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COMPASSION & SUFFERING. http:// www.youtube.com / watch?v =UnCDsK_2Zvg. COMPASSION & SUFFERING. WHO ARE WE? WHY DO WE SUFFER? HOW ARE WE CALLED TO RESPOND?. PFV.01: identify the main features of a Christian anthropology and examine the human search for meaning and purpose; and
COMPASSION & SUFFERING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnCDsK_2Zvg
COMPASSION & SUFFERING WHO ARE WE? WHY DO WE SUFFER? HOW ARE WE CALLED TO RESPOND? • PFV.01: identify the main features of a Christian anthropology and examine the human search for meaning and purpose; and • FLV.01: describe the meaning of “the intrinsic dignity of each human person,” and its impact on our inherent sense of responsibility towards self and others.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING The Individual The Community • We are all created with an essential & irrevocable dignity in as much as we are loved by God and called to love; we are a social people. • Our essential dignity is consummated when we contribute meaningfully to, and participate meaningfully in, the community.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING • Review your news app: what are the main stories in the world today? • Consider the music you heard this weekend: how does it describe the human experience? • Think about your interactions this weekend: did they describe a dignity and connected ness? WHY AND HOW?
COMPASSION & SUFFERING • Read pages 10-21 (excluding 16 &17) and respond to ‘For Review’ questions 1-3 (13) and 4-8 (21 & 22). • Write a paragraph identifying which of the four responses to suffering most resembles your own default position and describe why.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING OPENING SENTENCE 3-6 SENTENCES OF EVIDENCE/EXPLANATION CONCLUDING SENTENCE • Swop your response with a partner and identify the three parts of the paragraph, comment on fluid style, and correct punctuation/grammar. • Identify whether your partners response was principally: • Head-focused – cognitive • Heart-focused – affective • Hand-focused - active
COMPASSION & SUFFERING • From GAUDIUM ET SPES • There are five basic truths of Catholic Anthropology: • We are made in the image of God; • We are loved by God; • We are called to love and be in relationship; • We are essentially good but weakened by sin & saved by grace; • We do not end with death but move to a new life.
COMPASSION & SUFFERING • Because we each have dignity, we are called to foster the dignity of others: • We love; • To seek and foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situation • We live in community; • To live in mutual compassion and regard, fostering the dignity of others • We ensure that everyone has that which they need. • Equity is not the same as equality
COMPASSION & SUFFERING HOW DO WE READ SCRIPTURE? CONTEXUALLY: We seek the deeper truths; We understand the historical context; We place it in the context of Holy Tradition. • Scripture and tradition describe three iconic guidelines for living: • The Decalogue; Exodus 20.1-17 & Deut 5.6-21 • The Beatitudes; Matt 5.1-13 • The Golden Rule. Matt 7.12 & Luke 6.31
COMPASSION & SUFFERING HOW DO WE READ SCRIPTURE? CONTEXUALLY: We seek the deeper truths; We understand the historical context; We place it in the context of Holy Tradition. • Consider the three passages: • Summarise in a sentence, what are they saying; • Describe what is unique about each of them; • Identify what is consistent in all of them; • Describe how they present a moral and ethical framework; • Consider what they say about compassion.
Compassion and Suffering • If we are made to be in relationship, we can describe sin as any obstacle we place in our relationship with ourselves and others. • We can talk about the five-fold nature of sin; sins against: • Self • Others • Other nations • Creation • God • With a partner, describe an example of each kind of sin.
Compassion and Suffering • When we respond to suffering with compassion, we seek justice. • Read “Justice: The Reign of God’s Goodness” (20-26) and respond to questions 10-14. • Read “The Compassionate Way of Jesus” (27-38) and respond to questions 15-19.