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(3) Allied Social Science Association Meetings. **** Call for Papers ****. Date and Place: January 5-7, 2007, Chicago Organizer: Professor Yea-Mow Chen, School of Business, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 94132 Phone: 415-338‑2106(O)
(3) Allied Social Science Association Meetings **** Call for Papers **** Date and Place: January 5-7, 2007, Chicago Organizer: Professor Yea-Mow Chen, School of Business, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 94132 Phone: 415-338‑2106(O) E-mail: ymchen@sfsu.edu Sessions: Several sessions and fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. Deadline for submission:May 1, 2006. CEANA Chinese Economic Association in North America(CEANA) is organizing several sessions at the conferences of the Western Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, and Allied Social Science Associations. Members and nonmembers are invited to submit papers for presentation and/or serve as discussants and chairs in these sessions. In presentation, please observe the following conditions: Programs • 1. Each submission of the paper must be • accompanied by a submission fee of US$20 • unless at least one of the authors is a member of • the association. In the latter case, please indicate • which author is a member. • 2. Multiple submissions by the same authors to the • same conference are not encouraged. • 3. Please send three copies of an abstract or a paper • to the organizer no later than the deadline noted • below. CEANA 2005 Officers Chinese Economic Association in North America Wen S. (Charlie) Chern, President The Ohio State University chern.1@osu.edu Yu Hsing, Vice President Southeastern Louisiana State University yhsing@selu.edu Donald Lien, President-Elect University of Texas, San Antonio don.lien@utsa.edu K.C. Fung, Past President University of California, Santa Cruz kcfung@ucsc.edu Shin-Yi Chou, Past Vice President Lehigh University syc2@lehigh.edu Jen-Chi Cheng, Secretary/Treasurer Wichita State University jenchi.cheng@wichita.edu Boston, MA January 6-8, 2006 (1) Western Economic Association Conference Date and Place: June 29-July 3, 2006, San Diego Organizer: Professor Chong‑Kee Yip, Department of Economics, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Phone: 852-2609-7057(O) Fax: 852-2603-5805 E-mail: chongkeeyip@cuhk.edu.hk Sessions: Several sessions. Fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. Deadline for submission:February 1, 2006. Membership Meeting Time: 6:15-6:40 p.m., January 7 Place: Hilton (Mariner Room) Banquet Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m., January 7 692 Washington St., Boston 617-482-8898 (2) Southern Economic Association Conference Place: Empire Garden Restaurant (帝苑) Date and Place: November 18-21, 2006, Charleston, SC Organizer: Professor Yu Hsing, Department of Economics, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA 70402 Phone: 504-549-2086 Fax: 504-549-2881 E-mail: yhsing@selu.edu Sessions: Several joint sessions with SEA. Fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. Deadline for submission:March 15, 2006. Cell Phone Contact in Boston Wen Chern, 614-296-2768 For more information/membership, visit the CEANA website: http://www.ceana.org
YANCHUN ZHANG, San Francisco State University XIAOPENG YIN, University of Windsor JUNXI (Jack) ZHANG, University of Hong Kong BRENT L. SOHNGEN, The Ohio State University, TOM HERTEL and HUEY-LIN LEE, Purdue University -- Influence of Technology Change in Agriculture on CO2 Emissions from Deforestation and Other Land Uses: Comparing Regional Results JU-CHIN HUANG, University of New Hampshire and DAIGEE SHAW, Academia Sinica, Taiwan -- Theoretically Consistent Total Willingness to Pay for Water Quality: The Case of Taiwan January 6, Friday, 2:30 p.m. CEANA General Session I: Monetary Economics and Growth (Midtown Hotel -- North Beacon Room) January 7, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. ASSA/CEANA : Economic Policy, Growth, and Development (Hilton Hotel – Maverick A Room) Presiding: CHIA-YING CHANG, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand CHRISTIAN AHLIN and JIAREN PANG, Vanderbilt University --Are Financial Development and Corruption Control Substitutes in Promoting Growth? MICHAEL MORRIS and WEI XIAO, University of New Orleans -- Learning Dynamics