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Ways into European funding & FP7 overview. Emma Carey emma.carey@bbsrc.ac.uk. University of Bristol 20 October 2010. UK Research Office . To promote effective UK engagement in EU research, innovation and higher education activities. Based in Brussels, Established in 1984,
Ways into European funding& FP7 overview • Emma Carey • emma.carey@bbsrc.ac.uk University of Bristol 20 October 2010 http://www.ukro.ac.uk
UK Research Office To promote effective UK engagement in EU research, innovation and higher education activities • Based in Brussels, Established in 1984, • Staff of 13 • Sponsored by the seven UK Research Councils • Receives subscriptions from over 140 research organisations • Range of services for sponsors and subscribers • Research Council policy work • Brussels liaison • For more information see www.ukro.ac.uk UK Research Office
UKRO’s Services UK Research Office
Non-FP ways into Europe http://www.ukro.ac.uk
European Science Foundation Programmes include • ESF Research Networking Programmes • Networking activity bringing together nationally funded research activities for 4-5 years • ESF Research Conferences • Around 50 supported each year • Covering all scientific domains • Eurocores (European collaborative research) • Enhancing synergy at a pan-European level by providing a framework to bring together national research funding organisations and supporting interdisciplinary research in non-traditional areas. • Forward looks • Research Conferences Further information: http://www.esf.org ESF
COST Action – activities(European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) COST supports coordination of scientific networks and dissemination of their results COST • Nationally funded projects (min. 5 signatories) with ajoint work programme are receive finance for: • Science management meetings • Scientific workshops and seminars • Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) • Training Schools and Research Conferences • Dissemination • http://www.cost.esf.org/about_cost
Research Council Schemes BBSRC International Scientific Interchange Scheme (ISIS): • Aims to help scientists add an international dimension to BBSRC funded research by making and establishing new contacts with international counterparts • Funding is available for: • Short Term Travel Award - Normally intended as a first contact-type meeting. Allows researchers to travel outside the UK to initiate collaboration or prepare proposals with partners for international programmes (such as FP7) • Long Term Travel Award - For researchers to travel outside the UK for periods of up to 12 months • Access Award - For stays of up to 1 month in another country to undertake a specific piece of work, access facilities not available in the UK or gain access to new techniques or materials, which would be of benefit to the BBSRC project or the UK research team • More info: http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/science/international/isis.html Research Council Schemes
Research Council Schemes EPSRC Overseas Travel Grants • Grants for international travel and subsistence to study new techniques or develop international collaborations in non-UK centres • No limit of funding and no closing dates • Can be used to help start or foster international collaborations to develop high-quality bids to FP7 • More info: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/grants/int/Pages/otgs.aspx Research Council Schemes
FP7 - basics http://www.ukro.ac.uk
What is FP7? • FP7 is the EU funding programme • for research and technological development • 7-year programme (2007 -2013) • New Calls for Proposals each year • Total budget of €50 521 million • Structured into four main ‘Specific Programmes’ • Main EU-level tool for meeting ‘European Research Area’ objectives • Supports new ‘EU 2020’ strategy • Aims to build the ‘knowledge triangle’ (research, innovation, education) • Designed to complement activities in EU Member States, as well as other EU policies • Lifelong Learning • Competitiveness and Innovation (CIP) • European Institute of Innovation and Technology • National funding • FP7 contains a significant international dimension FP7 Overview
EU 2020 Strategy • The EU 2020 Strategy follows on from the Lisbon Strategy • Commission's new 10 year strategy aimed at making the EU more dynamic and competitive • Three key drivers: • Smart growth, sustainable growth and inclusive growth • Seven flagship initiatives: • ‘Innovation Union’ • ‘Youth on the move’ • ‘A digital agenda for Europe’ • ‘Resource efficient Europe’ • ‘An industrial policy for the globalisation era’ • ‘An agenda for new skills and jobs’ • European platform against poverty EU Research
Plus JRC and Euratom FP7 Funding Opportunities Co-operation – collaborative research Capacities Health Research Infrastructures Food, Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biotechnology (FAFB/KBBE) Research for the Benefit Of SMEs Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP) Regions of Knowledge FP7 Overview Research Potential Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Science in Society Transport Activities of International Co-operation Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities (SESH) Coherent Development of Policies Space Security People - Marie Curie Ideas – European Research Council Individual Fellowships & Reintegration Grants Starting Independent Researcher Grants Initial Training Networks Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways Advanced Investigator Grants International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Calls for Tender on ERC. Researcher’s Night
