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Skip Intro. Searching For and Using Information:.
Skip Intro Searching For and Using Information: Students in all academic arenas are required to find answers to various problems, big and small. The most effective way to accomplish these problem solving dilemmas are to search for and use information gather from various sources to make logical conclusion or presentations. Site Map
Skip Intro Searching For and Using Information: Students learn to interact with the texts they read for various reasons. These reason include: gathering information about an unknown topic (research), learn about a character in a selection (plot, character analysis), and to gain clarity which works to increase their comprehension (understand steps or processes). Site Map Main Menu
Searching For and Using Information: “It is important that beginning readers learn… how to search for and use different kinds of information with the goal of using all sources of information together.” -Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas Site Map Main Menu
Main Menu Increasing Comprehension Text Clues Reference sources Research Method Site Map
Increasing Comprehension “Readers search for the information they need to gather from a text. They know they must have enough information to expend their knowledge of the content.” This can be achieved by having the readers focus on word meanings, visual information which includes the sequence words, and using multiple sources to locate information to aide in increasing student comprehension. Site Map Main Menu
Meaning Because each language has a collection of words specific to its culture, readers must be able to interpret the vocabulary used. Words can have several meaning making it difficult to comprehend the text. Teaching word origins and how to use context clues provides the reader with a starting point for decoding unfamiliar words Site Map Main Menu
Visual Information Early readers interact with text through words that are part of the selection. This ability to gather information or create a story line can be achieved by looking for letter sequence, parts of a particular word, recognizing text features, accessing background knowledge or through the emotions and responses that make the characters meaningful. Site Map Main Menu
Use Multiple Sources Searching for and using the kind of information that is needed to solve problems in the most effective ways to come up with a solution. This can be done by checking references and sources for accuracy, and by thinking simultaneously about how all sources fit together. Site Map Main Menu
Text Features Textbooks and nonfiction books often contain special features which can be used to help the reading understand and organize the information being presented. Text featured makes it easier for the reader to locate needed information with ease. Index Glossary Headings Bold wording Graphics (pictures, graphs, charts) Site Map Main Menu
Heading, subheading and Bold Text Heading: Used to help readers find out what the selection is going to be about. The heading can also help the reader figure out the main idea of a selection. Subheading: A small division of a chapter, essay, or article that provided more specific information about a topic. Bold Text: These large dark print words leads the reader to important or new vocabulary words to aide in understanding the information being presented. Site Map Main Menu
Graphics These graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, photographs or tables are used to further explain the information that has be presented. This information provided a visual representation of the text included in the selection. Site Map Main Menu
Index and Glossary The index of a nonfiction book is used to guide the reader to specific information by looking up keywords. The index is found in the back of the book. The glossary is also found in the back or at the end of a nonfiction text. The glossary is specific to the text being read . It provides the reader with the definitions of words important in comprehension of the text. Site Map Main Menu
Reference Source Print and Online Reference sources are the print and electronic source used to gather information about a variety of topics in one location. Encyclopedia, dictionary, almanac, atlas, thesaurus are examples of reference sources commonly used to answer questions or learn more about a concept. Site Map Main Menu
Encyclopedia A collection of articles or entries that summarize a larger body of information. These articles often include illustrations, diagrams, or photographs on the topic or person being discussed. This information can be general or specific based on the topic or content area. Site Map Main Menu
Dictionary This word book is an alphabetical collection of words, their pronunciations, origin, and part of speech. The words may be specific to a particular populations’ language or a translation of languages. Site Map Main Menu
Almanac This collection of list, forecast, moon phases , planting recommendation, and yearly highlights provided the reader with a wide variety of information based on their occurrence during the year. Site Map Main Menu
Internet Based Resources Text Features Increase Comprehension Activities to increase reading comprehension Teaching comprehension Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Informational Text Choice Literacy Text Feature PowerPoint Reference Sources Research Models Online Encyclopedia Big6 Online Dictionary Research Model Online Almanac Site Map Main Menu
Site Map Searching for and Using Information Main Menu Introduction Introduction 2 Increasing Comprehension Reference Sources Word Meanings Visual Information Multiple Sources Encyclopedia Dictionary Almanac Text Features Research Models Heading bold text Graphics Index/Glossary Main Menu