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The E ffects of N oninvasive V entilation in P atients with C ystic F ibrosis

The E ffects of N oninvasive V entilation in P atients with C ystic F ibrosis. Senay RE , Uyan ZS, Oktem S, Karadag B, Ersu R, Karakoc F, Dagli E Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey. C ystic F ibrosis (CF).

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The E ffects of N oninvasive V entilation in P atients with C ystic F ibrosis

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  1. The Effects of Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Senay RE, Uyan ZS, Oktem S, Karadag B, Ersu R, Karakoc F, Dagli E Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey

  2. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) • Electrolyte transport dysfunction exists in the lungs, gastrointestinal system, hepatobiliary system, genitourinary system • The most important prognostic factor is the involvement of lung pathology, it causes for 90% of the mortality • Infection, inflammation and sequestration leads to progressive airway ostruction and bronchiectasis and causes for permanent destruction. Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl 1996;13:245

  3. Noninvasive Ventilation(NIV) • Alveolar ventilation without the use of endotracheal tube or invasive techniques • BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) is the most common type used Am Rev Respir Dis 1993;147:1050-1055

  4. Use of NIV in patients with CF • NIV can be used as a complementary airway clearance techniques especially in patients with difficulty of extracting sputum • Patients with mild-heavy general status benefit more from NIV+oxygen than oxygen alone when used during sleep at night Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 4 • However there is still no clear guidelines for determining the use of NIV

  5. NIV- Oxygenation in patients with CF • Increases alveolar ventilation - During awake period, - During sleep period, - During acute exacerbations maintains gas exchange • Increases respiratory muscle performance • Increases exercise tolerance Eur Respir Mon 2006; 35: 127-138

  6. Objective • We aimed to determine the effects of NIV in acute and chronic respiratory dysfunction in patients with CF

  7. Methods • Use of NIV was explored in 180 patients with CF followed in our department • Parameters of 15 patients with use of NIV was studied • Demographic data, clinical and laboratory parameters before and after the use of NIV was analyzed

  8. Statistical analysis • SPSS 11.0 statistical package program was used for the analysis of demographic data, clinical and laboratory parameters before and after the use of NIV • Independent-T test was used to compare the measurements before and after the application of NIV • p<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant

  9. Demographic Data of Patients

  10. Clinical parameters

  11. Endication for NIV

  12. Application of NIV

  13. Laboratory Parameters Before and After NIV

  14. Last State of Patients

  15. Conclusion • NIV improves the blood gas parameters and decreases the hospitalization rate with acute exacerbations in CF with chronic respiratory dysfunction

  16. THANK YOU…

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