FP7 Opportunities Co-operation • Top-down, priority driven research • Open to all types of organisation • Research, training, technology transfer, dissemination • Specific activities for SMEs Ideas (European Research Council) • Recruitment/retention of staff from any legal entity; PI leads a research ‘team’; independence and frontier research People/Marie Curie • Training and career development with any type of host • Specific IAPP action to work between Academia and Industry Capacities • Regions of Knowledge, SME actions, Science in Society… Your targets
What would you like to get out of FP7 I’d like to work in a collaborative project with colleagues across Europe in a pre-defined topic area I’d really like to work towards getting more young people interested in Science across Europe Your targets I know an excellent researcher in Italy- is there any way they could come to work with me on a project we desigin? I have an idea for my own project that pushing the boundaries of my research field
Who is eligible for funding? EU-27 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria , Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK Associated Countries (FP7) Albania*,Bosnia and Herzegovina *, Croatia*, Faroe Islands*, FYR, Macedonia*, Iceland*, Israel*, Liechtenstein*, Montenegro*, Norway*, Serbia*, Switzerland, Turkey* *except Euratom FP7 Overview
Eligible for EC funding Legal entities inEU member states or ‘Associated Countries’ (AC) InternationalEuropean Interest Organisations JRC Legal entities in International Co-operation Partner Countries (ICPC) • International organisations & non-ICPC third countries,only if: • - Mentioned in Specific Programme or Work Programme, OR • - Essential for carrying out the action, OR • - Provided for in a bilateral agreement with the EC Other countries / organisations (but withNO FUNDINGfrom the EU)
ICPC Countries ICPC
Direct Costs:Maximum EC reimbursement rates FP7 – EC Contribution * Activities directly aimed at creating new knowledge, new technology, and products, including scientific coordination. ** Training, Consortium Management 18
Why European-level Research? • Allows for large-scale collaborations, beyond scope of individual EU Member States • Allows increased complexity and specialisation in projects • Facilitates transnational networks, increasing European competitiveness • Facilitates cross-border mobility • Allows for European-level benchmarking • Is intended to have leverage effect: • FP approx 5% of research funding across Europe • Importance of ‘shared cost’ principle • Project funding, not core funding EU Research
Benefits of EU Engagement • Another source of research funding? • A way to boost reputation? • Capacity building – gaining staff/students and infrastructure? • An opportunity to explore new disciplines? • Technology transfer activities? • Networking of researchers/activities? • Benchmarking of international research? • Any others??? FP7 - Approach
Potential Challenges of EU Engagement • Awareness of programmes, calls, procedures, rules, deadlines, contractual obligations…etc • European networks – finding partners • Heavy application process • Different financial and legal issues • Size of projects • Other experiences??? FP7 - Approach
FP7: Co-operation http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Collaborative Research 1. Health €6 100 M FP7 – Co-operation - Themes 2. Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology€1 935 M 3. ICT €9 050 M INCO 4. Nanosci, Nanotech, Material & Production Tech €3 475 M Policy Work R&D Needs SME 5. Energy €2 350 M 6. Environment (including Climate Change) €1900 M 7. Transport (including Aeronautics)€4 160 M 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities € 623M 9. Space €1 430 M 10. Security €1 400 M
Health Activity Areas FP7 Co-operation - Health Biotechnology, generic tools & medical technologies for human health Optimising the delivery of health care to European citizens Translating research for human health Cross-cutting actions across the Health theme
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology - Activity Areas 2.1 Sustainable production & management of biological resources Enabling research, including the ‘omics’, converging technologies, biodiversity; Improved crops and production systems, incl. organic farming; Sustainable, competitive and multifunctional agriculture, forestry and rural development Animal welfare, breeding and production Infectious diseases in animals, including zoonosesPolicy tools for agriculture and rural development FP7 – Co-operation – FAFB 2.2 Fork to farm: food, health and well being Consumer, societal, industrial and health aspects of food and feed; Nutrition, diet related diseases and disorders; Innovative food and feed processing; Improved quality and safety of food, beverages and feed; Total food chain concept; Traceability ...Build a Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE)… 2.3 Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes Improved crops, feed-stocks, marine products and biomass for energy, environment, and high added value industrial products; Novel farming systems; Bio-catalysts; New-bio-refinery concepts; Forestry and forest based products and processes; Environmental remediation and cleaner processing.
