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DSD Annual Report 2009/10

Overview, Programme Performance 2009/10, Budget and Expenditure, Legislative Framework, Vision, Mission, Strategic Themes, Programmes, Measurable Objectives, Social Security, Community Development, Governance.

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DSD Annual Report 2009/10

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  1. DSD Annual Report2009/10 Presented to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development, National Assembly 12 October 2010 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  2. Presentation outline • Part A • Overview • Part B • Programme Performance 2009/10 • Part C • Budget and Expenditure report 2009/10 • Auditor General’s Report • Challenges • Part D • Legislative Framework 2009/10 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  3. Part AOverview "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  4. Vision A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. Mission To ensure the provision of comprehensive social protection services against vulnerability and poverty within the constitutional and legislative framework, and create enabling environment for sustainable development. The Department further aims to deliver integrated, sustainable and quality services, in partnership with all those committed to building a caring society. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  5. The Department has formulated and committed itself to the following strategic themes: Addressing child poverty. Addressing adult and older persons’ poverty. Promoting youth development. Promoting social cohesion. Supporting civil society support and strengthening of communities. Supporting governance and institutional development. Promoting regional and international solidarity and development. Strategic Priorities "Building a Caring Society. Together" "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  6. PROGRAMMES AND MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES Programme 1: Administration Provide for policy and strategic direction by the ministry and top management, and provide overall management and support services to the Department. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Develop and monitor policies for a comprehensive social security system; develop norms, standards and guidelines for implementation; develop macro-finance modelling to inform policy decisions; and assess the social, economic and fiscal impact of social security programmes. Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services Create an enabling environment for the delivery integrated social welfare services, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  7. PROGRAMMES AND MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES [Cont.] Programme 4: Community Development Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies, strategies and programmes aimed at strengthening the potential of communities, including youth people, to sustain and advance their livelihoods and further human development. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Lead the strategic management component of the Department; foster operational efficiency through improved alignment between mandates, strategies and institutional capacity; provide strategic guidance on social policy development, coordination and evaluation; facilitate and develop the Department’s strategic plan; oversee all entities, agencies and boards reporting to the Department; promote population policy; and coordinate monitoring and evaluation across the sector. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  8. Part B Programme Performance "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  9. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: Ensure the development of norms and standards, facilitate financial and economic planning, monitor compliance with social assistance policy prescripts for the provision of a comprehensive system of social security, and facilitate the payment of social assistance grants to eligible households. Social Assistance Children’s Benefits: Cabinet approved the extension of Child Support Grants to Children aged 15-18, and came into effect in January 2010. The number of Child support grant recipients grew by 9.1%, from 8 765 354 in March 2009 to 9 569 602 by the end of March 2010. The number of Foster child grant was increased from 474 579 in March 2009 to 510 760 by the end of the reporting period. This represent an annual growth rate of about 7.62%. The Care Dependency grant saw an annual growth rate of 5.32% with an increase in beneficiary numbers from 113 401 to 119 431 by March 2010. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 9

  10. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Social Assistance Old age, disability and war veterans grant: The Social Assistance Amendment Bill was submitted to Parliament in March 2010 for public comment. Recipients of the disability grant declined from 1 268 883 to 1 264 477, due to the review of social grants provided for in the regulations under the Social Assistance Act. Age Equalization for the old age grant: Eligible men aged 61-62 were enrolled, and began to receive their old age grants during the reporting period. As a result of this, more than 198 256 men aged 61 years and older were registered as recipients of the social grant bringing the total number of older persons receiving the grants to 2.55 million. The war veterans grant recipients declined by 18.93% from 1500 to 1 216 by March 2010. Study on income support to unemployed adults was finalised and policy options were developed. A study on social assistance for caregivers grant was finalised and policy options were developed. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 10

