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Ch. 23 Section 2. .American Abundance and Scientific Advances. American Abundance. Economic Prosperity Disposable Income Growth of Suburbia—Levittown --escape the cities, affordable, GI Bill, Interstate Highway Act
Ch. 23 Section 2 .American Abundance and Scientific Advances
American Abundance • Economic Prosperity • Disposable Income • Growth of Suburbia—Levittown • --escape the cities, affordable, GI Bill, Interstate Highway Act • Baby Boom: Factors—delayed marriage until after War, affordability, popular culture celebrated pregnancy, birth, families. • At the height of the Baby Boom, a child was born every 7 seconds.
The Changing Workplace • Mechanization of farms and factories accelerated in the 1950’s • As a result more people went to work in offices. • Became known as white-collar jobs. • For the first time in 1956, white collar jobs outnumbered blue collar jobs. • Large corporations…many were multinational corporations. • --expanded overseas for important raw materials and cheaper labor.
Franchises • Rise in franchises during the 1950s’s. • McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Holiday Inn • https://www.google.com/search?q=mcdonalds+history&client=firefox-a&hs=nYZ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=GQwFU_-YPIm-sQSq3YLwCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=664#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YoSZ1HExcmr5CM%253A%3BBmV-E93ElroyCM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F3.bp.blogspot.com%252F-3pKdKznrh6Q%252FTaXB63MSewI%252FAAAAAAAAABE%252FiFzS5FXdsIs%252Fs1600%252FSe05_DesPlainesIL.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmcdpopculture.blogspot.com%252Fp%252Fkatie.html%3B1600%3B1278
Advances in Electronics: • Electronics industry made rapid advances after WWII. • The Transistor • ENIAC—first computer (made military calculations) • UNIVAC—processed business data and launched the computer revolution. • Jet Airline—changes reduced consumer costs, making airline travel available in the masses.
Medical Miracles • Prior to 1950’s, cancer was thought to be untreatable. • Development of radiation and chemotherapy in 1950s --helped many cancer patients survive. Heart disease/Heart attacks: CPR technique was introduced. -also first mechanical heart valves and pacemakers in 1952. • Tuberculosis: lung disease that was known as “white plague. • Was so infectious and contagious that patients lived in sanatoriums. • New antibiotics and a blood test in 1956 put an end to the fear of TB. • Polio: polio epidemics had been occurring in the US since 1916.
Polio • Viral disease---many died but those who did not were confined to iron lungs (large metal tanks with pumps) • If survived, often paralyzed. • Jonas Salk: developed an injectable vaccine in 1955. • Albert Sabin: developed an oral one…more convenient and the threat of polio nearly disappeared.