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Engage in Think-Pair-Share activity to connect text to self, text to text, and text to world. Practice annotating for deeper understanding, share insights with peers, and reflect on personal connections. Enhance reading comprehension with key sentence starters.
Think, pair and share! • What did you learn about annotating last session? • Spend 1 minute thinking and writing, spend 2 minutes sharing with the person sitting next to you and 2 minutes sharing with the class • Write your answers up on the board after sharing as a group
Remember… • A good reader PAUSES: • P: Establish a reading purpose • A: Create an annotation guide • U: Underline important points and write in the margins • S: Stop to make connections • E: Explore questions and unknown words or points • S: Summarise what they understand from the reading
Stop to make connections • Don’t rush the reading process, ensure you pause to make sense of the text • Stop every time you make a connection to something you already know • There are different types of connections you can make: -Text to self -Text to text -Text to world
Making connections: • Text to self: What does this remind me of in my life? What is this similar to in my life? How is this different from my life? Has something like this ever happened to me? How does this relate to my life? What were my feelings when I read this? • Sentence starters: This reminds me of my first day of school, when… If that happened to me I would....
Making connections: Text to text: • What does this remind me of in another book I’ve read? • How is this text similar to other things I’ve read? • How is this different from other books I’ve read? • Have I read about something like this before? Sentence starters: • This reminds me of the film Terminator 2 because… • If this happened, I would feel like the character…because…
Making connections: Text to world: • What does this remind me of in the real world? • How is this text similar to things that happen in the real world? • How is this different from things that happen in the real world? • How did that part relate to the world around me? Sentence starters: • This reminds me of what I saw on the news last night… • This reminds me of the debate about…
‘Making connections’ sentence starters: • This part reminds me of.... • I felt like...(character) when I.... • If that happened to me I would.... • This book reminds me of...(another text) because.... • I can relate to...(part of text) because one time....Something similar happened to me when....
What connections have you made? • Re-read the artificial intelligence article, this time annotating any connections you make. You can use the ‘Making Connections’ handout to help. 10 minute timer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq_h53Jfx4g • Share with a partner when you are done, using the 5 minute timer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnf-GBHn-18
Notebook Reflection: • In dot point form, write down the top 5 connections you and your partner came up with following the reading