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SUSY DiLepton 2011. Liza Sneitzer. 2 DiLepton Signatures Three Analysis-> SS, OS, OS Flavor Subtraction. χ ̃ 0 →l ± ν χ ̃ ∓ lsp b) χ ̃ ± →l ± ν χ ̃ 0 lsp c) χ ̃ 0 → l ± l ∓ χ ̃ 0 lsp χ ̃ ± → l ± l ∓ χ ̃ ± lsp Same Sign
SUSY DiLepton 2011 Liza Sneitzer
2 DiLepton SignaturesThree Analysis-> SS, OS, OS Flavor Subtraction. • χ ̃0→l±νχ ̃∓lsp b)χ ̃± →l±νχ ̃0lsp c)χ ̃0→l±l∓χ ̃0lsp • χ ̃±→l±l∓χ ̃±lsp Same Sign • Combination a and b decays, pair production of same sign squarksor initial states involving gluino decays. • Gluinos decay w/ equal probability into sparticle-antiparticle and particle-antisparticle • Gluino model has small background. OS • a, b, c and d • Very high background OS Flavor Subtraction • Assuming lepton flavor conservation, c) and d) produce 2 same flavor leptons. • All standard model 2 l backgrounds produce OF and SF events at same rate. .
Signal Regions Opposite-Sign SR1) Emiss > 250 GeV T SR2) 3-jets (pT > 80, 40, 40 GeV), Emiss > 220 GeV T SR3) 4-jets (pT > 100, 70, 70, 70 GeV), Emiss > 100 GeV T Same-Sign SR1) Emiss > 100 GeV T SR2) 2-jets (pT > 50, 50 GeV), Emiss > 80 GeV T FlavourSubtraction SR1) Emiss > 80 GeV, Z-veto (80 < mll < 100 GeV) SR2) Emiss > 80 GeV and at least 2 jets T SR3) Emiss > 250 GeVT Analysis done over a grid that does searches with masses “frozen” All Signal Regions Use Same Event Selection and Object Selection.
Event Pre-Selection Trigger For ee: EF_e20_medium For mumu: EF_mu18 For emu: If e pt > 25: electron trigger Else Muon trigger AND mu pt >20 Events Removed If: • There is a “Loose Bad” jet. (Jet cleaning) based on (emf, hecf,larq,hecq, sumpttrack, time, eta, pt, negE) • If occupancy on electron or jet is bad, if electron or jet eta or phi point towards dead TX. (LAr Hole Veto) • Primary Vertex>5 tracks • CosmicsMuon (z0 and d0 at PV) MC • Pile up reweighting done as a function of mu to fit EF_mu18 Event Selection • 2 leptons w/ mll>12GeV (meff from TLV, M_T) • Signal Leptons tight and isolated
Object Definitions Jets: AntikT4Topo alg used. pT >20GeV |eta|<2.8 Overlap Removal ∆R < 0.2 MET: SimplifiedRefFinal - MET from jets using EM scale and jet energy scale calibration MET from electrons Missing transverse energy from isolated STACO muons Missing transverse energy from non–isolated STACO muons MET not from electron or jet cluster using the EM–scale Electrons: • Robust Medium • pT> 20 GeV (25 GeV if leading) • |etacluster| < 2.47 • Removed if overlap with jets within 0.2<∆R <0.4 Signal Electrons: • Tight • pT_cone20/pT < 0.1 (track isolation) Overlap Removal: • If there is a jet within 0.2<∆R <0.4 electron removed. Muons: • Staco used (NOT muid) • pT > 10 GeV (20 GeV if leading), |η| < 2.4 • |z0| < 1 mm, |d0| < 0.2 mm (cosmics) Signal muons: • pT_cone20 < 1.8 GeV Overlap Removal: • ∆R < 0.4
Getting Started: Analysis Run on SUSY D3PD’s SUSYTools Within Package: src-source files SUSYTools-headers Data-GRL’s Macros-sample analysis Cmt-configuration file (contains requirement file) README-tells you how to build • Package can be found at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/SUSYD3PDSnippets#SUSYTools • Download and Build Package either locally or within lxplus or Athena. • Implement in your cutflow to for object definitions, GRL’s, occupancy checks, and many more complicated tools. • Runs over individual objects from an event: SUSYObjDef::IsElectron(intiEl, intRunNumber,float el_cl_eta, float el_cl_phi, float el_cl_E,float el_tracketa, float el_trackphi, intel_author, unsigned intel_isEM, unsigned intel_OQ, intel_nPixHits, intel_nSCTHits,boolisData,float etcut, float etacut, boolischeckOQ, intvalue) • Can use SUSYTools dictionary w/ python, NKRoot, RootFit, Athena, etc. (C++)
Cutflow stream: egamma NEntries = 49793.958 MC Weight : 1.2463167 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OS EE OSEE: 49794 : Total OSEE: 49794 : GRL OSEE: 49606.8 : El_LArgHole OSEE: 44873.1 : Jet_LArgHole OSEE: 4823.51 : Trig OSEE: 4823.51 : JetClean OSEE: 4817.37 : GoodVertex OSEE: 4817.37 : CrackVeto(NO) OSEE: 4797.78 : CosmicVeto OSEE: 341.23 : Exactly 2lepton+flavor OSEE: 281.057 : sign OSEE: 275.053 : mll OSEE: 173.155 : signal leptons OSEE: 118.021 : met>80 OSEE: 15.508 : SR-1 met>250 OSEE: 82.2693 : SR-2 3jets(80,40,40) OSEE: 7.83487 : met>220 OSEE: 12.8479 : SR-3 4jets(100,70,70,70) OSEE: 4.97172 : met>100 • Put together cutflow that matches SUSYDiLepton accepted cutflow. • Cut flows on DiLeptonworkspace:https://espace.cern.ch/atlas-susy-etmiss/2leptonchannel/Lists/2%20lepton%20channel%20discussion%20board/AllItems.aspx • Comparison cutflowson workspace: https://espace.cern.ch/atlas-susy-etmiss/2leptonchannel/default.aspx