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Stay informed on 2004/05 developments, ETRANS activities, and Swissgrid setup status at the Zurich Airport meeting. Explore coordination between TSOs in Europe and updates on cross-border power flow challenges.
Meeting EFET - BFE - ETRANS Status ETRANS / swissgrid Thomas TillwicksCOO Commercial Grid Management Monday, 21st March 2005Airport Conference Center, Zurich-Airport
Agenda • Activities and developments 2004/05 • ETRANS activities • Status of setting up swissgrid
Activites and developments 2004/05 • Co-ordination between ETRANS an GRTN further intensified. • Intensive co-operation between the TSOs of Italy and the countries at the Northern Italian border (France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia) regarding cross-border items. • New 380 kV double circuit line between Switzerland and Italy in operation since January 2005. • Experience of new congestion at the Northern border of Switzerland and in Germany.
Congestions in Southern Germany Key points of the latest developments: • Reduced exports of France to Italy, Switzerland during last weeks • France temporary import country (from Germany and Switzerland) • Reasons: low temperatures and the use of electrical heating systems • Germany limits its exports to France: 5600 MW till 1.1.2005. • Since 19.2.2005 Germany reduces programmes to France. • Result: increase of programmes to Switzerland by 1000 MW. • Germany announces at 1.3.2005 a limit of export-programmes to Switzerland of 3000 MW. Since 5.3.2005 reductions take place. • Programmes between Austria and Switzerland increase by 250 MW to 500 MW. Physical flows exceed programmes by more than 1000 MW and are close to the physical limits. • Programmes to Italy are lower than the NTC values. 1.
Agenda • Activities and developments 2004/05 • ETRANS activities • Status of setting up swissgrid
Balance Management for Switzerland • Forecasting, acquisition and supervision of network state • Coordination of switching, congestion management, voltage management, optimisation, secure and optimal network operation • Guiding of network restoration • GridCode CH maintenance • Grid services (Data Highways, EW-Telefonie, network model, microwave, SDH) Activities of ETRANS for CH and UCTE Network planning Organization of „Marketplace grid“ Network operation Operational planning • Coordination and settlement „UCTE South Block“ • UCTE Activities in network supervision • Frequency monitoring and time error correction • Crossborder Tariffication Data Administrator • Grid services in UCTE
UCTE Coordination Center Nord UCTE Coordination Center South UCTE Coordination Center South NORDEL UKTSOA ATSOI D ETSO Mitglieder UCTE Border between UCTE Nord and South
CBN TSOn CCS CBN CCN CBN TSOn ETRANS TSOn 7 Swiss TSOs Schedule management ETRANS UCTE-South UCTE-Nord CCT Coordination Centre CBS CBS CBS Block Coordinator CBS CAX CAX CAX Transmission System Operator CAS CAS CAS STS STS TPS MarketParticipant Mn Mn Mn Mn Deal Deal Deal Legende: STS Summary Trusted Schedule TPS Trade Responsible Party Schedule CAS Control Area Schedule CAX Control Area Exchange CBS Control Block ScheduleCCT Control Center Total
CBN TSOn CBN CCS CBN CCN TSOn TSOn Schedule management swissgrid UCTE-South UCTE-Nord CCT Coordination Centre swissgrid CBS CBS CBS Block Coordinator CBS CAX CAX CAX Transmission System Operator CAS CAS CAS STS STS TPS MarketParticipant Mn Mn Mn Mn Deal Deal Deal Legende: STS Summary Trusted Schedule TPS Trade Responsible Party Schedule CAS Control Area Schedule CAX Control Area Exchange CBS Control Block ScheduleCCT Control Center Total
CH Need of accurate load flow forecasts (DACF) Concepts of DACF: Forecast based onpower plant-schedules Forecast based on import/exportschedules Results depend on quality of input data
Summary • NTC values are schedules and not physical flows. • NTC values are chiefly determined by the generation pattern and the network topology – that can change each hour. • The NTC determination must be performed in coordination with one’s neighbouring countries. • The NTC determination lies at the crossroads between electricity trading and network security (risk management, firm or not firm values ?) • The available NTC forecasts are only very rough because the NTC values can only be checked after the electricity market close (chicken or egg problem)
Agenda • Activities and developments 2004/05 • ETRANS activities • Status of setting up swissgrid
swissgrid the TSO of Switzerland • Responsible for the operation of the Swiss transmission network • Operates one control area in Switzerland • Responsible for the management of cross border schedules • Responsible for cross border congestion management • Represents Switzerland in ETSO and UTCE swissgrid Transmission System Operator
