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Chapter 30

Chapter 30. Inductance. Energy through space for free??. A puzzler!. Creates increasing flux INTO ring. Increasing current in time. Energy through space for free??. A puzzler!. Creates increasing flux INTO ring. Increasing current in time.

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Chapter 30

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  1. Chapter 30 Inductance

  2. Energy through space for free?? • A puzzler! Creates increasing flux INTO ring Increasing current in time

  3. Energy through space for free?? • A puzzler! Creates increasing flux INTO ring Increasing current in time Induce counter-clockwise current and B field OUT of ring

  4. Energy through space for free?? • But… If wire loop has resistance R, current around it generates energy! Power = i2/R!! Increasing current in time Induced current i around loop of resistance R

  5. Energy through space for free?? • Yet…. NO “potential difference”! Increasing current in time Induced current i around loop of resistance R

  6. Energy through space for free?? • Answer? Energy in B field!! Increased flux induces EMF in coil radiating power Increasing current in time

  7. Goals for Chapter 30 - Inductance • To learn how current in one coil can induce an emf in another unconnected coil • To relate the induced emf to the rate of change of the current • To calculate the energy in a magnetic field

  8. Goals for Chapter 30 • Introduce circuit components called INDUCTORS • Analyze circuits containing resistors and inductors • Describe electrical oscillations in circuits and why the oscillations decay

  9. Introduction • How does a coil induce a current in a neighboring coil. • A sensor triggers the traffic light to change when a car arrives at an intersection. How does it do this? • Why does a coil of metal behave very differently from a straight wire of the same metal? • We’ll learn how circuits can be coupled without being connected together.

  10. Mutual inductance • Mutual inductance:A changing current in one coil induces a current in a neighboring coil. Increase current in coil 1

  11. Mutual inductance • Mutual inductance:A changing current in one coil induces a current in a neighboring coil. Increase B flux Increase current in coil 1

  12. Mutual inductance • Mutual inductance:A changing current in one coil induces a current in a neighboring coil. Increase B flux Induce flux opposing change Increase current in coil 1 Induce current in loop 2

  13. Mutual inductance • EMF induced in single loop 2 = - d (B2 )/dt • Caused by change in flux through second loop of B field • Created by the current in the single loop 1 • So… B2 is proportional to i1 • What does that proportionality constant depend upon?

  14. Mutual inductance • B2 is proportional to i1 and is affected by: • # of windings in loop 1 • Area of loop 1 • Area of loop 2 • Define “M” as mutual inductance of coil 1 on coil 2

  15. Mutual inductance • Define “M” as mutual inductance on coil 2 from coil 1 • B2 = M21 I • But what if loop 2 also has many turns? Increase #turns in loop 2? => increase flux!

  16. Mutual inductance • IF you have N turns in coil 2, each with flux B , total flux is Nx larger • Total Flux = N2B2

  17. Mutual inductance • B2 proportional to i1 So N2B = M21i1 M21 is the “Mutual Inductance” [Units] = Henrys = Wb/Amp

  18. Mutual inductance • EMF2 = - N2 d [B2 ]/dt and • N2B = M21i1 so • EMF2 = - M21d [i1]/dt • Because geometry is “shared” M21 = M12 = M

  19. Mutual inductance • Define Mutual inductance:A changing current in one coil induces a current in a neighboring coil. • M = N2B2/i1M = N1B1/i2

  20. Mutual inductanceexamples • Long solenoid with length l, area A, wound with N1 turns of wire • N2 turns surround at its center. What is M?

  21. Mutual inductanceexamples • M = N2B2/i1 • We need B2 from the first solenoid (B1 = moni1) • n = N1/l • B2 = B1A • M = N2moi1 AN1/li1 • M = moAN1 N2/l • All geometry!

