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www.medicalvoices.org. Presents: When Truth is Ignored in Favour of Blame Christina England Investigative Reporter, American Chronicle. This vaccine webinar series is paid for as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Source www.homefirst.com.
www.medicalvoices.org Presents: When Truth is Ignored in Favour of Blame Christina EnglandInvestigative Reporter, American Chronicle This vaccine webinar series is paid for as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Source www.homefirst.com
When Truth is Ignored in Favour of Blame • Christina England • Internationally Recognized Journalistfor the American ChronicleMember of the International Coalition of Advocates for the People • Topic: • Vaccine adverse reactions resulting in false allegations of child abuse also known as Shaken Baby Syndrome – SBS Munchausen by Proxy – MSBP Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS
Lisa Blakemore-BrownPsychologist, Expert in AutismCert Ed BSc Psychology MSc PsychologyAuthor of the bookReweaving the Autistic Tapestry • Lisa Blakemore-Brown was the first professional to connect Autism, adverse reactions to vaccines and false accusations of child abuse. • She first began to speak out about her concerns in1996. • In 1997 she wrote of her concerns in the Psychologist. • In 1998 she was asked to write an article in the Therapist as an alternative view to Professor Roy Meadow.
Lisa Blakemore-Brown has been speaking out on false allegations cases for many years http://www.profitableharm.com/lisa_blakemore-brown.html • Time and time again Lisa has been ignored. • In an the article 'What Killed Sally Clark's Child' – Spectator by Neville Hodgkinson May 2007 she is reported to have said: “Sometimes there was video evidence, as when a baby girl was filmed eating with relish, and later the same day - all times and dates automatically documented on the film – lying flat on the floor after receiving the DTP. The next day she was a different child, dribbling with her mouth moving oddly.A later film shows her with 'dead eyes' as her mother described it. I saw the child when she was eight years old says Blakemore-Brown, by then she had experienced years of learning disabilities, many very subtle but damaging to her life nevertheless.” • Lisa is convinced that vaccination can be a contributory factor to children's disabilities and in some cases death • Parents were falsely accused of MSBP
Film 20/20 Documentaryfeaturing Lisa Blakemore-Brown and Prof David Southall • In 1997 a documentary was made in New Zealand focusing on the term Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and how innocent mothers have been destroyed by having the edict falsely applied to them blaming their alleged behaviours for their children's very real conditions, some of which are related to the side effects of drugs and vaccines. • The film focussed on a UK mother who had five children removed from her care. • Despite winning a Quantas Award for Best Investigative Medical Journalism and featuring a British family, a British Psychologist and a British Paediatrician, this film was never shown in this country. • This documentary can now be seen on Live Leak http://www.liveleak.com/browse?all&user=9176201-H • Those who watch it should ask is this: Why has it never been seen in the UK - edited or unedited? Why has it been hidden?
Case OneCameron’s Parents Falsely Accused of SBS • Shaken Baby Syndrome is another label often used in cases of adverse reactions to vaccines. • Cameron was a TTS baby born prematurely. • He was a sick baby fighting for life.
Cameron just before he died • Born 8 weeks premature • Was underweight due to malnutrition in the womb • Failed to gain weight and feeding problems • Despite losing weight Cameron was given Hep B vaccine • Cameron was discharged from hospital the next day but stopped breathing briefly at home • Parents were told this was normal in premature babies although nurses had previously nurses reported swelling to the head.
Parents accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome • 10 days after leaving hospital and despite previous swelling to his head Cameron was given 5 vaccines including DTaP. • 15 days later his mother called 911 when Cameron stopped breathing. • This was 15 days after receiving his last vaccine and five days after taking Cameron to his pediatrician for urgent care concerning ongoing feeding problems. • Cameron was legally 5 days shy of 2 months old, his gestational age was only 5 days old, despite this, he was given vaccines intended for 2 month old babies. • Despite desperate attempts to save Cameron he died of a combination of acute subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage. • Cameron's mother was accused of SBS and Cameron's twin brother was taken into care. • Case continues
Case Two'The Mighty Quinn' • Quinn Lianna born extremely premature weighing just 2lbs • In Neo natal ICU for 47 days • Went home weighing 3 ½ lbs. • At 2 months had routine vaccinations • Straight away after vaccines Quinn seemed sluggish • Over the next few days she stopped focusing and seemed withdrawn
Quinn stopped breathing • Mother was repeatedly told to give Quinn, Tylenol. • Quinn began staring into space and became feverish. • Slowly over next few days Quinn deteriorated until she stopped eating • Mother became very worried and so Quinn's father attempted to feed Quinn • Quinn suddenly went limp, her eyes rolled and she stopped breathing • Father called 911 and tried to give CPR • Quinn was taken to hospital where they were able to stabilize • Quinn suffered brain damage because of hypoxia. She was found to have subdural haematoma and retinal haemorrhages • Parents were later accused of SBS
Quinn’s Condition Today • Currently Quinn resides in a 24 hour care facility with a trach, and "G-tube“ to sustain her. She has progressed more than any of her doctors dared to forecast, but is still very disabled and developmentally challenged. Quinn is represented in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. • Parents were completely cleared as vaccines were found to be the cause. However, Quinn's father who was in the military prior to accusations lost his career as a result. • Once parents are accused of SBS it stays on their records for life – even if cleared of the charges. Very few people are aware of this.
