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State of Potomac Region American Society for Photogrammetry & R emote Sensing

State of Potomac Region American Society for Photogrammetry & R emote Sensing. John Manzer (Outgoing) President, ASPRS Potomac Region Annual Meeting and Dinner. The ASPRS Mission. Promote the ethical application of active and passive sensors and the disciplines of:.

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State of Potomac Region American Society for Photogrammetry & R emote Sensing

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  1. State of Potomac RegionAmerican Society forPhotogrammetry & Remote Sensing John Manzer (Outgoing) President, ASPRS Potomac Region Annual Meeting and Dinner

  2. The ASPRS Mission Promote the ethical application of active and passive sensors and the disciplines of: We are The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society

  3. Member Benefits • Access to a network of professionals • Professional Certification opportunities • Photogrammetrist, Remote Sensing, Mapping Scientist, Technologist • Subscription to peer-reviewed journal: Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS) • Reduced fees for ASPRS conferences, workshops, and training • Employment announcements • Discount on ASPRS publications • Eligibility for National and Regional awards, scholarships, and fellowships

  4. Potomac Region Member Benefits • Network with ASPRS Potomac Region members from government, academia, & private industry • Reduced fees for annual GeoTech Conference • Workshops, technical talks, exhibits • Local venue + low registration fees  low cost • Free Technical Tours: • USGS (5/16/2012) • Greg Snyder • Intergraph (8/26/2011) • Nancy Brelos • NGA (Jan 10, 2013) • Ashley Holt

  5. Geographic Distribution 17 Regions in USA Potomac Region Members in 76 Countries

  6. Potomac Region Membership Breakdown 368 12 7 82 23156 61 “The Year of the Students 2012” 3/31/2012 Total: 699 1/31/2013 Total: 709

  7. Potomac Region Board Secretary/Treasurer Vice President President Past President Region Director Historian NC Chapter President Region Director Technical Advisor GMU Fac Advisor Region Director VT Fac Advisor Elected National Director WVU Fac Advisor Termed PSU Fac Advisor Appointed NVCC Fac Advisor Per chapter bylaws * UNC Fac Advisor Active

  8. 2011 ASPRS Potomac Region Board [From left to right] J. Chris McGlone, Technical Advisor; Josh Sisskind, Region Director; Allan Falconer, President; Barbara Eckstein, National Director; Yogendra Singh, Historian; Peter Doucette, Past President 2010; John Manzer, Past President 2012; Chris Parrish, Past President 2011 [Not shown] Anthony Stefanidis, Region Director; Karen Shuckman PSU Coordinator; James Campbell VT Coordinator, WVU Coordinator Robert Black, Region Director, Ashley Holt Vice President

  9. Region Director WelcomeNew 2013 Board Members Michael Krimmer 2013 Sec-Treasurer Josh Siskind(Again!) Region Director 2013-2015 Mr. Josh Sisskind has been a member of ASPRS since 2008. He first became involved as an undergraduate student at the University at Albany (B.A. Geography and Meteorology, 2007), serving as a Student Assistant at the 2007 Fall Conference in Ottawa, Ontario. Josh went on to become the Communications Councilor for the Student Advisory Council, a role he served through 2008 as a graduate student at UAlbany (M.A. Geography, 2008). Josh is currently a GIS Applications Engineer with SAIC where he develops geospatial applications for data production and dissemination. Previously, Josh worked at ITT Geospatial Systems focusing on integrating geospatial applications with image science. Josh is currently serving as the Acting Chair/Deputy Chair of the ASPRS Young Professionals Council.

  10. Michael Krimmer Leadership Spotlight • LDCM Launch party and initial NOVA ASPRS Chapter meeting on Monday, 11 February at 6:30PM at NOVA Reston (Already ! – Very Exciting !!!) • A little background to assist in understanding the situation at community colleges in general, and NOVA in particular.  • More than 60 community colleges across the nation have GIS programs (certificates and/or degree programs).  Many of these programs have remote sensing course work.  • During the past three years, NSF funding has supported a team of community college faculty in developing model geospatial curriculum.  • The model curriculum is based on the US Department of Labor Geospatial Technology Competency Model, and includes a course in remote sensing.  • Also with the underwriting of an NSF grant, a geospatial center of excellence for community colleges has been established—the GeoTECH Center http://www.geotechcenter.org/