  22. Mutual inductanceexamples • M = moAN1 N2/l • If N1 = 1000 turns, N2 = 10 turns, A = 10 cm2, l = 0.50 m • M = 25 x 10-6 Wb/A • M = 25 mH

  23. Mutual inductanceexamples • Using same system (M = 25 mH) • Suppose i2 varies with time as = (2.0 x 106 A/s)t • At t = 3.0 ms, what is average flux through each turn of coil 1? • What is induced EMF in solenoid?

  24. Mutual inductanceexamples • Suppose i2 varies with time as = (2.0 x 106 A/s)t • At t = 3.0 ms, i2 = 6.0 Amps • M = N1B1/i2 = 25 mH • B1= Mi2/N1 = 1.5x10-7 Wb • Induced EMF in solenoid? • EMF1 = -M(di2/dt) • -50Volts

  25. Self-inductance • Self-inductance: A varying current in a circuit induces an emfin that same circuit. • Always opposes the change! • Define L = N B/i • Li = N B • If i changes in time: • d(Li)/dt = NdB/dt = -EMF or • EMF = -Ldi/dt

  26. Inductors as circuit elements! • Inductors ALWAYS oppose change: • In DC circuits: • Inductors maintain steady current flow even if supply varies • In AC circuits: • Inductors suppress (filter) frequencies that are too fast.

  27. Potential across an inductor • The potential across an inductor depends on the rate of change of the current through it. • The self-induced emf does not oppose current, but opposes a change in the current. • Vab = -Ldi/dt

  28. Magnetic field energy • Inductors store energy in the magnetic field: U = 1/2 LI2 • Units: L = Henrys (from L = N B/i ) • N B/i = B-field Flux/current through inductor that creates that fluxWb/Amp = Tesla-m2/Amp • [U] = [Henrys] x [Amps]2 • [U] = [Tesla-m2/Amp] x [Amps]2 = Tm2Amp • But F = qv x B gives us definition of Tesla • [B] = Teslas= Force/Coulomb-m/s = Force/Amp-m

  29. Magnetic field energy • Inductors store energy in the magnetic field: U = 1/2 LI2 • [U] = [Tesla-m2/Amp] x [Amps]2 = Tm2Amp • [U] = [Newtons/Amp-m] m2Amp = Newton-meters = Joules = Energy!

  30. Magnetic field energy • The energy stored in an inductor is U = 1/2 LI2. • The energy density in a magnetic field (Joule/m3) is • u = B2/20 (in vacuum) • u = B2/2 (in a magnetic material) • Recall definition of 0 (magnetic permeability) • B = 0 i/2pr (for the field of a long wire) • 0 = Tesla-m/Amp • [u] = [B2/20] = T2/(Tm/Amp) = T-Amp/meter

  31. Magnetic field energy • The energy stored in an inductor is U = 1/2 LI2. • The energy density in a magnetic field (Joule/m3) is • u = B2/20 (in vacuum) • [u] = [B2/20] = T2/(Tm/Amp) = T-Amp/meter • [U] = Tm2Amp = Joules • So… energy density [u] = Joules/m3

  32. Calculating self-inductance and self-induced emf • Toroidal solenoid with area A, average radius r, N turns. • Assume B is uniform across cross section. What is L?

  33. Calculating self-inductance and self-induced emf • Toroidal solenoid with area A, average radius r, N turns. • L = N B/i • B= BA = (moNi/2pr)A • L = moN2A/2pr (self inductance of toroidal solenoid) • Why N2 ?? • If N =200 Turns, A = 5.0 cm2, r = 0.10 m L = 40 mH

  34. Potential across an inductor • The potential across a resistor drops in the direction of current flowVab = Va-Vb > 0 • The potential across an inductor depends on the rate of change of the current through it.

  35. Potential across an inductor • The potential across an inductor depends on the rate of change of the current through it. • The self-induced emf does not oppose current, but opposes a change in the current.

  36. Potential across an inductor • The potential across an inductor depends on the rate of change of the current through it. • The self-induced emf does not oppose current, but opposes a change in the current. • The inductor acts like a temporary voltage source pointing OPPOSITE to the change.

