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Road Safety the European Union Policy

Road Safety the European Union Policy. Carla Hess European Commission, Directorate General for Mobility & Transport Road Safety Unit. Towards a European Road Safety Area: Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020. The EU road safety policy. White Paper on Transport (2001)

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Road Safety the European Union Policy

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  1. Road Safetythe European Union Policy Carla Hess European Commission, Directorate General for Mobility & Transport Road Safety Unit

  2. Towards a European Road Safety Area: Policy orientations on road safety2011-2020

  3. The EU road safety policy • White Paper on Transport (2001) • European Road Safety Action Programme (2001-2010) • Halving the number of victims by 2010 • A shared responsibility • An integrated approach

  4. The “-50%” objective • A political & global commitment • Individual responsibility of Member States • Each Member State should strive to perform at least as well as the best-performing ones

  5. “A shared responsibility” Action by ALL stakeholders is needed • Public Authorities: EU + Central Governments + Local Authorities… • Private Companies: Car industry + Transport companies + Road operators • Users: everybody ! The EU acts wherever it provides an added value

  6. Driver Infrastructure Vehicle An integrated approach • Vehicle safety • Passive and active safety • Technical inspection • Road Infrastructure safety • Design – Construction - Operation • User behaviour • Enforcement Driving licences • Education Campaigns

  7. The EU instruments Road accident data and information Financial support to research and studies Best practice guidelines Legislation (only when necessary)

  8. Vehicle Safety Make proposals to encourage progress on the active and passive safety of vehicles, such as motorcycles and electric vehicles. Technical development Assessment of non-regulatory activities (e.g. Euro-NCAP) Support for Industry – new products and technologies New needs in regulation Setting up Policy Priorities

  9. Infrastructure Safety Highway design requirements System interactions (e.g. vehicle/barrier – tyre/pavement) Extension of requirements to secondary roads (subsidiarity) Setting up Policy Priorities

  10. Optimal Use ofRoad, Traffic andTravel Data Road Safetyand Security Continuity ofTraffic and Freight Management Integration of Vehicleinto TransportInfrastructure Data Protection and Liability European ITS Coordination  ITS Action Plan : Priority Areas

  11. Road Users Behaviour Training & Education Effectiveness of enforcement measures Increased coordination and sharing of best practices Setting up Policy Priorities

  12. Ex-post evaluation of the 3rd Road Safety Action Programme (2001-2010) • 62 concrete measures concerning vehicle/infrastructure safety and human behaviour • Results: most of them completed, including a number of important legislative acts: • 3rd driving licence Directive • Training of professional drivers • Use of safety belts • Safety management of roads and tunnels • Roadworthiness inspections, etc.

  13. Fatalities – evolution 1990-2010 -36% --- EU27 fatalities / year --- EU27 target for 2010 (-50%)

  14. Contrasted progress: Countries

  15. Fatalities by population - 2009

  16. Policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020 • 3 Pillars: • A common European road safety area • An integrated approach with other policies (health, environment, employment, etc.) • Shared responsibility (EU, national, local…)

  17. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 7 strategic objectives: 1. Improve education and training of road users 2. Increase compliance with road traffic rules 3. Safer road infrastructure 4. Safer vehicles 5. Promote the use of modern technology to improve road safety 6. Improve emergency and post-care services 7. Improve safety of vulnerable road users.

  18. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 1. Improve education and training of road users The Commission will work, in cooperation with Member States as appropriate, on the development of a common educational and training road safety strategy including notably the integration of apprenticeship in the ‘pre-licensing’ process as well as common minimum requirements for driving instructors.

  19. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 2. Increase compliance with road traffic rules • The Commission will work together with the European Parliament and the Council on the establishment of a cross-border exchange of information in the field of road safety. • The Commission will work towards developing a common road safety enforcement strategy, including: 1. The possibility of introducing speed limiters in light commercial vehicles and of making use of alcohol interlock devices obligatory in certain specific cases. 2. The establishment of national implementation plans.

  20. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 3. Safer road infrastructure The Commission will: 1. Ensure that European funds will only be granted to infrastructure compliant with the road safety and tunnel safety Directives. 2. Promote the application of the relevant principles on infrastructure safety management to secondary roads of Member States, in particular through the exchange of best practices.

  21. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 4. Safer vehicles The Commission will: 1. Make proposals to encourage progress on the active and passive safety of vehicles. 2. Make proposals in view of the progressive harmonisation and strengthening of roadworthiness tests and technical roadside inspections. 3. Further assess the impact and benefits of co-operative systems to identify most beneficial applications and recommend the relevant measures for their synchronised deployment.

  22. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 5. Promote the use of modern technology to improve road safety Within the context of the implementation of the ITS Action Plan and of the proposed ITS Directive, the Commission will cooperate with the Member States with a view to: 1. Evaluate the feasibility of retrofitting commercial vehicles and private cars with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. 2. Accelerate the deployment of e-Call and examine its extension to other vehicles.

  23. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 6. Improve emergency and post-care services In collaboration with Member States and other actors involved in road safety, the Commission will propose the setting-up of a global strategy of action on road injuries and first aid.

  24. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 7. Improve safety of vulnerable road users • The Commission will make appropriate proposals with a view to: 1. Monitoring and further developing technical standards for the protection of vulnerable road users. 2. Increasing the safety of cycling and other vulnerable road users, e.g. by encouraging the establishment of adequate infrastructures. •Member States should develop information, communication and dialogue between road users and with the competent authorities.

  25. Strategic guidelines for road safety 2011-2020 How to reach the objectives ? • Improved cooperation Cooperation framework, twinnings, exchange of best practices • Improved participation Information and awareness campaigns, improvement of the European Road Safety Charter • Improved monitoring Enhance CARE accidents database, extend the tasks of ERSO (European Road safety Observatory), common principles for road accidents investigation • Improved enforcement Priority given to the control of the implementation and correct application of EU legislation on road safety

  26. Web sites Commission transport websitehttp://ec.europa.eu/transport/index_fr.html Shortcut to the Road safety sectionhttp://ec.europa.eu/roadsafety

  27. Thank you for your attention!

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