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God Moves in a Mysterious way Poem 5 Std X – Chapter 13 - English. Author Name: William Cowper. Pre-reading task. Each person looks at God in his/her own way. God is believed to be omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. How do you feel about God?
God Moves in a Mysterious wayPoem 5Std X – Chapter 13 - English Author Name: William Cowper
Pre-reading task • Each person looks at God in his/her own way. God is believed • to be omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. • How do you feel about God? • List down the qualities you associate with God
SUMMARY OF THE POEM • The poem ‘God Moves in a Mysterious Way’ tells us how God is beyond human perception and how weakly we understand Him. • It also tells us that the kindness of God tastes bitter in the beginning but has the soothing effect of nectar.
For memorization God moves in a mysterious way. His wonders to perform; He plans his footsetps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Judge not the Lord by feeble1 sense, But trust him for his grace2; Behind a frowning3 providence4, He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain.
POET WILLIAM COWPER • William Cowper : (1731-1800) began to write poetry late in life, and as a means of keeping his mind from brooding over those torturing religious anxieties which more than once turned his melancholy into positive madness. • He was not a student of poetry. He wrote just to express his ideas in his own way. • His principal poem is ‘The Task’. It is in praise of country life as favourable to religion and virtue. • Inthe sympathetic treatment of Nature and landscape he comes nearest to Wordsworth.
Word Meaning • 1. Feeble: weak. • 2. Grace: favour. • 3. Frown: show anger. • 4. Providence: God’s care of human beings
ExercisesI.A. Each statement below has four alternatives. Choosethe correct word and complete the sentences : • 1) God can ride on a) a horse b) a storm c) air d) water • 2) We should trust God for His a) grace b) gifts c) boons d) blessings
ExercisesB Answer the following in one or two sentences each : • 1) How does God move? • 2) How shouldn’t we judge God? • 3) What should we trust God for? • 4) Where does God hide a smiling face? • 5) Who is the interpreter of God?
ExercisesC) Answer the following in a paragraph each. • 1) Why does the poet say that God moves in a mysterious way? • 2) Why should we not judge God? • 3) “The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower.” What is said about God in these lines?
ExercisesII Figures of Speech : • “He plans his footsteps in the sea” • “He rides upon the storm” • “He hides a smiling face” • In these lines an abstract concept viz., ‘God’ is attributed human qualities. Treating lifeless or inanimate objects and abstract notions as having life is called ‘Personification’. • Write two examples for ‘personification’ from any poem you have studied so far.
Exercises • III Make a list of the pairs of rhyming words in the poem