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Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico (Spanish: Puerto Rico, in translation - "rich port"). Located in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico from the group of the Greater Antilles, and several adjacent small islands .
Puerto Rico (Spanish: Puerto Rico, in translation - "rich port")
Located in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico from the group of the Greater Antilles, and several adjacent small islands.
Puerto Rico is a dependent territory of the United States and has a status of "unincorporated territory of organized» (Unincorporated organized territory), which means that this territory is under the control of the U.S. (and is not an integral part thereof), the action on the territory of the U.S. Constitution is limited, the supreme powerbelongs to the U.S. Congress, but the territory has its own system of government.
History of Puerto Rico during the period preceding the arrival in this land of Christopher Columbus, is not fully understood. All that is known about him comes from archaeological sites and oral histories of the first Spanish travelers.
The first settlers of Puerto Rico were ortoiroidy, representatives of the ancient kultury.Vbetween 120 and 400 years BC on the island attended by representatives of Indian tribesfrom the area igneri the Orinoco River in South America.
Puerto Rico consists of the main island of Puerto Rico, and many smaller islands and reefs, including the Mona (Isla de Mona), Vieques (Vieques), Culebra (Culebra),Desecheo (Desecheo) and Caja de Muertos, (Caja de Muertos .)
The main island is 170 km long and 60 km wide, mostly mountainous with large coastal areas in northern and southern parts. The main ridge of the island is called «La Cordillera Central», which means "central backbone", there is also the highest point in Puerto Rico - the mountain of Cerro de Punta (Cerro de Punta), height of 1338 m above sea level.
In Puerto Rico has 17 lakes, none of which is not natural, and more than 50 rivers, most of which flow from the main ridge. In the north of the river wider and full-flowing than in the south. Cave National Park Rio Kamay - Karst region in northeastern Puerto Rico.
According to the 1998, the flora of Puerto Rico amounted to 239 different plant species in the fauna observed 16 species of birds and 39 species of amphibians and reptiles are endemic.The greatest value to represent Puerto Rico mangrove forest and is almost hit bypoachers coral reefs.
The geological structure of the island consists of volcanic and igneous rocks, formedbetween melovovym period and Eocene epoch of the Paleogene period, the top coveredby later rocks of Oligocene age, and later carbonates and sedimentary rocks. Age of the oldest rocks is estimated at 190 million years old (Jurassic)
Education in Puerto Rico, four-and includes primary, middle, high school and higher education. The school can be both public and private.
The official languages of Puerto Rico are Spanish and English. Spanish is the primary in state institutions, although English is a compulsory subject in education, from elementary school and finishing second degree).
The Roman Catholic Church has historically dominated among the religious communities of the island, although the transition to the sovereignty of the United States there werefollowers of the various Protestant communities. Protestantism was persecuted during the Spanish rule.
Puerto Rico is divided into 78 municipalities, which in turn are divided into districts, and those in the sector. Each municipality has a mayor, elected for four-year period.
National symbols of Puerto Rico are considered a small bird of the family tanagrovyhSpindalis portoricensis, flower Tespeziya (Thespesia grandiflora), and cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra). The unofficial national animal is a tiny frog (Eleutherdactylus coqui).Puerto Rico has a pretty rich for a small island state, cultural traditions, which includesuch manifestations as folklore (dance, music, songs, colorful religious processions and representations), painting, literature, theater, amateur movies, etc.
Puerto Rico has its own Olympic team in the summer and winter Olympics, and is also involved in other major international competitions such as the Pan American Games(English Pan American Games), Central American and Caribbean Games (EnglishCentral American and Caribbean Games) and the Caribbean Cup in baseball (EnglishCaribbean World Series).
While on the island known for boxing, basketball, volleyball and baseball, the lattertraditionally regarded as the most popular sport on the island, until in recent years hasincreased the number of playing basketball. The island has its own professional baseballleague. Puerto Rico participates in the World Championships in baseball, and has in itskitty one gold (1951), 4 silver and 4 bronze medals.
The island is well developed network of roads, including highways, which are controlled by the local Department of Roads and Transport (English Roads and Transportation Authority). In the metropolitan area has a bus and subway, called here «Tren Urbano».The main airport is "International Airport Luis Munoz Marin" (Spanish: Aeropuerto Internacional Luis Muñoz Marín) is located in the municipality of Carolina (Carolina), the main port of the island - Port San Juan (born San Juan Port). Rail transport on the islandis absent, except for the newly introduced line of the subway in the city center.
Fluctuations in temperature ranges from 22-24 ° C in winter to 28-29 ° C in summer.During the day, as the temperature varies little, but in the mountains at night is usuallycool. The temperature in the southern regions of slightly higher than in the north and in the central mountain - always noticeably cooler than the rest of the island.
Hurricanes - the usual case in Puerto Rico, it is believed that the very English word"hurricane" is derived from the name of the god of evil in the Taino mythology - Huracan.The season of tropical storms is in May - November.
The climate in this period of veryhot, very wet and windy - the wind speed at the periphery of a typhoon can reach 150 km / h In addition, the island is prone to earthquakes.
The most favorable tourist season on the island - from December to April when the weather is relatively cool and dry. However, at this time the island is literally overflowingwith tourists, the prices are high and accommodation in hotels without prior booking is problematic.