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Food Bank. Food Bank. Starting point: Our cleaning company detected a big mount of food stuffs on the garbage from homes, supermarkets, and restaurants.
Starting point: Our cleaning company detected a big mount of food stuffs on the garbage from homes, supermarkets, and restaurants. Based on that and considering previous experience, mainly from USA, and in a collaboration with Secretariat for Food and Nutricional Security we develop a program to selective collect fruits and vegetables based on Food Banks concept. With this project we won the first Award from Millenium Objectives from ONU.
Concept The food bank from SMASAN is a public equipment to Food and Nutrition characterized by the collection of food and non foodstuffs, from donation, by the retail chain and/or acquired from family farmers thought government programs. Receive donations of genres that lost their commercial value, but are fit for human consumption. These foods are redirected to the most economical and social vulnerable classes that are not completely served by the public power or civil society.
Regulation: • Law: Municipal Law N.º 8.617 – July, 17th, 2003. • Initial Operation: December, 2003. • Address: 888, Tuiuti St., – Padre Eustáquio – BH/MG. • Maintance: SMASAN- Municipal Deputy Secretary for Food and Nutrition Security. • Operation Staff: 23 employees.
Mission: • Reduce food insecurity of Belo Horizonte´s population in situation of social and nutritional vulnerability, thought food donation, reduction of food waste, promotion of educational activities, encouraging social responsibilities and partnership between government, private sector and entities. • Objectives: • Reduce the food waste; • Provide donations of food; • Realize activities that aim the Food and Nutrition Security to teach the education for food consumption; • Assist philanthropic institutions located in social vulnerable areas in their food need.
Entities Evaluation Criteria: • Produce meals internally; • It´s not attendend The Public Power/ Civil Society not to attend 100% of their need to eat; • Been located in social vulnerable areas in the city of Belo Horizonte; • Prioritizes in your care children aged 0-5 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly in social and personal risk; • 5. Have technical input issued by a social technical of the Program, according to the findings noted in situ; • 6. Have a food handler trained by the crew of SMASAN.
Before the genders distribution to the assistential entities, all of them pass, obrigatorially, to these steps: • Receipting; • Weighting; • Selection; • Sanitization; • Classification; • Minimum Processing; • Portioning / Labelling / Packaging; • Storage; • Distribution; • Disposal of Organic Waste
Final destinyofOrganicalWaste • Collect: bytheUrbanCleaningCompany – SLU, twice a week to compost.
Compost The compost produced is used in the gardens and parks of the city. FacilitiesofUrbanCleaningCompany
Final destinyoforganicalwaste 2. Donated to charity (farm) to feed pigs. The institution receives people who suffer from chemical dependency treatment.
What can I donate? All food stuffs and non alcoholic drinks, industrialized or not, vegetables, fruits, hygiene and cleaning materials. Howcan I donate? 1 - Separate foods by stage of maturation - (ripe and green); 2 - Each type of food should come apart - eg apples can not be mixed with potatoes. (Separate vegetables and fruits); 3 - Never forget the rule: the thing that is not good to you, is not good to the other too; 4 - Identify what is trash and what is for consumption; 5 - Do not store food that will be donated to the floor (risk of contamination); 6 – Pack up the food to be donated in plastic boxes.
Educational Actions: 1. Courses for Food Handlers; 2. Workshops about Food and Nutrition Education; 3. Internship Program. 4. Processing Food
Courses for Food Handlers Goals Promote the knowledge and the pratical of good rules about food maintance, storage and hygiene inside the alimentar and nutritional education context, aiming the health of the public attended by SMASAN. Target Audience Food handlers institutions served by the Food Bank Program.
Workshops about Food and Nutrition Education Goals: Promote health eating habits, conciliating responsible consumption with hygiene and full utilization of food, by conducting educational workshops feed. These workshops are subdivided in 3 modules: • Nutrition: the role of food in our health; • Microbiology: hygiene and food conservation; • Full utilization of food: making practical, economical and nutritious recipes. • Target Audience: • Beneficiaries of the institutions served by the Food Bank Program.
Food processing (in progress) Goals • Utilization of fruits and vegetables unfit to distribution, but suitable to processing. • TypesofProcessing: • Dehydration • Polpingoffruitsandproductionof: • FrozenPulps • Jellies • SweetFruit Paste. • Importance: • Waste reduction; increased shelf-life;obtaining new products. • Project status: • In Deployment
THE IMPORTANCE OF DONATIONS FOR THE INSTITUTIONS “Before the receiving of donations, the people, including children, arrived to CEMEAR for the treating discouraged, without enthusiasm, and the result was not the expected, which caused in the team the sense of failure. So, we started to search for the reason of this behavior. After informal conversations with moms and reunions with institution team, we diagnosed that this patients were not eating at home before therapy. By donations of Food Bank, the CEMEAR Institute could provide, daily, snacks to the patients and companions. This action became crucial to reach our strategic goals.” Testimony from Social Worker Mining Hearing Rehabilitation Center
Thankyou! We’reproudtobehere. Maria Angela Girioli FoodandNutritionalFoodAssistance Manager www.mariaangela@pbh.gov.br