  11. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Social Insurance • The Social Insurance policy proposals were completed, and included in the Consolidated Government Document being prepared by the Inter-Departmental Task Team on Social Security Reform. • Social Security strategic framework was developed, and included in the Consolidated Government Document on social security reforms. • A well- attended and successful seminar with the theme ‘Social Security Reform’ was held in Namibia on 18-19 October 2009. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  12. Programme 2 Comprehensive Social Security Provision of social assistance benefits to Vulnerable groups • The programme’s key achievements include the extension through SASSA, of the Child Support Grant and the Amendment of the Social Assistance Act to enable men to qualify for the age old grant from the age of 60. • Beneficiaries increasing by 1 004 039 from 13 008 104 in March 2009 to 14 012 143 March 2010- an overall increase of 7.72%. Social Security transfers and administration • Over 14 million South Africans now access the social grants system. The table below indicates the total number of recipients over the last three years: Grant March 2008 March 2009 March 2010 Old Age pension: 2,229 m 2,390 m 2,546,657 m Disability: 1,408 m 1,268 m 1,264,477 m Foster Care: 454,199 474,759 510,760 Care Dependency: 102,292 107,065 119,431 Child support grant: 8,189 m 8,765 m 9,569,602 m War Veterans grant: 1924 1500 1,216 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  13. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: To create an enabling environment for the delivery integrated social welfare services, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. Service Standards Mapped and redesigned Business process in ten service areas in order to standardise social welfare services nationally. Conducted baseline studies of existing norms and standards, services and processes in respect of 130 policies as well as legislative framework. Capacitated 775 stakeholders in respect of generic norms and standards as well as the Integrated Service Delivery Model (ISDM). Conducted and review social welfare service delivery framework within the ISDM in consultation with broader social welfare, including academic institutions. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 13

  14. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Social Service Provider Management and Support HSD approved a plan of action for managing the scholarship programme. The Department awarded 4,200 scholarships to social work students in order to build capacity in the social services profession, Held careers fair in five provinces in partnership with provincial department to increase number of youth pursuing the social work profession. Developed a draft policy for the social service profession in consultation with provincial departments. Conducted an analysis of the Policy on Financial Awards to Service providers and the findings were discussed with line functionaries as well representatives of the NGO sector. Transferred funds to 21 national bodies to provide financial support to improve service delivery. "Building a caring society. Together" 14 14

  15. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Services to older persons State President approved Regulations under the Older Person’s Act in March 2010, and the Act came into effect in April 2010. Finalised Guidelines for implementing the Older Persons Act. Developed and aligned the protocol on managing abuse for older persons in line with older persons Act (Act No. 13 of 2006). Finalised the audit of residential facilities. Finalised the audit of frail care services. Developed the implementation plan for UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Submitted the final report for the costing of policy for analysis and assessment to costing team. Trained all provinces on transforming protective workshops. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 15 15

  16. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Services to people with Disabilities(cont…) Developed a policy for rehabilitating people with disabilities, and providing them with community based services. Finalised a strategy for supporting children with disabilities. Finalised and integrated a policy and minimum standards on residential facilities for people with disabilities into comprehensive national policy framework on Disability, thus aligning with UN connection. Rolled out minimum standards for residential facilities in all provinces. Substance Abuse Drafted Regulations under the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act. Approved the after care and reintegration model for victims of substance abuse. Completed preparations for the second biennial summit on substance abuse were. Hosted Ke Moja (I’m fine without drugs) road shows and reached 90 master trainers. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 16

  17. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Families , Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) and Social Crime Approved shelter strategy for victims of abuse. Approved the guidelines on services relating to human trafficking, rape, domestic violence and violent crimes. Approved a strategy for engaging with men and boys on the prevention of gender-based violence. Drafted and finalized the Social Crime Prevention strategy. Drafted Blue print, norms and standards for secure centres. Drafted and finalized the National Policy Framework on diversion services for children in conflict with the law. Build capacity in six provinces on family preservation and reached 200 service providers. Approved the implementation strategy for Families, built capacity in five provinces and reached 200 service providers. Drafted and finalised the strategy on services to women. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 17

