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Strategische inzet van Walloni ë op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak

Strategische inzet van Walloni ë op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak. Gregory Falisse Verantwoordelijk ‘Mobiliteit’ Walloon Business Federation. Transport Infrastructures. A more important financial weight  more accurate trade-off’s.

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Strategische inzet van Walloni ë op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak

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  1. Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak Gregory Falisse Verantwoordelijk ‘Mobiliteit’ Walloon Business Federation Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  2. Transport Infrastructures A more important financial weight  more accurate trade-off’s Source SPF Mobilité Transport, SPF Economie, Infrabel, calculs UWE Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  3. Regional split of traffic Source : SPF Mobilité et Transport Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  4. Trafic growth more important in Wallonia Between 1990 and 2009 : + 39 % for B (98 billions of veh-km in 2009) + 34 % for VL (57 % of total) + 48 % for W (39 % of total) + 16 % for Bxl (4 % of total) Source : SPF Mobilité et Transport Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  5. Less density of road traffic  = 58 %  = 66 % Source : SPF Mobilité et Transport Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  6. Traffic Intensity Source : Institut des Comptes Nationaux, SPF Mobilité et Transports, Calculs UWE Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  7. Transport Efficiency Source : SPF Mobilité et Transports, Calculs UWE Source : SPF Mobilité et Transports, Calculs UWE Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  8. People’s Mobility Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  9. Entreprises and mobility : a few figures • In Wallonia : • Commuting to work accounts for 10 % of all trips travelled (-> ~20 % linked to work place) • Average distance Home - Work: 22 km • 81 % of people are commuting with car (among which 72 % as driver) mainly for speed and flexibility reasons • 65 % of active people have a parking place available at work • 22 % of active people make professional trips every day • 32 % of active people work outside typical Mo-Fri working days • 38 % of active people have flexible or floating working hours • 28 % of active people do not have lunch at work place Source : Enquête régionale sur la mobilité des ménages, 2003 (GRT) Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  10. Entreprises and mobility Results of federal diagnose among +100 employers (30/06/2008) (2.287 institutions in Wallonia for 314.799 workers) Modal Split for commuting in Wallonie (22% of households trips) (in % of workers) Source : SPF Mobilité et Transports (2009) Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  11. Goods Mobility Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  12. Rotterdam : 11,1 Mio. TEU Antwerp : 8,5 Mio. TEU Zeebrugge : 2,5 Mio. TEU Dunkerque : 0,2 Mio. TEU Total of TEU’s handled in 2010 Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  13. Links with the Netherlands Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  14. Why Transport and Logistics ? Integrators • Presence of main hubs in less than 200 km • FRA – CDG – AMS = 66% of air freight in Europe • => + LHR = 75% Amsterdam Frankfürt Paris Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  15. Numerous multimodal logistic parks Why Transport and Logistics ? Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  16. Wallonia has a potential for welcoming logistics activities such as European Distribution Centers (EDC) Why Transport and Logistics ? Source : Cushman & Wakefield 2009 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  17. TriLogiPort 100 ha dedicated to logistic activities (15 ha for a container terminal) Direct links with Antwerp and Rotterdam First concessions are granted to Euroports (+ DP World), DLG and WDP Completion : 2012 Projects Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  18. Carex CArgo Rail EXpress TGV for freight between Liège and Paris Alternative between truck and airplane European context (Lyon, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Liège…) From Liège Carex to EuroCarex Projects Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  19. Targeting prioritary actions With additional means To boost the regional development With the collaboration of : entreprises trade unions the actors of education citizens Context : the Marshall Plan Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  20. The main measure : Creation of Competitivness Clusters  6 sectors :   life-science agrofood industry mecatronics transport & logistics aeronautics green technologies in construction Context : the Marshall Plan Source : Logistics in Wallonia Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  21. Conclusion Many business opportunities … some have already understood this! Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  22. They place trust in Wallonia… Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  23. They place trust in Wallonia… Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  24. Thank you for your attention Union Wallonne des Entreprises (Walloon Business Federation) Chemin du Stocquoy, 3 B-1300 Wavre Tél : +32 10 47 19 40 Fax : +32 10 45 33 43 gregory.falisse@uwe.be www.uwe.be www.mobilite-entreprise.be Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  25. ICT & Mobility Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  26. 1623, Blaise Pascal: “Les rivières sont des chemins qui marchent, et qui portent où l’on veut aller” 1960, Fernand Baudhuin, UCL: “Belgian industry has interest to migrate in Flanders for logistic reasons”. Wallonia, an escheated EU industrial region, middle in-between NL-VL-Fr-D, the richest economies of continental Europe. Export goods Bg.2010 ± 312 Md.€ (± 78% VL. ± 20% W., 2% Bxl., BNB Mar.2011) But Bxl = 25% of Bg services export (W. = 10%; Vl, = 65%), Export goods Nl. 2010 ± 370 Md.€, Export goods Fr. 2010 ± 393 Md.€ ICT & Mobility 26 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  27. Massive investments of which 24% public (local) 76% private (global), both in need to serve a hinterland. The Rotterdam dynamic 27 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  28. forcing trans modality. The Rotterdam dynamic 28 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  29. French cost comparison (blue = internal, green = external) Comparison of modal transport costs 29 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  30. 30 TEN-T EU Priority Projects (being revisited) 20 railways projects 6 motorways projects 3 waterways projects Motorways of the Sea (PP. 21) Waterway axis Rhine/Meuse-Main-Danube (PP. 18) Inland Waterway Seine-Scheldt (PP. 30) (– Maas). 1 ICT project = Galileo (15) 30 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  31. Net financial position of Public administrations and private sector in the Eurozone = who can afford to invest,Data, closing 2009, in % of GDP, source BNB annual report 2010 Finance 31 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  32. Intelligent logistics, what is it? Application of ICT technologies to improve: Track & tracing (container level) = localization (Galileo/GPS) Administration (RFID) from du departure to arrival, worldwide. Tele-management of locks, bridges, harbors, works (=Portbase). Real time management ( fast, = foreseeable). Arbitrations (1 ton of wheat change hands 40* from producer to consumer!) Reliability of transport (lost Wagons! – looted trucks!...) Reassure and manage stocks on trans modal move Develop “added value enterprise networks” along the ways to hinterland. ICT = cloud computing + M to M communications = a wealth of new applications to improve the efficiency of quadrimodal logistics. Portbase R’dam = is a local but advanced ICT sea/airport application. 32 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  33. Some ongoing developments Wallonia: TranslogisTIC: Rail Athus-Meuse, ERTMS/GSM-R, Consortium headed by Alsthom & financed by the Region (5 M€, TEN-T PP 28). Euro Green IT PPP: Wallonia-IBM-Cisco-Mobistar Others: Atos-Siemens, etc.. ITS: Intelligent Transport Systems for roads. Worldwide Project, not integrated, favor local innovation (100M€). IBM smart trade lanes, Wordlwide projet conducted by a keyplayer in applications developments. Mobistar: IC leader in M to M communications for FT. Portbase R’Dam: in search for development, 33 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

  34. Let’s act “Think global and act local”, Enterprise customers are global Public authorities electorates are local (limited by constituencies). The “Maasroute” is an opportunity for ICT & Mobility Cheap Abundant workforce Best logistic opportunity (Kuhne & Nagel) on the Maasroute to Paris. Quadrimodal Abundance of SME (99,6% = 70.700) open for transnational cooperation. In need of ICT & Mobility developments. 34 Strategische inzet van Wallonië op mobiliteit- en ICT-vlak - 13 oktober 2011

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