ICT- Challenges Pervasive and Trusted network & Service Infrastructures Cognitive Systems and Robotics FP7 – Co-operation - ICT Alternative Paths to Components and Systems Plus Private Public Partnerships Technologies for Digital Content and Languages ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance ICT for a Lower Carbon Economy ICT for Manufacturing and Factories of the Future ICT for Learning and Access to Cultural Resources Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
NMP - Activity Areas FP7 – Co-operation – NMP Integration of Technologies for Industrial Application
Energy - Activity Areas(Expect Annual Calls & Work Programmes) 1. Hydrogen and fuel cells 5. CO2 capture and storage FP7 – Co-operation - Energy 6. Clean coal technologies 2. Renewable electricity generation 7. Smart energy networks 3. Renewable fuel production 8. Energy savings and energy efficiency 4. Renewables for heating and cooling Plus calls for tender! 9. Knowledge for energy policy making 10. Horizontal actions
Environment – Activity Areas - 2011 • Climate Change, Pollution and Risks • Pressures on Environment and Climate (€37m) • Environment and Health (€18m) • Natural Hazards (€18m) • Sustainable Management of Resources • Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity (€41m) • Management of marine environments (€16m) FP7 – Co-operation - Environment • Environmental Technologies • ET for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, • adaptation, remediation & restoration of natural • & man-made resources (€68m) • Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat (8m) • Technology assessment, verification and testing (€0m in 2011) • Earth Observation (EO) and Assessment Tools for Sustainable Development • EO systems and methods for the environment and sustainable development (€20m) • Forecasting methods & assessment tools for sustainable development over different scales of observation (€13m) Plus horizontal Activities (€1m) All budgets TBC
Transport Activity Areas Ga Galileo FP7 – Co-operation - Transport
Socio-economic sciences and humanities FP7 – Co-operation - SSH 1. Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society 5. The citizen in the European Union 2. Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective 6. Socio-economic and scientific indicators 7. Foresight activities 3. Major trends in society and their implications 8. Horizontal actions 4. Europe in the world
Space – Activity areas for 2011 Space-based applications at the service of European Society FP7 – Co-operation – Space Strengthening of Space foundations- Research to support space science & exploration - Research to support space transportation and key technologies Cross-cutting activities
Security - Mission orientated R&D 3 Intelligent surveillance and border security 4 Restoring security and safety in the case of crisis 2 Security of infrastructures and utilities 1 Security of citizens FP7 – Co-operation - Security 5 Security systems integration, interconnectivity & interoperability 6 Security and Society 7 Security research co-ordinating and structuring
What is the ERC? ERC - Introduction What is the European Research Council (ERC)? • New pan-European funding organisation • Supports the best in Europe - scientists, engineers and scholars • Funding of €7.51 billion (2007-13) What are the aims of the ERC? • Encourage highest quality research in Europe • Excellence is the sole criterion • Competitive, flexible funding • Retain, repatriate and recruit (career support) What are the ERC Grant Schemes? • Currently - Starting Grants and Advanced Grants • Support for a PI and (if necessary) team members • Investigator-initiated frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence • New (pilot) scheme – 2012 Work Programme in Spring 2011? • The ERC also has calls for tender for studies on the ERC itself
ERC Grant Schemes ERC - Introduction Starting Independent Researcher Grants (Starting Grants) • boost the independent careers of excellent researchers • by providing adequate support • at the critical stage where they are starting or consolidating • their own independent research team or programme. • Now 50% of Annual ERC Call Budget • Annual calls: open late spring and close in autumn • Grants of up to €2 million over 5 yrs (but normally €1.5 million)
ERC Grant Schemes ERC - Introduction Advanced Investigator Grants (Advanced Grants) • encourage substantial advances at the frontier of knowledge • by supporting excellent, leading advanced investigators • to pursue ground breaking, high-risk/high gain research • Now 50% of Annual ERC Call Budget • Annual calls: open in autumn and close in spring • Grants of up to €2.5 million over 5 yrs (€3.5 million in certain cases)
People Programme – Marie Curie Actions http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Marie Curie Actions Objectives and Policy Context: • Make Europe more attractive to researchers • Structuring effect on the European Research Area through transnational and intersectoral mobility in order to create a European labour market for researchers • Strengthen human potential by: • Encouraging people to become researchers • Encouraging researchers to carry out their research in Europe • Trans-national and inter-sectoral mobility • €4.7 Billion FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Principles • Skills and competence development at all stages of research career • Open to all research areas addressed under the Treaty plus possibility of targeted calls • Strong participation from enterprises • Reinforce international dimension • Appropriate gender and work/life balance • Good working environment, transparent recruitment and career development FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Overview of Marie Curie Actions FP7 – Marie Curie Actions Also funded: Researcher’s Night, CO-FUND
