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Geothermal Workshop on the Pannonian Basin Budapest, 2011. May

Geothermal Research and Education at the University of Miskolc. Geothermal Workshop on the Pannonian Basin Budapest, 2011. May . Dr. Anikó Tóth PhD – Prof. Elemér Bobok . Roots. Prof. Dr. Boldizsár Tibor (1913–1998) „ Father of Geothermal ”. He was born in Budapest on June 9, 1913.

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Geothermal Workshop on the Pannonian Basin Budapest, 2011. May

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  1. Geothermal Research and Education at the University of Miskolc Geothermal Workshop on the Pannonian BasinBudapest, 2011. May Dr. Anikó Tóth PhD – Prof. Elemér Bobok

  2. Roots Prof. Dr. Boldizsár Tibor (1913–1998) „Father of Geothermal” He was born in Budapest on June 9, 1913. Matriculatedat the Hungarian Royal University of Mining Engineer 1931. Received his Ph.D. in 1952 and Doctor of Science degreein 1956. He had advisory functions at the Hungarian National Committe; European Economic Committee of UNO (Geneva); The United Nations University, Tokyo; The International School of Geothermics (IIRG), Pisa, Italy Published about 200 studies and articles, nine books or portions of them, 90 papers that were published in about 50 international periodicals. He also performed research and lectured on geothermal energy and vulcanology in California, Oregon, Hawaii, New Zealand, the Canary Islands and several universities in Europe.

  3. He received a number of International Decorations and Certificates of Merit. 1979 Member of the New York Academy ofSciences; 1980 Honorary member of the American GeophysicalUnion; Member of the American Institution of Mining,Metallurgical and PetroleumEngineers. Decorated with the Officers Insignia of the Republic of Hungary. Oregon, 1958

  4. Main Fields of Research • Limits of Heat Extraction from Dry Hole • Cold Front Propagation in a Fractured Geothermal Reservoir • Hungary’s first geothermal pilot power plant generates unnecessary scruples about thermal Lake of Héviz • Life Time of a Doublet in a Fractured Geothermal Reservoir • Geotermal Deicing in a Mine Tunnel • Comparison of an Analytic and a Numerical Approach for Tracer Transport in a fractured geothermal reservoir • Steam Blowout from an Overpressured Geothermal reservoir in Hungary • Geothermal potential of an abandoned copper mine • Mine climatization by Geothermal Energy

  5. Main Research Partners • MOL Nyrt. • E.ON Gas Storage Zrt. • FGSZ Zrt. • BMGE • Mecsekérc Zrt. • TXM Kft. • Linde Gaz Zrt. • Olajterv • Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország • Burgess and Nipple,Columbus, Ohio, USA • Geo Heat Center, Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA • World Bank 

  6. Conference Participations with Papers since 2000 GRC Annual Meeting New Zealand Geothermal Workshop San Francisco2000 Auckland 2002 Reno 2002, 2007 Reykjavik 2003 Szeged 2003  Antalya 2005 San Diego2006 Naples 2007 Kassa 2007 Unterhaching 2007   Oslo 33WGRC 2008 Karlsruhe 2008 Stanford University 2006, 2007 Stanford University 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 GRC Annual Meeting International Geothermal Conference European Geothermal Conference World GeothermalCongress GRC Annual Meeting Renewable Energy MED EFUC International Conference European Geothermal Congress World GeologicalCongress Geothermiekongress Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering

  7. Geothermal Postgraduate Education2008. January -

  8. Duration: 4 Semesters Criterion: Engineering Diploma (MSc or BSc) Respansible: University of Miskolc Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering Head: Prof. Dr. Bobok Elemér DsC Secretary: Dr. Tóth Anikó PhD Geothermal Course

  9. Thank you for your kind attention !

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