  37. Potential across an inductor • The inductor acts like a temporary voltage source pointing OPPOSITE to the change. • This implies the inductor looks like a battery pointing the other way! • Note Va > Vb! Direction of current flow from a battery oriented this way

  38. Potential across an inductor • What if current was decreasing? • Same result! The inductor acts like a temporary voltage source pointing OPPOSITE to the change. • Now inductor pushes current in original direction • Note Va < Vb!

  39. The R-L circuit • An R-L circuit contains a resistor and inductor and possibly an emf source. • Start with both switches open • Close Switch S1: • Current flows • Inductor resists flow • Actual current less than maximum E/R • E – i(t)R- L(di/dt) = 0 • di/dt = E /L – (R/L)i(t)

  40. The R-L circuit • Close Switch S1: • E – i(t)R- L(di/dt) = 0 • di/dt = E /L – (R/L)i(t) Boundary Conditions • At t=0, di/dt = E /L • i() = E /R Solve this 1st order diff eq: • i(t) = E /R (1-e -(R/L)t)

  41. Current growth in an R-L circuit • i(t) = E /R (1-e -(R/L)t) • The time constant for an R-L circuit is  = L/R. • [ ]= L/R = Henrys/Ohm • = (Tesla-m2/Amp)/Ohm • = (Newtons/Amp-m) (m2/Amp)/Ohm • = (Newton-meter) / (Amp2-Ohm) • = Joule/Watt • = Joule/(Joule/sec) • = seconds! 

  42. Current growth in an R-L circuit • i(t) = E /R (1-e -(R/L)t) • The time constant for an R-L circuit is  = L/R. • [ ]= L/R = Henrys/Ohm • EMF = -Ldi/dt • [L] = Henrys = Volts /Amps/sec • Volts/Amps = Ohms (From V = IR) • Henrys = Ohm-seconds • [ ]= L/R = Henrys/Ohm = seconds!  • Vab = -Ldi/dt

  43. The R-L circuit • E = i(t)R+ L(di/dt) • Power in circuit = E I • E i = i2R+ Li(di/dt) • Some power radiated in resistor • Some power stored in inductor

  44. The R-L circuit example • R = 175 W; i = 36 mA; current limited to 4.9 mA in first 58 ms. • What is required EMF • What is required inductor • What is the time constant?

  45. The R-L circuit Example • R = 175 W; i = 36 mA; current limited to 4.9 mA in first 58 ms. • What is required EMF • What is required inductor • What is the time constant? • EMF = IR = (0.36 mA)x(175W ) = 6.3 V • i(t) = E /R (1-e -(R/L)t) • i(58ms) = 4.9 mA • 4.9mA = 6.3V(1-e -(175/L)0.000058) • L = 69 mH •  = L/R= 390 ms

  46. Current decay in an R-L circuit • Now close the second switch! • Current decrease is opposed by inductor • EMF is generated to keep current flowing in the same direction • Current doesn’t drop to zero immediately

  47. Current decay in an R-L circuit • Now close the second switch! • –i(t)R - L(di/dt) = 0 • Note di/dt is NEGATIVE! • i(t) = -L/R(di/dt) • i(t) = i(0)e -(R/L)t • i(0) = max current before second switch is closed

  48. Current decay in an R-L circuit • i(t) = i(0)e -(R/L)t

  49. Current decay in an R-L circuit • Test yourself! • Signs of Vab and Vbc when S1 is closed? • Vab >0; Vbc >0 • Vab >0, Vbc <0 • Vab <0, Vbc >0 • Vab <0, Vbc <0

  50. Current decay in an R-L circuit • Test yourself! • Signs of Vab and Vbc when S1 is closed? • Vab >0; Vbc >0 • Vab >0, Vbc <0 • Vab <0, Vbc >0 • Vab <0, Vbc <0 • WHY? • Current increases suddenly, so inductor resists change

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