FP7:Capacities http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Activities Capacities – Research Capacity (€4 217 million) 1. Research infrastructures €1 715m 2. Research for the benefits of SMEs €1 336m FP7 - Capacities 3. Regions of Knowledge € 126m 4. Research Potential € 340m 5. Science in Society € 330m 6. International co-operation € 180m 7. Coherent dev. of research policies€ 70m Co-ordination of national programmes (incl. ERA-NET +)
Approaching Proposal Writing http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Process Overview Call One/two stage e-submission Eligibility Check Individual Evaluation FP7 Submission and Evaluation Panel Review Consensus Feedback (ESR) Commission Ranking Negotiation of Proposals Report to PC
From the political text to the Topics in the Work programme Advisory Group Programme Committee ‘High-level’ Expert Groups EC Political context FP7 Work Programme Technology- Platforms (e.g. Food for Life) Other Commission Services Agencies Other Sources (FP Projects, literature, conferences...)
ENV.2009. - Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa (east to west), quantification of impacts and assessment of adequate adaptation measures The quality of seasonal forecasts and decadal climate change predictions should be improved over the Sub-Saharan African region (east to west) through better use and development of forecasting models on seasonal to decadal climatic scales. It will increase our confidence in the simulated sensitivity of rainfall perturbations due to changes of increased greenhouse gases, land-use, etc. Furthermore, a better understanding of climate impacts and improved forecasting capabilities are needed in key sectors such as water resources and agriculture. With these tools and taking into account the socio-economic aspects of African societies, the vulnerability to inter-annual variations and longer trends in climate can be evaluated. This in turn will lead to adaptation strategies for which their feasibility and associated costs will be assessed. This topic needs to have a strong involvement of the African research community. Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small- or medium scale focused research project) for specific cooperation actions (SICA) dedicated to international cooperation partner countries Expected impact: Improved quality of the seasonal forecasts and decadal climate change predictions over the Sub-Saharan region (east to west). Improved forecasting capabilities and better understanding of climate impacts in key sectors, such as agriculture and water resources for development of early warning systems for food security, risk management and civil protection in Africa. Development of adaptation strategies and assessment of the feasibility and costs. FP7 – Example Topic
NMP-2008-1.2-3 Development of technologies for the controlled combustion of nanoparticles Technical content / scope: The Implementation Action Plan of the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry highlights the potential of nanoparticles for the realisation of improved and/or novel solid fuels. For instance, by making use of high oxidation and redox processes, metallic nanoparticles have a great potential as a source of energy in the form of solid fuels. The Implementation Action Plan also states that at present this idea is theoretical, therefore preliminary research into the viability is necessary, which will hopefully lead to a first generation of solid fuels for the mass market. The expected projects should be focused on and address such research with the view of possible future use in various fields of transportation. Topics that may be addressed are e.g.: how to control the burn rate; production of the most appropriate nanometal clusters; waste oxide recycling; etc. The expected projects may also explore the use of metal oxides as combustion catalyser in engines in various fields of transportation. Safety (including possible explosion) and sustainability issues will also be addressed. Funding scheme: Small or medium-scale focused research projects. Specific features: In order to ensure industrial relevance and impact of the research effort, the active participation of industrial partners represents an added value to the activities and this will be reflected in the evaluation. Expected impact: (i) Solutions going well beyond the state-of–the-art; (ii) stimulation and acceleration of industrial change; (iii) support to European policies; (iv) sustainable development; (v) priority will be given to proposals having appropriate industrial partnership in order to achieve the targeted objectives. FP7 – Example Topic
Topic to Proposal Issues to consider…. How to address science? What kind of consortium would work well? What could be the impact of the proposal? Who are the potential stakeholders? What is the European dimension? What kinds of costs would you plan for? How can this best be managed? …..other issues? FP7 – Getting started
Key documents FP7 Overview 50