1 Coordinator ETRANS 7 ÜNB‘s ca. 900 VNB‘s ca. 200 KW‘s UVEK BfE WeKo Electricity Branch Switzerland – today’s situation Basel Zürich Bern Genf Lugano
swissgrid ca. 900 VNB‘s ca. 200 KW‘s UVEK BfE WeKo ElCom Electricity Branch Switzerland – future situation Basel Zürich Bern Genf Lugano
Import/Export Transmission network 380/220 kV Transforming National Distribution 50-150 kV Transforming Regional Distribution 30 kV Transforming Lokal Distribution bis 1 kV Swissgrid the TSO of Switzerland swissgrid a a
EMG act nein Federal court decision Market opening by antitrust law 22.9.2002 17.6.2003 ELWO StromVG 2. Marked Opening Process CH EleG act from 1902 (revision) EleG Regulator: ElCom TSO Switzerland Swissgrid preparation ETRANS Swissgrid WEKO 1.1.2000 23.12.2004 / 17.3.2005 28.09.2003 Marked Model 1998 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 planned Liberalisation process in Switzerland Politics CH-rules for StromVG Electricity branche
EleG • Art. 18b (neu) • 1 Der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber hat folgende Aufgaben: • Er betreibt und überwacht das gesamtschweizerische Übertragungsnetz und gewährleistet einen sicheren, leistungsfähigen und effizienten Betrieb. Er hat die Verantwortung für die Planung und Kontrolle des gesamten Übertragungsnetzes. • Er stellt die Systemdienstleistungen einschliesslich Bereitstellung von Regelenergie sicher. Die zu diesem Zweck benötigten Kraftwerkskapazitäten sind nach transparenten und diskriminierungsfreien Verfahren zu beschaffen. • Bei Gefährdung des stabilen Netzbetriebs ordnet er die notwendigen Massnahmen an. Er regelt die Einzelheiten mit den Kraftwerksbetreibern, den Netzbetreibern und weiteren Beteiligten. • Er erarbeitet transparente und diskriminierungsfreie Verfahren zur Handhabung von Engpässen. • Er arbeitet mit den ausländischen Übertragungsnetzbetreibern zusammen und vertritt die Interessen der Schweiz in den entsprechenden Gremien. • Er erarbeitet die technischen und betrieblichen Mindestanforderungen für den Netzbetrieb. Er berücksichtigt dabei internationale Normen und Empfehlungen anerkannter Fachorganisationen. • Er stellt die für die Netznutzung nötigen Informationen leicht zugänglich bereit und veröffentlicht die Netznutzungsentgelte, die technischen und betrieblichen Mindestanforderungen sowie die Jahresrechnungen. • Er erstellt Mehrjahrespläne zur Gewährleistung eines sicheren, leistungsfähigen und effizienten Netzes. • Er orientiert die ElCom jährlich über den Betrieb und die Belastung der Netze sowie über ausserordentliche Ereignisse. • 2 Der Bundesrat kann dem Übertragungsnetzbetreiber weitere Aufgaben übertragen. § Guidelines for swissgrid by law EleG ... planning ... operation ... monitoring ... of the CH-transmission network... Provide... ancillary services ... balancing energy ... non discriminatory ... ... Cooperation with foreign TSO ... CH representative in international bodies ... ... transparency / non discriminatory congestion management methods ...Publish grid tariffs ... ... develop technical / operational minimum standards... ...briefing ElCom: Statistics, load flows, exceeding events ... guarantee a secure and efficient grid operation
Status of setting up swissgrid 1/3 • December 2004: • swissgrid legally founded • Not allowed to become operational due to the investigation of the Swiss Competition Authority (WEKO) • Enlargement of the ETRANS management structure in line with future structure of swissgrid • Since December 2004: • Work on setting up swissgrid continues without delay during WEKO-investigation: • Contractual framework between swissgrid and actual grid operators • Concepts and business processes for future swissgrid activities (schedule management, program responsibilities, congestion management, ….)
Status of setting up swissgrid 2/3 • 17 March 2005: • WEKO agrees to merge the transmission system operation in Switzerland into swissgrid under conditions: • Obligation to allow discriminatory grid access for third parties • Obligation to publish grid use tariffs • Separate accounting for swissgrid and its shareholders • Swissgrid is not allowed to produce or to trade with electricity except for fulfilling its tasks or to hold shares at such companies • Obligations for swissgrid’s management and supervisory board
Status of setting up swissgrid 3/3 • Future steps: • Founding companies to check the WEKO conditions • ETRANS to work further on needed business concepts for swissgrid • Start of implementation projects for new business processes • Establishment of necessary contractual framework between swissgrid and current grid operators • Nomination of swissgrid’s supervisory board • Transfer of responsibilities to swissgrid • Transfer of man power and activities from ETRANS to swissgrid • …
Our goal Swissgrid to become operational and a fully recognized TSO in Europe