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Food Safety,

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  1. WELCOME Concept of food safety and hygiene Presented by NABIL AL- HAJJ LEC. 1

  2. Definition of food • All human intake to meet his food needs, and be compatible with his cultural habits and religious laws. • Food Safety : • All the procedures and processes we undertake necessary for the production of non-harmful foodHuman health. (Safe food). • Food Quality • Is that the food is healthy and contains desirable specifications for the consumer(Color - taste - smell - texture .... etc). • Vary from country to country, region to region, depending on the consumer's desire. • For example,American consumer loves chicken with yellow skin consumer in the Middle East loves chicken with white skin • Hygiene • Provide protective factors to maintain human health • Food Hygiene • Procedures that ensure the health, safety and suitability of food for consumption at all stages of its production, production, distribution, preparation and submission

  3. Safe Food • What is Safe Food? • Food which is free from contaminants & will not cause illness or harmfrom Production, processing, distribution, preparation and handling. • Food Safety • Ensure that food does not cause any harm or illness to the consumer • If safety means that no health damage to humans occur when food is consumed. • Food scientists look at food safety through risk and risk factors • Food Safety Assessment • 1. Identification of risk sources • 2. The size of the risk or the risks that the risk source can cause • 3. Take decision on these risks and accept or reject it. • Generally all foods have some degree of risk, and there is no food security 100%

  4. The responsibility for producing safe food • The person who works in the food production chain or stages of production, preparation, preparation, processing and trading and submit it, and therefore the production of safe food requires the following: • Control of the source of food "raw materials« • Control the design of the product and control the manufacturing process • Practice good health during production, processing, circulation, distribution, storage and sale. • Take all measures to prevent microbes from entering the food

  5. Understanding FoodHygiene Protecting food from risk of contamination, including harmful bacteria, poison and other foreignbodies. Preventing any bacteria present multiplying to an extent which would result in the illness of consumers or the early spoilage of the food. Destroyinganyharmfulbacteriainthefoodbythoroughcooking heating, freezing orprocessing. Removeunfit or contaminated food.

  6. The cost of poor foodhygiene • Food poisoning outbreaks and sometimesdeath • Food contamination, customer complaints and brandimage • Pestinfestations • Waste food due tospoilage • The closure of foodpremises • Fines and costs oflegalactiontaken because of contraventionsinhygiene legislation, or because of the sale of unfit or unsatisfactoryfood. • Civil action taken by food poisoning suffers • Loss of production and food which has to bedestroyed • Decontamination and replacement of damagedequipment.

  7. The benefits of good foodhygiene Satisfied customers, a good reputation, increased business and brandprotection Compliance with food safetylegislation Less foodwastage Good working conditions, higher staff morale and lower staff turnover, which promote increasedproductivity

  8. Food classification • Firstly, Depending on the speed of spoilage • 1. sensitive food perishables: • Animal and cooked foods) meat, fish and seafood - rice • Cooked - milk - leafy vegetables - mayonnaise). • 2. Low-sensitivity foods: • Dry Grain - Flour - Oils - Sugar - Tea - Coffee - Salt - • Fermented Food - Dry Food - Vinegar - Foods with a high content of sugar - canned food - jams. • Secondly, depending on the seriousness • 1. High-risk foods: Ready-to-eat foods without heat treatment such as salads. • 2. Low-risk foods: Foods that will be treated at a high temperature before eating, such as bread.

  9. 1. What are food contaminants? • Contaminants: • A biological, chemical, radiological or physical agent not intentionally added to the food Affecting consumer safety. • It is essential that we maintain the personal hygiene standards during food preparation . This will help prevent the spread of bacteria.

  10. Contaminations Allergies Biology Chemical Radiation Physical Eggs Bacteria Radiation Stone Pesticide

  11. Sources of food contamination Soil Water Animals Air and dust Sewage FOOD Insects and rodents Human Plants Surfaces for food

  12. Poor PersonalHygiene DirtyHands Dirty FingerNails DirtyUniforms Smoking in FoodAreas Being Sick atWork OpenCuts

  13. Biological Contaminations Insects and rodents Bacteriaا Viruses Molds and Fungus Parasites

  14. Bacteria Bacteria are microscopic organisms, often referred to as germs, which are found everywhere, including on and in man, on food ,in water, soil andair. Most Bacteria are harmless and someessential. Bacteria existeverywhere