  18. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Child Care and Protection Services Implementation of the Children `s Act Finalised and approved Regulations under the Children s` Act and the Act, came into effect in April 2010. Developed and discussed norms ,standards and practice guidelines pertaining to the Children `s Act at provincial and national level. Provinces submitted a revised plans for implementing for Children’s Act. Finalised and submitted the policy framework and strategy to the Child Care and Protection Forum. Amended the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in line with the final regulations under the Children’s. Capacitated the Child Care and Protection Forum and ECD Forum to implement the Framework. Finalised and piloted the training guidelines, and provided the Train the Trainer guide to the Child Care and Protection Forum. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 18

  19. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Child Care and Protection Services Functional child protection system Developed Part B of the Child Protection Register as part of efforts to build a functional child protection system. Developed a result matrix for the implementation plan for the Policy Framework and Strategic Plan for Child Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation. Responsive alternative care facilities and programmes Completed a rapid appraisal of Child and &Youth Care Centre (C&YCC), but could not be geographically located. Draft alternative care strategy Completed a research report on cluster care models and their costing. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 19

  20. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Child Care and Protection Services Adoptions Finalised and approved the Register of Adoptable Children and Prospective Adoptive Parents (RACAP) policy document. Developed a manual adoption register, and registered 2,602 national adoptions and 293 inter country adoptions. Developed and approved a policy document on the accreditation process. Developed and presented an adoption strategy to the Welfare Services Forum, HSD, and MINMEC. Printed and distributed practice guidelines on inter –country and national adoptions. Hosted International Social Services (ISS) Council meetings in Cape Town in 2009 and ISS guidelines were completed and approved. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 20

  21. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Child Care and Protection Services Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Developed the policy frame work for statutory services to child headed households. Finalised and approved guidelines for statutory Services for Child Headed Households. Incorporated a draft strategy on Children Living and Working on the Streets into strategy and guidelines for Children Living and Working on the Streets. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 21

  22. Programme 3: Social Welfare Services [cont.] Child Care and Protection Services Early Childhood Development • Developed a concept paper on national partial care. • Registered 2, 514 ECD centres during the reporting period, bringing to 16,250 the total number of registered ECD centres. • Increased number of children accessing ECD services to 717 657, and more than 428, 807 of these received state subsidies. • Developed a computerized national information management system for partial care and ECD. • Developed a draft Monitoring Framework for the implementation of the national integrated plan for ECD. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 22

  23. Programme 4: Community Development PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies, strategies and programmes aimed at strengthening the potential of communities, including youth, to sustain and advance their livelihoods and further human development. Community development policy and service standards Developed the national community development framework and as well as an IBSA, (India, Brazil, South Africa) social strategy. Developed the skills development plan for Community Development Policy (CDPs), and Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) approved R2, 038, 900 for a CDP skills development programme. Developed guidelines for the participation of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and for the participation of CDPs in IDPs and 100 CDPS were trained in municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). "Building a Caring Society. Together" 23

  24. Programme 4: Community Development [cont.] Sustainable livelihoods Completed Sustainable Livelihood Approach SLA toolkit by the Minister of Social Development. Trained 40 CDPs on using the SLA toolkit Community food banks Developed a food bank roll-out strategy and criteria for establishing new food banks and consultation of the roll-out were held in WC, KZN, EC, GP, and NW. The Department spent 3.3 million rands on the establishment of food banks and these were established in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and Port Elizabeth Created 91 jobs through the Food bank initiative Poverty War Room Interventions Generated a household profiling tool and utilised in the wall-to-wall profiling of the greater Giyani as part of the War on Poverty Campaign (WOPC’s) contribution towards the 67 minutes of Mandela Day. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 24

