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Program Analysis and Verification 0368- 4479 http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~maon/teaching/2013-2014/paav/paav1314b.html. Noam Rinetzky Lecture 7: Axiomatic Semantics - Concurrency. Slides credit: Roman Manevich , Mooly Sagiv , Eran Yahav. Good manners. Mobiles. Home Work Assignment #1 & #2.
Program Analysis and Verification 0368-4479http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~maon/teaching/2013-2014/paav/paav1314b.html Noam Rinetzky Lecture 7: Axiomatic Semantics - Concurrency Slides credit: Roman Manevich, MoolySagiv, EranYahav
Good manners • Mobiles
Home Work Assignment #1 & #2 • #1 due today • Modulo justified extensions • #2 Wednesday • Due lesson 10
Axiomatic Semantics (Hoare Logic) • Programming Language • Syntax (skip | S1;S2 | … ) • Semantics (e.g., states ∑ + StmtsC, ss) • Assertions • Syntax ( x = 3 | x < y + a | …) • Semantics (⟦P⟧ ⊆ ∑ alt. s p P) • Judgments • {P} C {Q}, [P] C [Q] • p {P} C {Q} : s, s’ . (s p P C, ss’) s’pQ) • Inference rules • Proofs
Axiomatic semantics for While Axiom for every primitive statement { P[a/x] } x:= a { P } [assp] [skipp] { P } skip { P } { P } S1 { Q }, { Q } S2 { R } { P } S1; S2 { R } [compp] { b P} S1 { Q}, { b P} S2 { Q} { P} if bthenS1elseS2 { Q} { b P } S { P } { P } while bdoS {b P } { P’ } S { Q’ } { P } S { Q } Inference rule for every composed statement [ifp] [whilep] [consp] if PP’ and Q’Q
Factorial proof Goal: { x=n } y:=1; while (x1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x–1) { y=n! n>0} W = while (x1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x–1) INV = x > 0 (y x! = n! n x) { INV[x-1/x] } x:=x-1{INV} { INV[x-1/x][y*x/y] } y:=y*x { INV[x-1/x] } [comp] { INV[x-1/x][y*x/y] } y:=y*x; x:=x–1{INV} [cons] {x1 INV } y:=y*x; x:=x–1{ INV} [while] { INV } W {x=1 INV} { INV[1/y] } y:=1 { INV } [cons] [cons] { x=n } y:=1 { INV } { INV } W { y=n! n>0} [comp] { x=n } while (x1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x–1) { y=n! n>0}
Soundness • The inference system is sound: • p{ P } C { Q } implies p{ P } C { Q }
Soundness and completeness • The inference system is sound: • p{ P } C { Q } implies p{ P } C { Q } • The inference system is relatively complete: • p{ P } C { Q } implies p{ P } C { Q } • ∀A,B. A⇒B • Assertion language is expressive enough
While + Concurrency Abstract syntax: a ::= n | x | a1+a2 | a1a2 | a1–a2 b ::=true|false|a1=a2|a1a2|b|b1b2 S::=x:=a | skip | S1;S2| ifbthenS1elseS2 | whilebdoS | cobeginS1‖ …‖Sncoend
Proofs … … { P2} S2{ Q2} { P1} S1{ Q2} … {P1 ΛP1} S1‖ S2{ Q2 ΛQ2 } Challenge: Interference
Disjoint Parallelism { P2} S2{ Q2} { P1} S1{ Q2} {P1 ΛP1} S1‖ S2{ Q2 ΛQ2 } ∅ FV(P1,S1,Q1) ∩ FV(P2,S2,Q2) =
Global Invariant I ⊢ { P2} S2{ Q2} I ⊢ { P1} S1{ Q2} I ⊢ {P1 ΛP1} S1‖ S2{ Q2 ΛQ2 }
Global Invariant I ⊢ { P } S1 { Q } I ⊢ { Q } S2 { R } I ⊢ { P } S1; S2 { R } I ⊢ { P2} S2{ Q2} I ⊢ { P1} S1{ Q2} I ⊢ {P1 ΛP1} S1‖ S2{ Q2 ΛQ2 }
Global Invariant I ⊢ { P } S1 { R } { P Λ I } S{ Q ΛI } I ⊢ { R } S2 { Q} I ⊢ { P } S1; S2 { Q } I ⊢ { P } S{ Q } I ⊢ { P2} S2{ Q2} I ⊢ { P1} S1{ Q2} I ⊢ {P1 ΛP1} S1‖ S2{ Q2 ΛQ2 }
Owicky-Gries • A command Cwith a precondition pre(C)does not interfere with the proof of {P} S {Q} if: • {Q pre(C) } C {Q} • For any S’ “∈” S: {pre(S’) pre(C) } C {pre(S’)} • {P1} C1 {Q1} ... {Pk} Ck {Qk} are interference freeif ∀ i j and ∀x:=a“∈”Ci , x:=a does not interfere with {Pj} Cj {Qj}
Parallel Composition Rule I ⊢ { P2} S2{ Q2} I ⊢ { P1} S1{ Q2} I ⊢ {P1 ΛP1} S1‖ S2{ Q2 ΛQ2 } {P1} C1 {Q1} ... {Pk} Ck {Qk} are interference free
