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Vocabulary List #6. 501. sallow – of a grayish-greenish-yellow color 502. unmitigated – without much chance of being changed or relieved; outright 503. festoon – a decorative garland 504. florid - flowery 505. expiate – to make reparation for
Vocabulary List #6 501. sallow – of a grayish-greenish-yellow color 502. unmitigated– without much chance of being changed or relieved; outright 503. festoon – a decorative garland 504. florid - flowery 505. expiate– to make reparation for 506. aloofness– state of being distant or indifferent 507. dyspeptic– having indigestion 508. vagary – an unpredictable change or fluctuation 509. precarious– in a dangerous situation or position 510. irresolute – indecisive; vacillating; unresolved in action
Vocabulary List #6 511. philanthropist – one who endows charitable causes generously 512. exigency – pressing needs; urgent requirements 513. tacit– unspoken but implied 514. ineffectual– futile; useless; not producing the proper effect 515. herdic – a light two-wheeled cab 516. promontory – a high point of land projecting into the sea 517. strident – vociferous; shrill; harsh-sounding 518. unabashed- unembarrassed 519. reiterate– to repeat 520. vaticination- prophecy
Vocabulary List #6 521. impeccable – without fault or blemish 522. tart– (adjective) sharp to the taste (noun) a woman of loose morals 523. opulent– rich, wealthy; showing great wealth 524. probity – uprightness; honesty; integrity 525. articulate– to be able to speak well 526. noblesse oblige – rank imposes obligation 527. imperturbable – incapable of being disturbed; cool 528. cynical– contemptuously distrustful of human motives 529. glib– smooth-talking; fluent 530. contemptuous – expressing disdain or contempt for; looking down on
Vocabulary List #6 531. valetudinarian– a person of weak or sick constitution 532. solicitude – care or concern 533. promiscuous – undiscriminating; irregular or casual 534. remonstrate – to say or plead in protest; to object 535. perspicacity– sharpness of insight or discernment 536. banter – good-natured ridicule 537. philander– to make love triflingly; to flirt with a woman 538. reprobation – severe disapproval; censure 539. anecdote – an interesting and amusing story 540. necropolis– a large sized cemetery
Vocabulary List #6 541. sarcophagus– a tomb 542. alienate– to cause to be an outsider; to make an enemy of 543. precipitate – rash; extremely sudden and abrupt; done without deliberation 544. repast – a feast; a fine meal 545. melodramatic– overly romantic or sensational in acting or drama 546. deprecate– to express disapproval of 547. recrimination– a countercharge; the act of accusing an accuser 548. manifold – numerous and varied 549. décolletage– a low-necked attire 550. effulgent – radiant
Vocabulary List #6 551. discreet – showing good judgment especially in speaking 552. wistful – yearning or longing with little chance of gratification 553. efflorescent– flowering or manifesting itself completely 554. diminution – act of decreasing or being decreased 555. imponderability – state of not being able to be measured or thought about 556. diatribe– a bitter abusive harangue 557. fortnight– two weeks 558. confabulation – a familiar conversation; a chat 559. circumlocution – act of speaking about a subject 560. proclivity – a leaning or propensity or inclination
Vocabulary List #6 561. trenchant – incisive; keen; cutting; penetrating 562. fetish – an object of obsession or devotion 563. whimsical– given to flights of fancy; odd, quaint, or fantastic 564. discretion – act of using good judgment 565. filial– pertaining to a son or daughter 566. irretrievable– unable to be gotten back or recovered or called back 567. equivocal – having two or more meanings; ambiguous; not clear 568. insipid– tasteless, flat, dull 569. penitent– sorry for having done wrong; repentant; contrite 570. emigrant– one who leaves a country to go live abroad
Vocabulary List #6 571. voluble – talkative; smooth or fluent in conversation; glib 572. coquetry – flirtation; the activity of coquette 573. canvass – to solicit; to seek orders or votes 574. deft– skillful, dexterous 575. auspicious– signifying that good things are going to happen 576. deferential – showing respect or deference 577. piquancy– charming naughtiness or teasing; engaging provocations 578. curt– rude or abrupt in language 579. cerebration – mental activity; thinking 580. taciturn – not saying much; silent
Vocabulary List #6 581. diffidence– shyness; the act of withdrawing 582. automaton– a person acting mechanically; a robot 583. unremunerative – not paying much 584. sordid – vile, gross, despicable, mean 585. badinage – playful banter 586. jocose– pertaining to jokes or humor 587. sumptuous– lavish; showing wealth; opulent 588. fastidious– difficult to please; delicate to fault 589. sequester – to set apart; to segregate; to seclude 590. augur– to foretell from omens
Vocabulary List #6 591. emulate – to strive to equal or excel or imitate 592. gainsay– to speak against 593. palaver– a conference or a debate; loose talk or flattery, B.S. 594. staid – serious, grave, sober 595. stipend – a compensation for services; emolument; remuneration 596. premonitory – giving previous warning 597. geniality – graciousness and cheerfulness; congeniality 598. feasible – able to be done 599. euphonious – sounding good or pleasant 600. quizzical – showing mock inquisitiveness