Introduction • Algorithm • Computing Discrete Transform • Finding Local Maxima Precisely • Applications • Alignment • Segmentation • Summary • Matching • Viewpoint Selection
Computing Discrete Transform • Brute Force • Convolution • Monte-Carlo n planes
Computing Discrete Transform • Brute Force O(n6) • Convolution • Monte-Carlo O(n3) planes X = O(n6) O(n3) dot product n planes
Computing Discrete Transform • Brute Force O(n6) • Convolution O(n5Log n) • Monte-Carlo O(n2) normal directions X = O(n5log n) O(n3log n) per direction n planes
Computing Discrete Transform • Brute Force O(n6) • Convolution O(n5Log n) • Monte-Carlo O(n4) For 3D meshes • Most of the dot product contains zeros. • Use Monte-Carlo Importance Sampling.
Monte Carlo Algorithm Offset Angle Input Model Symmetry Transform
Monte Carlo Algorithm Monte Carlo sample for single plane Offset Angle Input Model Symmetry Transform
Monte Carlo Algorithm Offset Angle Input Model Symmetry Transform
Offset Angle Monte Carlo Algorithm Input Model Symmetry Transform
Offset Angle Monte Carlo Algorithm Input Model Symmetry Transform
Offset Angle Monte Carlo Algorithm Input Model Symmetry Transform
Offset Angle Monte Carlo Algorithm Input Model Symmetry Transform
Weighting Samples Need to weight sample pairs by the inverse of the distance between them P2 d P1
Weighting Samples Need to weight sample pairs by the inverse of the distance between them Two planes of (equal) perfect symmetry
Weighting Samples Need to weight sample pairs by the inverse of the distance between them Votes for vertical plane…
Weighting Samples Need to weight sample pairs by the inverse of the distance between them Votes for horizontal plane.
Outline • Introduction • Algorithm • Computing Discrete Transform • Finding Local Maxima Precisely • Applications • Alignment • Segmentation • Summary • Matching • Viewpoint Selection
Finding Local Maxima Precisely Motivation: • Significant symmetries will be local maxima of the transform: the Principal Symmetries of the model Principal Symmetries
Finding Local Maxima Precisely Approach: • Start from local maxima of discrete transform
Finding Local Maxima Precisely Approach: • Start from local maxima of discrete transform • Refine iteratively to find local maxima precisely ………. Initial Guess Final Result
Outline • Introduction • Algorithm • Computing discrete transform • Finding Local Maxima Precisely • Applications • Alignment • Segmentation • Summary • Matching • Viewpoint Selection
Application: Alignment Motivation: • Composition of range scans • Feature mapping PCA Alignment
Application: Alignment Approach: • Perpendicular planes with the greatest symmetries create a symmetry-based coordinate system.
Application: Alignment Approach: • Perpendicular planes with the greatest symmetries create a symmetry-based coordinate system.
Application: Alignment Approach: • Perpendicular planes with the greatest symmetries create a symmetry-based coordinate system.
Application: Alignment Approach: • Perpendicular planes with the greatest symmetries create a symmetry-based coordinate system.
Application: Alignment Results: PCA Alignment Symmetry Alignment
Application: Matching Motivation: • Database searching = Query Best Match Database
Application: Matching Observation: • All chairs display similar principal symmetries
Application: Matching Approach: • Use Symmetry transform as shape descriptor = Query Transform Database Best Match
Application: Matching Results: • The PRST provides orthogonal information about models and can therefore be combined with other shape descriptors
Application: Matching Results: • The PRST provides orthogonal information about models and can therefore be combined with other shape descriptors
Application: Matching Results: • The PRST provides orthogonal information about models and can therefore be combined with other shape descriptors
Application: Segmentation Motivation: • Modeling by parts • Collision detection [Chazelle ’95][Li ’01] [Mangan ’99][Garland ’01] [Katz ’03]