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Week 4. Monday February 10 th JA #10 What is the relationship of the individual to the community? How and why?.
Monday February 10thJA #10 What is the relationship of the individual to the community? How and why? • Objectives: /aka what I’m learning 1) collect and assess the work on the work essay 2) continue exam preview 3) work on identifying passivity and determining when to use it 4) complete MC #4 analysis 5) consider and explore the “tips” • I can write a reflection about working on the “work essay”. • I can hand in the work essay – recognizing that it is the future of collaborative work esp. as shown from 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nx_cIj5mv4&feature=relmfu • I can copy the next set of vocab and do the practice for the word(s) due on Monday 2/24 • I can add to my tropes and schemes booklet notes • I can understand how to construct deeper meanings and surface meanings through practices to the Harper’s Index and the infographic for Monday • I can either do the vocab quiz and then start on the practice free response writing question #2 from 2013 or I can share my work essay with the class • I can evaluate the work essay of another group and ask meaningful questions about it – use the rubric to frame my response to it or protocol. • I can have my timed response to free response #2 from 2013 • I can do a take away for today
Reminders • Ap letter of intent • Vocab quiz on Friday.
Vocab XX cont. send to me visuals for review and that action is a demonstration of above and beyond – e.g. =A • 1. malapropism • When the student said he was sent to the office for using inappropriate languid, I had to smile at his malapropism. • 2. maverick • He is a maverick when it comes to art—he can create masterpieces from the most unexpected materials—McDonald’s wrappers to used TV Guides; his art is social commentary and recycling. • 3. paucity • Based on the paucity of evidence connecting him to the crime, I cannot find him guilty of picking the tulips. • 4. galvanize • The sophomore knew she would have a hard time beating the senior for the position of school secretary, so she tried to galvanize voter-support by saying she would fight for an open campus forunderclassmen. • 5. quixotic • His quixotic attempts to help the environment usually landed him in jail—like the time he broke into all the homes in our neighborhood to collect recyclable goods out of kitchen trash cans.
Funsies… • Where does lightning go shopping? • The electrical outlet • What kind of dance do you do on a trampoline? • Hip hop • Name a book by Cole Dwether • Name a book written by Lou Zing • A book by Stan Stihl • Explain to me this – how can something be new and also improved?
Tuesday February 11thJB #1 What is the relationship of the community to education? And education to the community? • Objectives: /aka what I’m learning1) assess hmwk 2) assess grammar knowledge 3) assign reading from Thoreau with a close reading 4) collaborative and independent work • I can do the practice for the word(s) due on Monday 2/24 • I can add to my tropes and schemes booklet notes • I can practice and record in my notes the analogies on the next slide • I can review the rhetorical strategies on the following slides • I can read pages 259 – 260. • I can review my timed essay after reading and protocoling the samples from 2013 – I can assess my essay and turn in a score for it tomorrow after I make changes to improve it – I can highlight the changes. • I can Hand in journals and notes – highlight 2 that demonstrate my best performance and write a paragraph under today’s entry explaining why I deserve the grade I should receive for my journals and notes • I can do a take away. • I can do SSR for 10 minutes – record a reflection about what I read.
Analogies • # 1 dollar: currency :: ________ : flower • #2 soothe : pacify :: ________ : annoy • A) endanger b) ameliorate c) assail d) irk • #3 orator : _______ :: builder : construct
Everyday UseChapters 1 & 2 Review Chapter 1: • The Big Picture: The Rhetorical Triangle Interaction between Speaker/Writer, Audience, and Subject Influence of Context, Genre, and Intention
Everyday UseChapter 1 Summary Rhetoric in Context Speaker Context genre intention Audience Subject
Funsies… • Where does lightning go shopping? • The electrical outlet • What kind of dance do you do on a trampoline? • Hip hop • Name a book by Cole Dwether • Name a book written by Lou Zing • A book by Stan Stihl • Explain to me this – how can something be new and also improved?