  15. Requirements for bacterialgrowth 1. Warmth 370C - Best temperature for the growth of most poisoningbacteria( bodytemperature) 200C - 500C - Bacteria growth quitquickly 50 C-630 C is Danger Zone 10 C -40C -Sleepy -180 C – Nogrowth 2. Moisture 3. Food /Moisture 4. Time: The number of germs doubles every 20 minutes 5. PH

  16. Requirements for bacterialgrowth Time Warm Food/ Moisture Bacteria PH Food/ Moisture

  17. The number of germs doubles in each (20) minutes once (1) Germ after 20 minutes   (2) after 40 minutes) (4) after 1 hour   (8) germs after 2 hours (128) bacteria after 3 hours   (2048) after 4 hours   (32768) germ after 5 hours up to more than 5 million

  18. 5. PH. Effect of alkalinity and acidity alkaline Is a value ranging from (0-14) 7 Acidic

  19. What happens if bacteria grow on food? Food Spoilage +Bacteria Food Diseases of food infections Food poisoning diseases

  20. Food spoilage • Food damage or food spoilage is a change in appearance, flavor, smell, and other food attributes due to the growth of bacteria that leads to food degradation, spoilage. • Food poisoning • Definition: • Is a sudden illness that affects two or more people as a result of eating unfit food during a period of 30 to 4 days. • Symptoms: • deafness • Nausea, nausea and dizziness • Abdominal pain • High temperature • Diarrhea • Botulinum toxin is accompanied by blurred vision, difficulty in breathing, paralysis and death.

  21. The most sensitive groups of food poisoning • They are vulnerable groups: • Children . • Pregnant women . • Elderly . • People with weak immune • Diseases of food infections • And is a pathological situation that occurs as a result of transmission of the causative agent through an unfit food that is contaminated with the causative agent. • Such as: typhoid - Maltese fever - tuberculosis – hepatitis Viral - mad cows - tapeworms ... etc • Often contaminated by food appearance intact

  22. But there are beneficial bacteria in food processing Such as bacteria used in dairy and vinegar production.

  23. 2. What are the risks of these contamination? • The occurrence of food poisoning. • Disease of food infections • Incidence of food allergies. • Damage to the person (wounds - suffocation) • The result and outcome will have an impact on human resources working and non-working and increasing the cost of medical care and economic and legal losses.

  24. What to do to control bacterial contamination

  25. Workers in the preparation of food • They should be: • Healthy • They abide by customs, conditions and health practices. • They have minimal knowledge of the basics of food safety.

  26. By Having Good PersonalHygiene Especiallyafter Wash your handsregularly going tothe bathroom Have a Clean UniformAvailable If Sick StayHome Place a Band Aid onCuts

  27. PersonalHygiene Handsand Skins (Food handlers must wash their handsespecially) After visiting thetoilet On entering the food room, after a break and before handling anyfood. After putting on or changing adressing After dealing with an ill customer or a baby’snappy After handling raw food Including eggs, and before handling ready – to eatfood. After cleaning up animal faces or handling boxes contaminated by birddropping. After combing or touching the hair, face, nose, mouth orears After handling waste food. After cleaning , or handling dirty cloths, crockery.etc. After handling external packaging, flowers ormoney.

  28. It is essential that we maintain the personal hygiene standards when working in food preparation . This will help prevent the spread of bacteria. • 1. Wear a clean uniform • wear a hair net, hat or cap • Remove jewelers before reporting to work • Keep finger nails short and without artificial nails or polish • Wash your hands regularly • Report any sickness or illness immediately

  29. Food NotCovered

  30. DirtyKitchens FridgeNot Dirty StoveTops OldChopping Cleaned Boards

  31. Food Has Past its ExpirationDate MouldyBread OffMilk Spoilage Meat MouldyCheese

  32. Keep KitchenClean

  33. Check Expiry Dates and LabelFoods

  34. Why do we need Food labels? Food labels provide information to help us make choices. Labels do the following: • Tell us which nutrients, in what amounts, are in a product • Warn us if a food contains food allergens • Inform us if the food is fresh or out of date • When necessary, explain how to store, prepare or cook the food we buy • List product ingredients • Give us information on where the food was produced and which company has marketed it Essentially, food labels are there to provide us with basic information about what is in the food we eat and how best to handle it.

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