  11. Potomac Region Structure ASPRS National (Bethesda, MD) Potomac Region WVU Student Forum NC Chapter GMU Student Chapter and Forum Virginia Tech Student Forum NVCC Chapter Penn State Student Forum Michael Grimmer UNC Chapter UNC Petition & ByLaws : Draft since Oct, 30 2012 ; Approve and get to Chris Aldridge Gang Chen … “NVCC & UNC are extremely probable”

  12. Student Forums and Chapters • Penn State University • Gilbert Hobrough Potomac Region Student Forum, Advisor/Coordinator: Karen Schuckman, Past ASPRS President • Student President: RaechelBianchetti, PSU PhD Candidate and member of the ASPRS SAC • Virginia Tech • Scott Reading Potomac Region Student Forum, Advisor/Coordinator: Dr. James Campbell • George Mason University • Frederick Doyle Potomac Region Chapter & Student Forum, Advisor/Coordinator: Dr. Anthony Stefanidis, Student President: Xu Lu • West Virginia University • Alfred O. Quinn Potomac Region Student Forum, Advisor/Coordinator: Dr. Tim Warner … More coming soon !!!

  13. GMU Annual Summary

  14. GMU Annual Summary • In July, we volunteered in the edition of The Glossary of Mapping Science (2nd Edition), a joint publication of ACSM, ASCE and ASPRS. We finished editing more than 2000 words in the database so far, which are approximately 20% of all the terms. • In August, we hold the annual election and elected our new officers. Now we have president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, and event coordinator.  • In September, we recruited new student members into our chapter, and hold the meeting to prepare for future events. We are glad that those new members are very active in our later events. • In October, we volunteered in the ASPRS Potomac Region GeoTech Conference. We designed the conference brochure, set up the registration desk, helped with the presenters as well as the conference attendees. We are proud that the conference chair Dr. Allan Falconer was very satisfied with our volunteer work. • In November, we participated in the GMU GIS Day event. We set up a booth and display our activities and achievements. Student President: Xu Lu

  15. PSU Annual Summary • Penn State submitted 11 resident student member applications in the period from Sept 2012 to present. 10 of these were sponsored directly by the Potomac Region. The 11th was paid for out of the general student forum funds provided by Potomac Region. The new student members are: 1. Mr. Anthony Marze 2. Mr. Andrew Homka 3. Mr. Caleb Voithofer 4. Mr. Gregory Milbourne 5. Mr. Nathanael Santos Amador 6. Ms. Rachel Elizabeth Isaacs 7. Mr. Sean Michael Cooley 8. Ms. Chelsea Gilliam 9. Ms. Helena Kotala 10. Mr. Eric Aspril 11. Mr. Matthew Allegretto Student President: RaechelBianchetti

  16. PSU Annual Summary • We kicked off the PSU Student Forum with a face-to-face meeting in September 2012. We met monthly through Dec 2012 for two hours each meeting. We discussed ASPRS membership, Provisional Certification requirements, ASPRS conferences, and student volunteer opportunities. We also included students from the online program in the meeting activities via webinar. One or two attended remotely for each meeting. • On September 27, 2012 a group of 8 students attended a field trip with faculty member, Karen Schuckman, at Keystone Aerial Surveys in northeast Philadelphia. That evening, they participated in the Northeast Region Annual Meeting also held at Keystone. • Some PSU students should be applying for volunteer/assistant positions for the Baltimore conference. I do not have an estimate at this time, but I am guessing probably 5 or 6 applications. The deadline is fast approaching • On Feb 4-5, approximately 7 students have indicated an interest in participating in the Preparation for Provisional Certification webinar. • On Feb 4, a group of 3 students and faculty member, Karen Schuckman, plan to attend the Potomac Region Annual Meeting in Fairfax, VA. Welcome Students: Helena Kotala, Caleb Voithofer, Chelsea Gilliam Student President: RaechelBianchetti

  17. VT Annual Summary • William A. Fischer Memorial Scholarship Winner: BaojunZheng, PhD student in the Department of Geography at the Virginia Tech University • Last year we begun dynamically by fielding a team for the 2012 Geoleague Challenge. After working intensively on our proposal, we presented at the ASPRS annual conference in Sacramento and won first prize. Our report entitled “An efficient Remote Sensing Solution to update the NCWI” by Stein et al. was published as the feature article in the July issue of PE&RS. • We sent 4 students to the Sacramento conference where we had 2 oral and 1 poster presentations • Our members participated in the OGIS symposium. • Two of our members took part in the USGS headquarters tour organized by the Potomac Region. We were the only student that participated. Student President:

  18. VT Annual Summary • In the summer we had a public outreach event to celebrate the 40th anniversary on the Landsat program. We held a public viewing of the NASA/USGS press conference held at the Newseum in July 23rd and invited the general public to participate, including the press. • We recruited new member to our local and the national organization among the incoming graduate students in August. • Four of us also participated in the 2012 GeoTechconference and had a booth promoting our chapter. • We formed another team for 2013 Geoleague challenge and are participating in that competition. For 2013 we intend to take part in the Annual conference and have already registered 7 of our members for that conference. • Also we have scheduled to hold two events for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission launch on campus, a public viewing of the prelaunch press conference and of the launch itself. • We intend to hold a similar event for the PROBA-V launch on April

  19. WVU Annual Summary • Hosted visiting speaker: John Rogan, Clark University, Massachusetts • John Rogan joined the Clark University faculty as Assistant Professor in Fall 2003. Dr. Rogan received his Ph.D. (Geography) degree from the joint doctoral program at San Diego State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was funded by a research grant from NASA's Land Cover and Land Use Change Program. He received M.A. and B.A. degrees (Geography) from the University of Arizona. • John Teaches • GEOG 087 Intro to Environmental Information Systems/Lecture, LabGEOG 234/GEOG 334 - The Geography of Fire/LectureGEOG 282/GEOG 382 - Advanced Remote Sensing/Lecture, LabGEOG 232/GEOG 332/IDCE 30214 - Landscape Ecology/Lecture, Lab • http://www.clarku.edu/faculty/facultybio.cfm?id=460 • We have 8 members

  20. PR 2012 Events at a Glace • Annual Meeting & Dinner • Tech Tours • USGS “PDFs Available” • Intergraph • NGA • GeoTech Conference • Very Successful • 1 Newsletter 2012 • 1 Newsletter 2013 First Ever Potomac “Live” Webinar

  21. Social Media • Periodically HQ provides to the Executive Committee the New Members List • I challenge Potomac Executives to “LinkedIn” with each new member ; be it Student or other type ; “I Did, for everyone I could find on LinkedIn” • Potomac Events were published on the following LinkedIn Groups

  22. Faces of GeoTech 2012

  23. GEOTECH2012 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY IS MORE THAN HUMAN TERRAIN October 25-26, 2012 1  LiDAR By Dr. Christopher Parrish, NOAA, National Geodetic Survey 2 Human Geography / Analyzing Human Settlements with Remote Sensing ByDr. Karen OwenGeorge Mason University

  24. GEOTECH2012 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY IS MORE THAN HUMAN TERRAIN October 25-26, 2012 Afternoon Workshops: 81 registered

  25. GEOTECH2012 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY IS MORE THAN HUMAN TERRAIN October 25-26, 2012 Plenary sessions: 110 registered: Keynote Speaker Dr. Jerry Dobson, President, The American Geographical Society Seen below with John Manzer and Allan Falconer

  26. GEOTECH2012 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY IS MORE THAN HUMAN TERRAIN October 25-26, 2012 Technical Sessions & Exhibits

  27. GEOTECH2012 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY IS MORE THAN HUMAN TERRAIN October 25-26, 2012 With Many thanks to our Student Chapter Volunteers:

  28. Potomac Region Honors • Virginia Tech • IoannisKokkinidisVT Student President • Organized the trip and attended with fellow students the USGS TechTour • George Mason University • Xu Lu GMU Student President • Organized and attended with fellow students the GeoTech2012 • Penn State University • Jay Searles PSU Student • Attended GeoTech2012 and provided a technical overview of the approach of Hurricane “Sandy” using real time data in response to popular demand for a lunch-time session of Geotech2012 on Friday October 26th. We offer our appreciation for a job well done. • Ashley Holt Treasurer / Sec • Organized and held an unprecedented NGA Tech Tour at the New Campus East facility CONGRATULATIONS !