Dr. Michael D. Innis MBBS DTM&H, FRCPA, FRCPathHonorary consultant haematologist • Dr. Innis is an expert on SBS • Dr. Innis has written many papers on the subject of SBS; his latest is titled Vaccines, Apparent Life -Threatening Events, Barlow's Disease and Questions about Shaken Baby Syndrome • Dr Innis believes that vaccinations can be a cause or a contributory factor to a Vitamin C deficiency in infants which he believes may cause injuries and the brain haemorrhages often seen in babies reported in SBS cases. • Dr Innis states that adverse vaccine reactions should be considered in SBS cases in addition to evidence of scurvy - a Vitamin C deficiency. He advises that healthcare professionals also look for liver dysfunction prior to accusation.
Dr. Michael D. Innis MBBS DTM&H, FRCPA, FRCPathHonorary consultant haematologist Dr Innis states Apparent Life-Threatening Events (ALTEs) - as defined by theNational Institute of Health- encompass all the findings hitherto attributed to SBS, and may follow routine vaccination. Vaccines may also induce Vitamin C deficiency (Barlow's disease), especially in formula-fed infants or infants whose mothers smoke. This could account for some of the changes seen in these infants, including haemorrhages, bruises, and fractures. Vitamin C deficiency should be excluded in patients suspected of being victims of SBS.
Case ThreeAshleigh • Received Cervarix (HPV vaccine) at school aged 12 on 15th October 2008 • Within 30 minutes began to feel ill • In the next 48 hours collapsed 5 times • Within 1 week she was unable to stand or walk • 24th October was admitted to the hospital. • She remains in hospital today unable to walk and now has no bladder control
Doctor in charge says vaccines are not to blame!Mother accused of child abuse! • Ashleigh has Noonan's syndrome • This syndrome includes heart problems • Ashleigh is thought to have a compromised immune system as she is she prone to infections • Ashleigh has a blood clotting disorder • According to GSK guidelines a doctors advice should be sought in patients with blood clotting disorders • It states on a GP advert from GSK that there is no data for subjects with weakened immune systems. • Dr Curran, Consultant in charge of Ashleigh has said Ashleigh's condition was not a result of the vaccine, however, Dr Newton Consultant Paediatric Neurologist a second opinion has now refuted this. • Mother was accused of encouraging her daughter's illness and the social services were brought in.
Hospital ignores second opinion • Dr Newton who offered the second opinion on Ashleigh states: “…By far the most likely explanation of Ashleigh's illness is that initially she had an adverse following her vaccination.” The doctor went on to state: “ Rehabilitation usually brings good results, although the fix is often not quick, especially when the illness has been going on for five months or more.” • This statement was ignored by the hospital - instead they decided it was the Mum’s fault. When that did not work they decided that Ashleigh must be mentally ill and is the root cause of her illness. A bed is arranged for Ashleigh in a long term psychiatric hospital. • Months later a full psychiatric assessment was carried out and the psychiatrist found Ashleigh to be mentally fit and well. • Case continues
Case Four Sally Clark accused of infant murder • Sally Clark spent three years in jail falsely accused of murdering her two young babies. A jury could find no other explanation for their “sudden infant death.” (SID) • Harry, however, died just 5 hours after a DPT vaccination despite having a long history of adverse reactions. • Harry was just eight weeks old. • Like the other cases, he was a premature baby. • His brother, Christopher also died of SID.
DPT and unexplained SIDThe hidden truth • The jury was not provided with information that the vaccine may have been a factor in Harry's death and possibly even the death of his brother. • The jury were assured by Sir Professor Roy Meadow an expert witness that vaccines could have played no part in the death of this child. • Prof. Roy Meadow an expert who has since been discredited was fully aware that vaccines could be responsible for SIDS better known as “Cot Death”. On 6th July 1988 in room 1611/12 Market Towers. London he sat in meetings with the JCVI who routinely discussed the issue.http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html • DTP has been known to be a factor in sudden infant death in some cases. Harry died in 1988 when Thimerosal was still present in the DTP vaccination. • The evidence however was spelled out in an unpublished 150 page report to the department of health written by Prof Gordon T Stewart MD in 1983.Professor Stewart was not called as a witness.
GORDON T. STEWART, M.D Emeritus professor of Public Health, University of GlasgowConsultant physician, NHS (Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine), Emeritus Fellow, Inf Dis Soc of America. Former consultant, New York City, US NIH, WHO, UNICEF • Prof Stewart states “On 18th August 1999 I was approached by solicitors in Manchester who were defending Mrs Clark against the charge of having murdered her two infant sons, Christopher in 1996 and Harry in 1998. • I found, as Dr Williams did, that the two deaths were different and that for this and other reasons, the reports sent to me were confusing, contradictory and inconclusive. None of them offered a conclusion fulfilling the requirement that a verdict of unnatural death had to be beyond reasonable doubt, so I wrote back to the defending solicitors to say that a charge of murder was unjustified.I was therefore astonished to read some months later in The Times that Sally Clark had been tried at Chester Crown Court and found guilty of murdering her two infant sons.” http://www.whale.to/vaccines/stewart1.html
Professor Roy Meadow is struck off the GMC medical register. • The General Medical Council found Prof Sir Roy Meadow guilty of professional misconduct and struck off paediatrician after his "misleading" evidence in the Sally Clark case. • During the trial, Sir Roy had said that the probability of two natural unexplained cot deaths in the family was 73 million to one. • The figure was later disputed by the Royal Statistical Society and other experts said that once genetic and environmental factors were taken into consideration, the odds of a second cot death in the same family were closer to 200 to one.