  25. Programme 4: Community Development [cont.] Sustainable livelihoods (cont…) Development partners compliance with contract agreements Developed and approved the DSD-FBSA Cooperation Agreement and contracts and service levels were reviewed and approved with the following Organisations: Itsoseng, National Association for people Living with HIV/Aids (NAPWA), Food Banks SA, University of KwaZulu Natal and National Association for Burial of Society of South Africa (NABSSA). Developed and monitored service level agreements (with funded organisations) involving an amount of more than R8 million. Social grant beneficiaries Linked more than 2100 grant beneficiaries to economic activities. Launched the HEMP project and created a total of 84 jobs, 32 in the farming of HEMP, 35 in product development, 17 in technical support and marketing. While beneficiaries generated R71,000.00 savings. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 25

  26. Programme 4: Community Development [cont.] Youth development Youth Development and poverty alleviation programmes Commissioned an audit of youth services in two provinces, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. Conducted a desktop analysis on all DSD policies, legislations and research in-house and a report compiled. National Youth Service (NYS) and Masupa-Tsela Youth Pioneer Programme (MYPP) DSD in partnership with National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) reviewedand reprinted a training manual for the massification of the National Youth Service and 90 official were trained in Free State, Limpopo, Northern Cape and North West. Business plans were developed to implement the different NYS projects. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 26

  27. Programme 4: Community Development [cont.] Youth (cont…) NYS and MYPP (cont) Trained 1, 752 youth pioneers and coordinators under the Masupa-Tsela Curriculum. Recruited and oriented six Cuban professors and offered an English language course, and were placed in provinces. Conducted annual review of the first phase of MYPP with support from [the] Cuban officers and M&E chief directorate. Accreditation of the Masupatsela curriculum is at an advanced state and a decision by the Senate of the University of Fort Hare was being awaited by the end of the reporting period. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 27

  28. Programme 4: Community Development [cont.] Youth (cont…) Improved services to the youth Department assisted with the establishment and launch of [a] Youth Desk at the Pretoria Central Police Station. Department assistedto coordinate the youth programme and youth multipurpose centre for the Nkungumathe Youth Forum. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 28

  29. Programme 4: Community Development [cont.] HIV/AIDS Home/ community based care Reviewed a policy framework on Home/Community Based Care (HCBC). Funded 1,401 HCBC organisations complying with the norms and standards for HCBC. Developed monitoring tool for further improvement of compliance. Developed guidelines on psycho-social support for children and adults. Implemented the HCBC M&E system to improve data collection tool in North West, Northern Cape, KwaZulu Natal and Limpopo. Trained 264 district officials and 853 HCBC organisations on the manual module of the integrated M&E system for HCBC. Developed an M&E framework and guidelines. Trained 372 organisations in 2 provinces (290 in Limpopo and 82 in KZN) and a service provider. Appointed National Institute for Community Development and Management (NICDAM) to review the existing modules. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 29

  30. Programme 4 Community Development [cont.] HIV/AIDS (cont…) Curriculum framework for community caregivers and a training manual for the curriculum care givers were developed and a Psychosocial wellbeing Skills Development Programme for the curriculum and training material received accreditation with HWSETA. Trained 13,621 community caregivers on service delivery Developed a strategy for monitoring Love Life. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 30

  31. Programme 4: Community Development Cont. Non Profit Organisations Finalised a draft policy for all Non Profit Organisation was developed and an NPO capacity-building framework. Completed three research studies on NPO related topics. NPO Registration: Registered 10, 309 NPOs that met legal requirements within the required two month period, and this increased the number of registered organisations to 65 635, an increase of 14 % from the previous financial year. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 31

  32. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: To lead the strategic management component of the Department; foster operational efficiency through improved alignment between mandates, strategies and institutional capacity ;provide strategic guidance on social policy development, coordination and evaluation; facilitate and develop the Department’s strategic plan; oversee all entities, agencies and boards reporting to the Department; promote population policy; and coordinate monitoring and evaluation across the sector. Strategy, Planning, Development and Risk Management Developed a Sector Strategic Framework based on the agreed sector objectives. Completed an annual risk assessment exercise and approved a Departments risk assessment report. Developed the sector MTEF infrastructure plan in partnership with all provinces. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 32