  29. Potomac Region Honors • Presentations • Workshops • Member of the Year James (Chris) McGlone !! • GeoTech Technical Program Chairmen • Editor : Manual of Photogrammetry

  30. Potomac Region Honors • Region of the Year: Results Pending • Region of the Month: 4x in 2012! July, September, October, and December • ASPRS Bucks Awarded ~$210+ • Bucks going to Champions

  31. Potomac Region Financials 2012 Potomac Region Invested in STUDENTS ! • Compare with $73,816.65 Dec 31 2011 (-$21,355) • $41.86 Interest earned on CD … and Baltimore Conference

  32. NC Chapter Closure Matter • Potomac Region has had an outstanding matter to resolve • Revitalize or Close the Defunct NC Chapter • Attempts have been made to contact and motivate the leadership • Luiz H Cortes , Peggy Fersner, Lewis LaPine • Obtained a List of Legacy Members • Used LinedIn in attempt to reconnect with people to see what might popup • Time and Focus slipped Away • Not Resolved • Financial POC: GeroldL. Ray (retired) • Agreed Feb 1st to return the $ • gray@nc.rr.com919-219-8808 “Action Item” Collect $ 7,272 Assignment: Michael Krimmer

  33. Restructuring Task Force Task Force Members • Chris Aldridge, Matt Altman, Adam Benjamin, Steve DeGloria (Chair), Larry Handley, Bobbi Lenczowski, Meghan MacLean, John Manzer, Becky Morton, Brian Murphy, Jim Plasker, Heather Staverman, Kim Tilley, Stewart Walker, Jesse Winch, Jeff Young. Advisory: Gary Florence, Carolyn Merry. Background • The purpose of the ASPRS Restructuring Task Force (RTF) was to examine our current national and regional organizational structure and to generate specific recommendations and action items for Board consideration that sustainably advance the mission of ASPRS for the benefit of all members and the imaging and geospatial information community at large. • The RTF was an outgrowth of the Rebranding Task Force (2011) in which a number of issues, or action items, were defined and subsequently melded into the charges of the RTF. Some action items of the Rebranding Task Force continue and some action items have been assumed by relevant standing committees.

  34. Restructuring Task Force Restructuring Issues Addressed • Philosophical basis and value proposition of ASPRS that should be articulated and used to formulate recommendations for governance entities within our organization and membership at large. • Improvement of national and region officer training webinar content, audience, and timing of webinars. • Modification of our organizational structure that encourages locally-based technical programming; virtual, thematic affiliations of members within and between regions; and de-emphasis of physical geography and firm boundary conditions. • Re-organization of our conferences that recognizes multi-faceted needs of our technical meetings without jeopardizing current arrangements/contracts. • Enhancement of publication policies relevant to our PE&RS journal and general interest articles and columns that focus on imaging and geospatial information. • Mechanisms to enhance student, associate, and young professional learning, networking, and mentoring opportunities. • Final Recommendations and Action Items (forthcoming)

  35. Restructuring Task Force

  36. Planned 2013 Events 2013-Nov SanAntonio 2014-Mar Louisville 2014-Nov Denver 2015-May Tampa 2016-Apr Reno Potomac ?

  37. ASPRS Webinars

  38. Special Thanks to: Martin Wills in support of our Web Site,Melanie Feliciano NVCC Student from USGS Tour to M.Krimmer NetworkingRichard Brand for Flash LiDARPeter & Michele Doucette Annual Dinner 2013Thank You John Manzer (Outgoing) President, ASPRS Potomac Region 703-328-8511 jfm63gm@gmail.com

  39. Keynote Presentation Dr. Henry (Hank) J. Theissis the chief scientist in photogrammetry at Integrity Applications Incorporated (IAI) in Chantilly, VA. He is responsible for a large team of scientists who support predominantly NGA, as well as other DoD/IC organizations, by performing photogrammetric and error propagation analyses related to EO/IR/SAR/LIDAR sensor modeling from airborne and spaceborneplatforms, image formation, close range applications, registration, and tool validation. Prior to joining IAI in 2001, Hank earned his MS and PhD degrees in Photogrammetry and Geomatics at Purdue University, where he also taught graduate data adjustment courses and conducted research on photogrammetric modeling of video image sequences as a Visiting Assistant Professor.

  40. More Potomac ASPRS • … so you want more .. auh?

  41. Approved for Public Release 12-199 AFCEA ConferenceTonya Crawford Overview of NGA’s Acquisition Approach 14 February 2012 Version 2.0, updated 3/13/2012 10:40 AM

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