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Chartered Teachers –Leading learning through the new curriculum?

Chartered Teachers –Leading learning through the new curriculum?. Key principles. Where change is imposed or driven by others, we play at it, defuse it and subvert it It affects interviews far more than practice It makes no difference to pupil achievement

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Chartered Teachers –Leading learning through the new curriculum?

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  1. Chartered Teachers –Leading learning through the new curriculum?

  2. Key principles • Where change is imposed or driven by others, we play at it, defuse it and subvert it • It affects interviews far more than practice • It makes no difference to pupil achievement • You work best when you are enthusiastic about what you are teaching

  3. More Principles • Change should only be driven by self-evaluation, provided that self-evaluation is realistic and takes account of economic and social changes • If all learners were experiencing the best practice in our schools, we would not be talking about system change • Any change has to be rooted in current practice • Curriculum for Excellence is as much about challenging practice as changing it

  4. What makes a difference? • Authentic relationships- the quality of openness of relationships within the classroom • Rules and boundaries- the expectations set by teachers and schools for student performance and behaviour • Teachers’ repertoire- the range of teaching styles and models available to the teacher

  5. Reflection on teaching- the capacity of the individual teacher to reflect on their own practice and suggestions from other sources • Resources and preparation- access to a range of pertinent teaching materials and the ability to plan and differentiate these materials for a range of students. • Pedagogic partnerships- the ability of teachers to focus on the study and improvement of the practice of teaching

  6. The CfE Offer • A chance to build on good practice • A chance to shape and control development • A chance to do what you really want to do • A chance for real professionalism • An opportunity to make a difference for you and for your pupils

  7. The CfE requirement • Talk, listen, talk, listen more then talk more • Build confidence and reassure staff • Consider outcomes • Focus on differentiation • Identify content • Review assessment • Work on transition • Consider structures

  8. As schools we need to….. • Look at our practice. • Check consistency • Look at our attitudes. We must see ourselves as having broad responsibilities to pupils • Establish a culture of care and ambition • Provide a better, more effective learning experience for all pupils

  9. As teachers we need to….. • Keep learning and honing skills • Raise aspirations and expectations – of pupils and of ourselves • Look at what is happening to young people in our schools and in our classrooms. Reflect on that and implement judicious and informed change

  10. How to achieve this The time and space to be able to help each other improve is what most teachers complain that they lack. A great deal of time has been spent in recent years on structure rather than process, on how many boxes must be ticked, rather than how to explain concepts better. Instead of having time to improve what they do in their classroom, teachers have been buried under bureaucratic demands that sapped precious energy.

  11.  "There can be no educational development without teacher development;....the best means of development is not by clarifying ends but by analysing practice.” • Lawrence Stenhouse • "The greatest problem in teaching is not how to get rid of the 'deadwood', but how to create, sustain and motivate good teachers throughout their careers.” • Fullan and Hargreaves 1992

  12. "People learn what they need to learn, not what someone else thinks they need to learn.” Fullan (1994) • "In the end, it is the teacher in his or her classroom who has to interpret and bring about improvement.” Fullan and Hargreaves • "You cannot have students as continuous learners and effective collaborators, without teachers having these same characteristics.” Sarason (1990)

  13. Encouragement • Recognition of the long-term nature of efforts at genuine change • The successes of Teacher Learning Communities and Learning Rounds • Recognition of the importance of a collegiate culture characterised by openness, mutual respect and leadership at all levels

  14. The Challenge • If everyone is required to be a leader of learning and a reflective professional contributing to whole school development, why have “chartered teachers”? • Is there sufficient clarity about the role to withstand an equal pay challenge? • How can we ensure that Chartered Teachers are supported without being seen as agents of management?

  15. Some thoughts • You have to instigate • You have to have an agreed plan for your work • There has to be a high level of open accountability for Chartered Teachers • The “surgeon comparison” • You have to be very clear about outcomes sought, define these as best you can, monitor and evaluate rigorously

  16. In short, it is the task of all educationalists outside the classroom to serve the teacher.. For only they are in a position to deliver effective learning • Adapted from Lawrence Stenhouse

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