  33. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Strategy, Planning, Development and Risk Management (cont…) • Department participated in 54th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) held in New York from 1 to 12 March 2010. Emphasis was placed on sharing experiences and good practices with the view to overcome existing obstacles and new challenges, including those related to the Millennium Development Goals. • Developed implementation plan for customer care with clear guidelines for each province. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 33

  34. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Monitoring and Evaluation Contributed to the design and implementation of a Public Expenditure Tracking Study of ECD in collaboration with National Treasury, the Department of basic Education and UNICEF. Evaluated Children’s programme also including issues such as aging out of foster care. Undertook a major exercise to scope the existence and validate the registration information of social development facilities. This included the development of a tool for provincial departments to maintain and update data on facilities in their provinces "Building a Caring Society. Together" 34

  35. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Population and Development Prepared reports on progress made with implementing the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action presented (15 year progress review) in the country which to the United Nations Commission on Population and development (UNCPD), the African Ministers’ Conference on ICPD+15(United Nations Economic commission for Africa and the African Union), and the Southern African Development Community’s ministers’ Conference on ICPD+15. Developed new five-year population strategy draft, based on the outcome of the 10-year review and an assessment of the implementation of population policy in the country. Published and disseminated population research reports and publications at various events. Research projects focused on poverty, teenage pregnancies, youth, gender, HIV and Aids, children, population policy, and Population, Environment and Development (PED). "Building a Caring Society. Together" 35

  36. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Population and Development (cont…) Developed a guideline document to assist local municipalities with integrating the population policy into IDPs. Assisted the provincial population units in Limpopo, KwaZulu Natal, the eastern cape and Free state to develop work plans for the UNFPA Third Country Support Programme in South Africa. Provided Technical assistance to provincial population units and their counterparts in some districts and local municipalities to access, interpret and analyse relevant demographic information for the purposes of local integrated development planning. Established population and development information and knowledge systems, including a database populated with the contact details of population policy stakeholders in the public and private sectors. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 36

  37. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Entity and Oversight Management Developed two key documents, namely a Corporate Governance Framework and a Protocol on Governance to ensure and uphold good corporate governance practices in line with the King III report. Signed agency agreements between the Minister and the public entities in order to strengthen accountability with respect to their performance. Established Entity Management Forum, as a means of encouraging collaboration, feedback and integration related to public entity oversight in the Department. Continued to play a vital role in the Department’s oversight of entity performance by reviewing their quarterly reports against predetermined quarterly and annual targets. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 37

  38. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Special Project Coordination Continued to play a vital role in coordinating Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) initiatives. Expanded the EPWP beyond the pilot programmes of HCBC and ECD to include the literacy campaign, Kha Ri Gude, the National School Nutrition Programme and the Mass Participation Programme. The social sector created 206 421 job opportunities through [the] EPWP . Made available Conditional grant of R 56 million to the HCBC programmes of both Department of Social Development and Health. Kwanda programme shown as a 13-part development reality TV series on SABC1 during September and November 2009. Kwanda is an interactive social sector communication and mobilisation project managed jointly by the Department of Social Development, Soul City, the SABC, and others. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 38

