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Jeopardy. Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy. WORK & POWER. LEVERS. Wheel/Axel & Screw. Pulleys. Wedge & Incline Plane. 10 Point.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

  3. WORK & POWER LEVERS Wheel/Axel & Screw Pulleys Wedge & Incline Plane 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

  4. What is the unit for work?

  5. Joules (J)

  6. One morning Ms. Mannix was carrying a heavy bucket of water to the turtle tank, how much work was she doing?

  7. NONE 

  8. Work or No work? Pushing a child on a swing

  9. Work

  10. The power of a light bulb that converts electrical energy at a rate of 200 J/s is…

  11. 200 Watts 200J / 1 second

  12. Which action represents more work? • Lifting 80N box 1 m • Lifting a 160N box 1 m • Lifting a 90N box 2 m • Lifting a 100N box 1.5 m

  13. C. Lifting a 90N box 2 m

  14. Most of the machines in your body consist of bones and muscles and are called…

  15. Levers, silly that is what section we are in!

  16. Scissors represent what type of lever? Draw a picture for justification

  17. 1st class

  18. Which type of lever increases distance but does not change the direction of the input force?

  19. 3rd class

  20. Define a fulcrum?

  21. The fixed point that a lever pivots around

  22. Which of the following is an example of a 3rd class lever? • Scissors • Pliers • Fishing pole • Nutcracker

  23. Fishing Pole

  24. Fill in the statement below: Vocab term The mechanical advantage of a machine is the number of times a machine increases __________________________________________.

  25. The force exerted on the machine

  26. What is the formula for ideal mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle?

  27. Radius of wheel Radius of axle

  28. A 1 cm long screw that is 62.5% efficient in pulling a 500 N board to a wall when the carpenter used 80 N of force in turning it. What is the thread length of the screw?

  29. 10 cm

  30. Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. At the well, Jill used a force of 20.0 N to turn the crank handle of radius 0.400 m to rotate the axle of radius 0.100 m, so she could raise the 60.0 N bucket of water. • What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the wheel? • What is the efficiency of the wheel?

  31. IMA: 4 Efficiency: 75%

  32. A screw has the greatest MA when it has a…. Think about distance of threads (close together or far apart) Spiral length (long or short)

  33. Long spirals and close threads

  34. If a movable pulley is required to lift a block that weighs 500 Newton what would the Input force be?

  35. 250 Newtons (N)

  36. What type of pulley is represented in the below picture?

  37. Compound, 3 string, Or block and tackle

  38. You apply 100 N to a machine and the machine applies 1000 N to an object. What is the MA?

  39. 10

  40. A crate of bananas weighing 3000N is shipped from South Africa to New York, where it is unloaded by a dock worker who lifts the crate by pulling with a force of 200N on the rope of a pulley. What is the actual mechanical advantage of the system?

  41. 15

  42. Cathy, a 460N actress playing Peter Pan, is hoisted above the stage in order to “fly” by a stagehand pulling on a pulley system with a force of 60N. What is the efficiency of the machine?

  43. 767%

  44. What is the formula for the IMA of an inclined plane

  45. Length of the incline Height of the incline

  46. What is the formula for IMA of a wedge?

  47. Length of wedge Width of wedge

  48. A zipper is made from 3 inclined planes or wedges?

  49. Wedges

  50. Which body parts are shaped like wedges? • incisors (teeth) • tendons • bones • Muscles

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