Wednesday February 12thJB #2 Explain what King means by “starved before we are hungry.” • Objectives: /aka what I’m learning1) discuss the journal 2) voice lesson practice 3) group discussion on King’s piece 4) read for leisure 5) independent practice • I can do the voice lesson • I can review vocab and do the practice for the word(s) • I can add to my tropes and schemes booklet notes • I can review the rhetoric notes • I can add notes from They Say I Say on forms 3 & 4 • I can read and understand the concept of using “say/does” for analysis • I can apply the “say/does” analysis idea to a paragraph from the 2013 free response #2 • I can read “Letter from Birmingham Jail” pages 261 – 266 paragraph 19, apply say does to any 2 paragraphs. • I can do SSR for 10 minutes • I can do a take away
VL #Bonus diction Consider: “First, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad, she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh, nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her- for her energy and commitment to others,” -- Queen Elizabeth’s Televised Speech “Indeed, to sanctify your memory would be to miss out on the very core of your being, your wonderfully mischievous sense of humor, with a laugh that bent you double. Your joy for life, transmitted wherever you took your smile and the sparkle in those unforgettable eyes. Your boundless energy which you could barely contain. But your greatest gift was your intuition and it was a gift you used wisely. This is what underpinned all your other wonderful attributes, and if we look to analyze what it was about you that had such a wide appeal, we find it in your instinctive feel for what was really important in all our lives.” -- Earl Spencer’s Eulogy for Diana Discuss: How do the speakers use “smile”, “laugh”, and “energy” differently in paying tribute to Diana. What effect do these uses have on the listener? Apply: For each of the other 3 excerpts list 3 adjectives from each which describe the voice.
Everyday UseChapter 3 Summary Canons of Rhetoric: Invention Arrangement Style Memory Delivery
Everyday UseChapters 1 & 2 Review Chapter 2: • Rhetoric In Practice: Invention Strategies = starting point for both Writer / Speaker and Reader Importance of Cultural Memory
Everyday UseChapters 1 & 2 Review Invention Strategies: • Journalist Questions • Syllogisms & Enthymemes • Basic Topics • Common Topics
Form 3 for introducing and implied or assumed idea • One implication of ____’s treatment of ______ is that _________ • _______ apparently assumes that __________ • While they rarely admit as much, ________ often take for granted that ________ • These are analytical forms that can help you to look beyond what others say explicitly, and to consider their unstated assumptions (enthymemes) as well as implications of their views.
Form 4 – an on-going debate • Identify the topic of debate • Give the background in a succinct manner – summary • Start with the popular position • Highlight the other position • Then state your position • Try it: • The topic of ____ has been _________. When it comes to __________ most people side __________. There is disagreement however, __________. (my own view is) __________ remains _____________ because __________
It’s not punny...What language do birds speak? • Foul language • What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy? • I don’t know and who cares… • Name the book: written by Russ T. Pipes • Do It Yourself Plumbing • Name the author: book title Funny Bone • Hugh Morris
Thursday February 13thJB #3 What is the relationship/responsibility of the community to the individual? • Objectives: /aka what I’m learning1) introduce the next unit 2) practice more identification and application of imagery 3) grammar review and assessment of understanding of the predicate 4) the application and assessment of understanding the usage of passive and active voice • I can review vocab and do the practice for the word(s) • I can practice a VL with say/does • I can add to my tropes and schemes booklet notes • I can review the rhetoric notes • I can focus on the notes about MCs • I can complete the practice MC on my honor for next class. • I can share my MLK “say/does” practice with my reading group/whole class • I can understand how King relies on pointing out the form of what motivates the audience to whom he is writing – he makes overt references to “you” and he responds to them- he reminds his readers of the ideas to which he is responding. • I can finish reading King’s piece and answer questions 7, 10, and 12 from pages 274 – 275 due next class • I can do a take away.
Everyday UseChapter 3 Summary Context: Text always has a context Context consists of an occasion, an audience, and a purpose. Invented material is arranged in an effective way, written with style that is appropriate and engaging, then delivered in the best way possible.
Everyday UseChapter 3 Summary Arrangement: Principles of arrangement help a writer to: Order and structure parts of a piece of writing Support those parts of writing Invention and Arrangement work hand-in-hand Invention: gather and inventory material Arrangement: select what to use and how to present it.
Tom Swifties: • “Is my pastry ready?” asked Tom • Tartly. • “Let me shred the cheese,” said Tom • Gratefully • “Who chopped down this tree?” asked Tom in a • Stumped manner.