  39. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals The process for establishing the Independent Tribunal almost completed. Established three clusters based on the number of appeals from regions. The KwaZulu Natal cluster includes the Free State and North West, the Gauteng cluster includes Mpumalanga and Limpopo and the Eastern Cape cluster includes the Western Cape and Northern Cape. The Appeals Tribunal adjudicated 35% of the appeals backlog. By the end of the reporting period 3,421 litigious appeals had been lodged, especially in KwaZulu Natal. In order to facilitate the speedy implementation of appeals adjudication outcomes, the Appeals Tribunal unit established a collaboration framework with SASSA and the State Attorneys’ office. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  40. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance [cont.] Social policy Proceeded with activities centered on the institutionalization of evidence-based policymaking. In August 2009, the Social Policy Programme team together with social policy experts from Oxford University, presented an intensive five-day training course on Social Policy and Social Policy Analysis for Officials responsible for policy development in the national and provincial social sector cluster departments. Facilitated social policy and social policy analysis session for DSD senior managers. In November 2009, the Zambian Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and the SA Department of Social Development jointly hosted a five-day Round Table of Departments of Social Development, Social Welfare and Social Affairs in the Sothern African Region in Livingstone, Zambia. Continued to coordinate and manage existing local and international collaborations and partnerships with academic and research institutions "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  41. International Obligations • The Department participated in the following international initiatives: • Negotiations on the Social dimension of NEPAD during the UN Commission on Social Development • It also played a leading role at the UN Population and Development meeting in New York. • Hosted a successful African Union Population and Development Ministers’ meeting. • Cooperation continued with Zimbabwe, focusing on unaccompanied minors. The agreement with Zimbabwe is ready for signature. • The Department participated in the Bi-National Commission between South Africa and the DRC. • The Minister signed agreements with Mali and China on best practice exchanges • Finalised the India, Brazil South Africa (IBSA) Social Development strategy • The agreement with Jamaica was drafted, and an implementation plan with Mexico was reviewed. Six Cuban professors started youth work in the provinces under the Masupatsela Youth Pioneer Programme. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  42. Challenges • During the reporting period, the Department experienced a few challenges, which include among others, the following: • Draft Social Relief Policy and Social Relief Bill: delayed as a result of the need to consult broadly . • Retirement Reform: The policy proposals on retirement reform form part of an interdepartmental process that requires the agreement of and support from many other departments. Lack of consensus within the IDTT delayed the drafting of legislation. • The proposed [overarching] institutional framework for social security provision has not yet been approved, and therefore legislation could not be drafted. • As a result of the high rate of unemployment, there is a continuous demand for an ever expanding social safety net. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

  43. Challenges [cont.] Capacity constraints: due to capacity constraints, the Department could not fully monitor compliance with the Non Profit Organisations Act by all registered NPOs Reprioritisation: the Department’s beneficiary satisfaction survey could not be carried out as a result of a reprioritisation exercise that led to funds being shifted to the study on the impact of the Child Support Grant (CSG) Appeals Backlog: Inadequate funding affected the reduction of social assistance appeals backlog. MIS system could not be completed due to financial constraints EPWP: A study conducted on different models for a desirable dispensation for EPWP workers began later than scheduled due to protracted procurement processes. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 43

  44. PART CFINANCIAL REPORT 2009/10 "Building a caring Society Together" 44

  45. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FINAL AUDITED STATUS R’000 98,62% Actual Spending "Building a caring Society Together" 45

  46. DIVISION OF 2009/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE [R’000] "Building a caring Society Together" 46

  47. 2009/10 OPERATIONAL SPENDING [Excluding major transfer payments] R’000 99,25 Actual Spending "Building a caring Society Together" 47

  48. DIVISION OF 2009/10 OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE [R’000] "Building a caring Society Together" 48

  49. 2009/10: MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE The dual accountability of the Department of Social Development and South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) over the social assistance grants payments remained. In view of the existing accountability arrangement, the management of the social assistance grant administration function by SASSA impacted directly on the audit report of the Department of Social Development with regard to the social assistance grants expenditure that is disclosed in the consolidated annual financial statements of the Department. "Building a caring Society Together" 49

  50. 2009/10 UNSPENT FUNDS The net under-spending at the end of the 2009/10 financial year was R 1,190,027 billion. The main under-spending was on Transfers and Subsidies and relates to the payment of social assistance grants. Fewer citizens applied for social assistance grants during the 2009/10 financial year than anticipated. The improved grants application process as well as the improved beneficiary maintenance processes further contributed to the under-spending. The remainder amount relate to the Emergency Relief funds that were not utilised and payments not done to two Organisations due to compliance challenges. "Building a caring Society Together" 50

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