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MyHealthatVanderbilt. Contents (Click on the to navigate to the desired topic). What is MyHealthatVanderbilt Provider and clinic benefits Patient benefits Features Limited and Full Access Sign-up process (remote) In clinic sign up ( Screen savers / KIOSK)
MyHealthatVanderbilt www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com
Contents (Click on the to navigate to the desired topic) • What is MyHealthatVanderbilt • Provider and clinic benefits • Patient benefits • Features • Limited and Full Access • Sign-up process (remote) • In clinic sign up ( Screen savers / KIOSK) • What patients have message capability to message • Increase access level • Increase access level in StarPanel • Messaging • Initiating messages • Receiving messages • Future reminders • Patient notification • Bounce back feature • Patient letter • Test results available for patients • Lab view for patients • Graph Labs for patients • Radiology results view for patients • Future enhancements • Comments or questions www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com
What is MyHealthatVanderbilt MyHealthatVanderbilt is a web-based patient portal that: • Allows patients and their doctor’s offices to communicate • Allows patients to access their test results • Allows patients to research and learn about their health conditions • Allows patients to check schedules • Allows patients to pay bills online www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Provider and Health Care System Goals/Benefits • Decrease burden on phone system • Optimize staff resources by eliminating manual processes • Electronic log of patient’s communications in their chart • Secure electronic information exchange with patients • Monitor patient conditions remotely www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Patients Benefits • Patients will be involved in managing their own health • Health information available through MyHealthatVanderbilt can be readily accessed from anywhere • Patients can communicate remotely across a secure portal www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
My HealthatVanderbilt This new service called “MyHealthatVanderbilt” will offer patients the following features • Message provider practices with whom the patients have had, or are scheduled to have, an appointment. • Request prescription refills • Request non-urgent appointments • View test results online • View appointments, past and future • Pay bills on-line • Patient specific educational material customized based on individual demographics, past medical problems, medications and seasonality. • Complete patient history forms in advance of annual physicals or new patient appointments. www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Sign-up Patients can sign up themselves for Limited Access (messaging only—no access to privileged health information): Patients are able to sign up remotely for level I access by going towww.myhealthatvanderbilt.com They can be anywhere—they do not have to be at Vanderbilt to sign up for this service The signup program will ask them to enter information about themselves and will then match their information and identify their medical record number www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Increase Access LevelConverting from limited to full access • Once patients have Limited Access, they are able to message but do not have access to personal information or the ability to pay bills • Patients will need to show proper identification in the clinic to obtain Full Access • Posters will be placed strategically throughout the clinics inviting them to sign up for limited access before they leave and to request full access • Before they leave the staff are able to confirm their identity and then bump up their level of access to Full Access in StarPanel www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Increase Access Level www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Screensaver / KIOSK Sign-up My HealthatVanderbilt will be advertised on clinical workstations in each of the exam rooms allowing patients to sign up while waiting without any staff having to log them on This is complete autopilot signup! www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Who Can Message • The computer looks at their past and future appointments and identifies the providers throughout VUMC that the patients have seen or are scheduled to see • The patients will then immediately have access to message only those doctors with whom they have a relationship • Since this has been in the pilot mode there have been very few clinics participating We are now in the process of rolling out to all of the Medical Center www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Messaging It is very important that you understand how patient messaging works because it is a little different than regular messaging • Patients are able to log on to My HealthatVanderbilt remotely and send a message to their provider’s office • These messages always go to a designated message basket (secretary or nurse’s basket) , mimicking what would happen if they had called on the telephone, and should be handled in the same way They do not go directly to the doctor’s basket www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Message From Patient Saved to chart To Doctor To Nurse To Secretary Patient www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Initiating messages • Patient messages should be handled as you would handle ANY other message • Be sure to save them when complete, just like you would any other message www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Initiating messages • The only part of a message that the patient will see is when you intentionally hit the green button. Then it ONLY sends what is currently in the text box, nothing prior to it • The provider can dialogue back and forth with the nurse about an issue and the patient is not able to see anything until it is finally typed into a message to the patient and sent with the green The button . Then, only the most recent message that you type into the text box goes to the patient www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Initiating messages At any point when you open up a new message on a patient who