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TRL 1. TRL 2. TRL 3. TRL 4. TRL 5. TRL 6. TRL 7. TRL 8. TRL 9. Research & Development. Research, Technology & Development. Product Development. Research & Development. Basic Knowledge. Technology Feasibility. Technology Validation. Demonstration. ASI. ESA. CIRA. DLR. NLR.

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  1. TRL 1 TRL 2 TRL 3 TRL 4 TRL 5 TRL 6 TRL 7 TRL 8 TRL 9 Research & Development Research, Technology & Development Product Development Research & Development Basic Knowledge Technology Feasibility Technology Validation Demonstration ASI ESA CIRA DLR NLR ONERA QinetiQ De Stavola P. (Tutor: Prof. Sorrentino M.)Dottorato di ricerca in Imprenditorialità ed Innovazione S.U.N., Dip. di S.A.M.Q., Corso Gran Priorato di Malta, 1, Capua (CE), p.destavola@cira.it cell. +39 339 5812668 A COMPARISON OFTECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROCESSES AND POLICIES AT AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL. EVIDENCE FROM THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY. Aim and MethodologyIdentification of best practices and of key-factors of success in technology transfer from research organizations to the industry within the context of European aerospace research. Desk research: Key-concepts: technological innovation, technology transfer, Science-Industry links; Official corporate literature (brochures, web sites).Field research: Interviews based on semi-structured questionnaire with technology transfer managers of European aerospace research organizations: ASI (IT), CIRA (IT) DLR (DE), ESA (EU) NLR (NL), ONERA (FR), QINETIQ (UK), Aerospace Industry The technological factor is vital to defining the characteristics of the sector, determined by direct or indirect government involvement, beginning with research activities which are very Often external to the firm and located in research centers (public or private), government agencies, bodies for certification & control and universities. • Key Questions • Which are the technology transfer policies and processes within European aerospace research organizations? • Within technology transfer processes what is the role and relevance attributed to the following: • Which are the key factors of success in the transfer of technology from the R&D organization to industry leading to superior technological and economic results? Results of the Multi-case Study • An R&D organization which adopts and implements a truly systematic approach to performing technology transfer to industry may improve its competitive advantage significantly: standardized processes. • The adoption of IPR policy increase a research organization’s attractiveness for industrial partners affecting, as a result, technology innovativeness and profit creation. • The existence of a dedicated technology transfer and commercial infrastructure enables the valorization of the results to occu.r • Complementarity between technology dissemination (knowledge transfer) and technology transfer within the interaction and communicationprocesses between tranferor and transferee. • Commercialization of innovative technologies (economic results) through contract/ agreements, licensing, spin-offs, joint ventures. • Superior economic and technological results are achieved through contacts with potential users leading to ‘cooperation license agreements’ (commercial responsability of industrial partners). Conclusions Puropose Phase 1: Legally protect the R&D organization’s technologies and results in order to preserve their commercial potential in view of technology transfer Phase 2: Establish the mechanisms selected by the R&D organization to introduce the protected technology into an industry segment or market Phase 3: Improve and specialize communication and manage dedicated channels in order to create strong links between the R&D organization and companies Phase 4: Earn financial revenues through the transfer of the results and technologies to industry

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