and Investment Growth in RBC Models CHIEN-HSUN CHEN, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, CHAO-CHENG MAI, Academia Sinica, CHEN-TAI SHIH, Tamkang University --An Appraisal of Regional Economic Integration in East Asia GUOFENG SUN, People’s Bank of China and YANCHUN ZHANG, San Francisco State University --The Expanding Consumer Credit Sector and the Efficiency of Monetary Transmission Mechanism Presiding: PING WANG, Washington University, St. Louis, MO Discussants: V.KERRY SMITH, North Carolina State University CAROLYN FISCHER, Resources for the Future JOHN REILLY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology DAVID ZILBERMAN, University of California, Berkeley ASSAF RAZIN, Tel Aviv University and Cornell University and CHI-WA YUEN, University of Hong Kong -- Inflation and Output Dynamics in Open Economies: New Keynesian Perspectives W. DOUGLAS MCMILLIN and FAIK KORAY, Louisiana State University -- An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Fiscal Policy on the Exchange Rate and Trade Balance JUN ZHANG, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HAIBIN WU, University of Alberta, and PING WANG, Vanderbilt University --Money, Technology Choice and Pattern of Exchanges in Search Equilibrium YOSHIHISA GODO, Meiji Gakuin University and Yale University -- The Role of Education in the Economic Catch-Up: Comparative Growth Experience from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States January 7, Saturday, 4:45 p.m. CEANA General Session III: Applied Microeconomics (Hilton Hotel – Mariner Room) Discussants: Presiding: C. JAMES HUENG, Western Michigan University C. JAMES HUENG, Western Michigan University CHI-WA YUEN, University of Hong Kong MICHAEL MORRIS, University of New Orleans BEN-CHIEH LIU, Chicago State University CHIA-YING CHANG, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand --The Role of Market Frictions on the Innovative and Imitative Activities: A Search-Theoretical Approach BEN-CHIEH LIU, Chicago State University -- Dr. Sun Yet Sen’s Thoughts - Three E’s: (Economics, Energy, and Environment) and China Reunification PENG HUANG and C. JAMES HUENG, Western Michigan University --Asymmetric Conditional Risk-Return Relationships: Evidence from a Time-Varying Beta Model TIN-CHUN LIN, Indiana University -- Northwest: Economics of Restaurant Tipping Behavior: A Dynamic Game of Complete and Perfect Information YEW-KWANG NG, Monash University, Australia --Eternal Coase and External Costs: Environmental Policy in the Presence of Rapid Growth Discussants: YANCHUN ZHANG, San Francisco State University MICHAEL MORRIS, University of New Orleans XIAOPENG YIN, University of Windsor, Canada JUN ZHANG, Chinese University of Hong Kong January 6, Friday, 4:45 p.m. CEANA General Session II: International Economics and Country Studies (Hilton Hotel -- Copley Room) January 7, Saturday, 2:30 p.m. AEA/CEANA : Environment, Economy and Global Warming (Sheraton Boston Hotel – Back Bay D Room) Presiding: BEN-CHIEH LIU, Chicago State University XIAOPENG YIN, University of Windsor --International Trade, International Capital Flow, and the Unbalanced Growth JONATHAN E. LEIGHTNER, Augusta State University --Estimating How Omitted Variables Change the Effectiveness of Japanese Fiscal Policy: 1955-2001 YIFAN HU, FRANK M. SONG, and JUNXI (Jack) ZHANG, University of Hong Kong -- Does Privatization Work in China? MIAOJIE (James) YU, University of Hong Kong -- Electoral Competition and Optimal Tariff: An Empirical Investigation Presiding: WEN S. CHERN, The Ohio State University ROBERT MENDELSOHN, Yale University -- Forecasting the Impacts of Climate Change: Comparing the Effects in the Far East and the Rest of the World CHUNG-HUANG HUANG, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, SHIH-MO LIN, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, HSING-HUA LIN, Ching-Yun Institute of Technology, Taiwan, and HAN-PN SU, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan -- Decoupling of CO2 Emission from Economic Growth: How Could the EKC Become Plausible? Discussants: TIN-CHUN LIN, Indiana University - Northwest CHIA-YING CHANG, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand XIAOPENG YIN, University of Windsor JIAREN PANG, Vanderbilt University JONATHAN E. LEIGHTNER, Augusta State University Discussants: YOSHIHISA GODO, Meiji Gakuin University and Yale University