has signed up for My Health at Vanderbilt you will be able to see the familiar green link on the right side of the message, indicating that this is a patient you can message, and allowing you to send a message to them www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Messaging • When you send a message to the patient, the message is now saved to the chart right away Messages in the same thread are grouped by date in the All view. Forexample, if you send 4 messages to a patient using the same thread in one day, there will only be one entry in the All view www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Messaging Though you may save a message to the chart, the patient can later add to the message and it will reappear in the designated message basket with the old text and whatever new the patient typed Please remember that every time the patient sends a message to us, even if they are responding to a question, the message goes to a designated message basket. This prevents messages from being lost in a basket that is not being covered if, for instance, the physician is out of town. www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Initiating messages to be sent in the future www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Initiating a future message www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Initiating a reminder Future messages in the same thread can be seen when you open the past message from the All view. For example, if there are 2 messages in the same thread, one sent last week, and one sent today, there will be 2 entries of that thread in the All view. If you click on the last week message, you'll see a button that says "Click to see all messages in this thread". www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Future Messages • Future messages in the same thread can be seen when you open the past message from the All view • For example, if there are 2 messages in the same thread, one sent last week, and one sent today, there will be 2 entries of that thread in the All view If you click on the last week message, you'll see a button that says "Click to see all messages in this thread". www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Patient Notification Every time you send a message to the patient through their My HealthatVanderbilt account, an email will be sent to their regular email account, notifying them that they have a message from their provider and allowing them to click on a link that takes them to My HealthatVanderbilt home page www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
No email address listed You will receive a message notifying you if the patient does not have an email address listed www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Bounce Back Feature In the event that the patient does not check their email or if they have not opened the message in five (5) days, the message will “bounce back” to you notifying you of this Then you can mail them or call them as you normally would have done before My HealthatVanderbilt www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Sending a Patient Letter Yes, there is also the ability for providers who use Patient Letter to directly send these letters to patients by the web interface with a click of the button instead of mailing. This should reduce phone calls and typing. It is important to understand how the system works, as you will increasingly begin receiving patient messages into the PSR or nurse baskets, and patients will be signing up for this service and may ask you questions. www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Lab Test For Patient View www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Test Results Available For Patient View • Laboratory and radiology results are organized into three groups: • Group A consists of a limited group of tests with results that have high value for immediate patient viewing with low risk of untoward reaction to the information (cholesterol, diabetes tests, and glucose results) • Group B consists of the largest number of lab and x-ray result- labs will have a 7 day delay, x-rays will have a 14 day delay allowing for the provider to confirm the accuracy and communicate the result to the patient • Group C consists of labs and x-rays that will not be released through MyHealthatVanderbilt (e.g. HIV results, cancer pathology results, urine drug) Labs immediately and never available www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Graph Labs For Patient View www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Radiology Results For Patients View • All radiology reports will have a 14 day delay to allow for the provider to confirm accuracy and relay explanation of test results to patients www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Future Enhancements Coming soon… Accounts for minors Surrogate and delegate accounts Online forms for patients to fill out before visit www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents
Special acknowledgement is extended to the following members of the team for their hard work, dedication and innovative performance In Alphabetical Order Julie Beauregard, Health Information Analyst Eric Boehme, Manager, Application Development Projects Jason Coles, Creative Web Developer Susan Conner, Manager, Health Information Systems Projects Jonathan Dees, Web Applications Designer Josh Denny, Clinical Fellow, Dept Biomedical Informatics Fern FitzHenry , Information Services Consultant Dario Giuse, System Architect Susan Hannasch, University Counsel Jim Jirjis, Chair Mark Johnson, Chief Information Security Officer Jonquil Kelley, Patient Representative, Patient Accounting Taneya Koonce, Assistant Director, Eskind Library Jun Kunavut, Health System Analyst Programmer Julia Morris, Deputy General Counsel Irish Park, Editor Shannon Potter, Librarian Sue Muse, Project Coordinator Gaye Smith, Privacy Official Terry Smith, Director VUMC Web Development Chenchal Subraveti, Health System Software Engineer Michele Toungette, Marketing Manager Jim Weaver, Project Manager Ellen Yan, Health System Software Engineer Questions or Comments Contact Jim.Jirjis@vanderbilt.edu Sue.Muse@vanderbilt.edu Gaye.Smith@vanderbilt.edu Jonquil.Kelley.@vanderbilt.edu www.MyHealthatVanderbilt.com Back to Contents