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The E ffects of N oninvasive V entilation in P atients with C ystic F ibrosis. Senay RE , Uyan ZS, Oktem S, Karadag B, Ersu R, Karakoc F, Dagli E Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey. C ystic F ibrosis (CF).
The Effects of Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Senay RE, Uyan ZS, Oktem S, Karadag B, Ersu R, Karakoc F, Dagli E Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) • Electrolyte transport dysfunction exists in the lungs, gastrointestinal system, hepatobiliary system, genitourinary system • The most important prognostic factor is the involvement of lung pathology, it causes for 90% of the mortality • Infection, inflammation and sequestration leads to progressive airway ostruction and bronchiectasis and causes for permanent destruction. Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl 1996;13:245
Noninvasive Ventilation(NIV) • Alveolar ventilation without the use of endotracheal tube or invasive techniques • BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) is the most common type used Am Rev Respir Dis 1993;147:1050-1055
Use of NIV in patients with CF • NIV can be used as a complementary airway clearance techniques especially in patients with difficulty of extracting sputum • Patients with mild-heavy general status benefit more from NIV+oxygen than oxygen alone when used during sleep at night Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 4 • However there is still no clear guidelines for determining the use of NIV
NIV- Oxygenation in patients with CF • Increases alveolar ventilation - During awake period, - During sleep period, - During acute exacerbations maintains gas exchange • Increases respiratory muscle performance • Increases exercise tolerance Eur Respir Mon 2006; 35: 127-138
Objective • We aimed to determine the effects of NIV in acute and chronic respiratory dysfunction in patients with CF
Methods • Use of NIV was explored in 180 patients with CF followed in our department • Parameters of 15 patients with use of NIV was studied • Demographic data, clinical and laboratory parameters before and after the use of NIV was analyzed
Statistical analysis • SPSS 11.0 statistical package program was used for the analysis of demographic data, clinical and laboratory parameters before and after the use of NIV • Independent-T test was used to compare the measurements before and after the application of NIV • p<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant
Conclusion • NIV improves the blood gas parameters and decreases the hospitalization rate with acute exacerbations in CF with chronic respiratory dysfunction