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JOSHUA Chapter 06 VICTORY AT JERICHO I. INTRODUCTION A. Israel’s victory over Jericho!. 1. Real victory occurred in chapter 5. a) He was there to do battle for Him! b) Joshua bowed down to Him. 2. Place yourself in Joshua’s shoes:
JOSHUA Chapter 06 VICTORY AT JERICHO I. INTRODUCTION A. Israel’s victory over Jericho!
1. Real victory occurred in chapter 5. a) He was there to do battle for Him! b) Joshua bowed down to Him. 2. Place yourself in Joshua’s shoes: a) Jericho doesn’t stand a chance.
b) Surely there will be massacre? • (1) The Lord has a different plan. • II. JOSHUA 6:1-27 • A. Joshua 6:1-3
1. Vision from the Lord, communicate to others. 2. Joshua has to communicate to an army! a) Marching not a new concept, in a circle was b) Understand what the Lord asking of Joshua: (1) Gather your army, (2) Dressed for battle
(3) March around Jericho ONCE – then back home (4) For 6 days!” (a) The Lord leading us to march around Jericho? b) What seemed absurd. c) People learning to trust Joshua!
B. Joshua 6:4-5 • 1. Ark of the Covenant represented presence of the Lord! • a) Jericho a fortified city. • (1) Walls were tall and thick.
(a) Rahab live in one of its rooms! (2) One entrance barred shut and guarded. (3) Under siege, every person called to fight. (4) Joshua told his men something impossible! (a) Asking to believe they will come down!
(i) See what faith this is? • (ii) Ark symbol of faith in God! • 2. Put this together: • a) Victory a step of faith! • b) Vision from the Lord a step of faith.
(1) What Joshua asked requires both! • (2) 6 days for Israel’s faith? • (3) See that victory is IMPOSSIBLE? • C. Joshua 6:6-10
1. See contrast with human and divine? a) “Keep your mouth shut until I tell you!” 2. Less we hear voice of the Lord, louder we get. a) When “perspiration” replaces “inspiration” = carnal methods.
b) Hear His voice no need for shouting. • c) Easier to shout than pray. • (1) What IF they shouted the 2nd day? • (a) Victory - ability to do what the Lord asked. • (2) 1Thesalonians 5:16-17
(3) Lack of prayer is sin? • (a) How will we know what victories are ours? • (b) How will we know the “step” to take? • III. CONCLUSION
A. A couple of thing to point out: • 1. Joshua 6:20 • a) It worked! • 2. Rahab saved. • 3. Joshua 6:26 • a) 1Kings 16:33-34 • b) Hiel paid for trying to rebuild Jericho!
B. It was THE LORD! • 1. It was impossible without the Lord. • 2. Some tonight face your Jericho. • a) 1Thesalonians 4:16-18 • (1) Could it be the Lord shouted at Jericho?