Owicky-Gries: Limiations • Checking interference can be hard • Non-compositionality • Until you finished the local proofs cannot check interference • Proofs need to be “saved” • Hard to handle libraries and missing code • A non-standard meaning of Hoare triples • Depends on the interference of other threads with the proof • Soundness is non-trivial • Completeness depends on auxiliary variables
Rely / Guarantee • Aka assume Guarantee • Cliff Jones • Main idea: Modular capture of interference • Compositional proofs
Commands as relations • It is convenient to view the meaning of commands as relations between pre-states and post-states • In {P} C {Q} • P is a one state predicate • Q is a two-state predicate • Recall auxiliary variables • Example • {true} x := x + 1 {x= x + 1}
C C Intuition Hoare: { P} S { Q } ~ {P} ⇒⇒⇒⇒{Q} R/G: R,G⊢{ P} S { Q } ~ {P} ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒{Q} R G R G G R G
p(, ) =p() p(, ) =p() A single state predicate p is preserved by a two-state relation R if p R p , : p() R(, ) p() From one- to two-state relations
Operations on Relations • (P;Q)(, )=:P(, ) Q(, ) • ID(, )= (=) • R*=IDR (R;R) (R;R;R) …
Formulas • ID(x) = (x = x) • ID(p) =(pp) • Preserve (p)= pp
Informal Semantics • c (p, R, G, Q) • For every state such that p: • Every execution of c on state with (potential) interventions which satisfy R results in a state such that (, ) Q • The execution of every atomic sub-command of c on any possible intermediate state satisfies G
Informal Semantics • c (p, R, G, Q) • For every state such that p: • Every execution of c on state with (potential) interventions which satisfy R results in a state such that (, ) Q • The execution of every atomic sub-command of c on any possible intermediate state satisfies G • c [p, R, G, Q] • For every state such that p: • Every execution of c on state with (potential) interventions which satisfy R must terminate in a state such that (, ) Q • The execution of every atomic sub-command of c on any possible intermediate state satisfies G
A Formal Semantics • Let CR denotes the set of quadruples <1, 2, 3, 4 > s.t. that when c executes on 1 with potential interferences by R it yields an intermediate state 2 followed by an intermediate state 3 and a final state 4 • as usual 4= when c does not terminate • CR = {<1, 2, 3, 4> : : <1, > R ( <C, > * 2 2 =3= 4 ’, C’: <C, >* <C’, ’ > ( (2= 1 2 = ) (3 = 3=’) 4= ) <’, 2, 3, 4 > C’R ) • c (p, R, G, Q) • For every <1, 2, 3 , 4 > CR such that 1p • < 2, 3> G • If 4 : <1, 4 > Q
Simple Examples • X := X + 1 (true, X=X, X =X+1X=X, X =X+1) • X := X + 1 (X 0, X X, X>0 X=X, X>0) • X := X + 1 ; Y := Y + 1 (X 0Y 0, X X YY, G, X>0 Y>0)
Inference Rules • Define c (p, R, G, Q) by structural induction on c • Soundness • If c (p, R, G, Q) then c (p, R, G, Q)
(Atomic) atomic {c} (p, preserve(p), QID, Q) Atomic Command {p} c {Q}
(Critical) await b then c (p, preserve(p), QID, Q) Conditional Critical Section {pb} c {Q}
(SEQ) c1 ; c2 (p1, R, G, (Q1; R*; Q2)) Sequential Composition c1(p1, R, G, Q1) c2(p2, R, G, Q2) Q1 p2
(IF) if atomic {b} then c1 else c2 (p, R, G, Q) Conditionals c1(p b1, R, G, Q) p b R* b1 c2(p b2, R, G, Q) p b R* b2
(WHILE) while atomic {b} do c (j, R, G, b j) Loops c (j b1, R, G, j) j b R* b1 R Preserve(j)
(REFINE) c (p’, R’, G’, Q’) Refinement c (p, R, G, Q) p’ p Q Q’ R’ R G G’
(PAR) c1 || c2 (p1 p1, (R1R2), (G1G2), Q) where Q= (Q1 ; (R1R2)*; Q2) (Q2 ; (R1R2)*; Q1) Parallel Composition c1(p1, R1, G1, Q1) c2(p2, R2, G2, Q2) G1 R2 G2 R1
Issues in R/G • Total correctness is trickier • Restrict the structure of the proofs • Sometimes global proofs are preferable • Many design choices • Transitivity and Reflexivity of Rely/Guarantee • No standard set of rules • Suitable for designs