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Estec, 26-02-2007. SPECTRAL DATABASE FOR PLANNED MISSIONS TO MERCURY, MARS AND THE MOON. Maria Sgavetti, Loredana Pompilio , and Stefania Amici Department of Earth Science, University of Parma, Italy loredana.pompilio@unipr.it. DLR (J örn Helbert) INAF-IASF (Fabrizio Capaccioni)
Estec, 26-02-2007 SPECTRAL DATABASE FOR PLANNED MISSIONS TO MERCURY, MARS AND THE MOON Maria Sgavetti, Loredana Pompilio, and Stefania Amici Department of Earth Science, University of Parma, Italy loredana.pompilio@unipr.it DLR (Jörn Helbert) INAF-IASF (Fabrizio Capaccioni) MIXS Team (Karri Muinonen, James Carpenter) Open University (Dave Rothery) PAFS-net (Derek Pullan) INGV (Fabrizia Buongiorno) Area 9.2.1 Call SPA.2007.2.1.01 – Space Science Specific international Cooperation Action
OBJECTIVES AND REMARKS Idea: Spectral and chemical database Targets: 1) Rock suites 2) Different scales measurements What is the innovation?: The database will include measurements of a number of properties investigated by the instruments on board of both spacecraft and rovers planned for next missions to terrestrial planets (support). What are the users?: EuroPlaNet scientific community, Non-EuroPlanet members, Academic and not institutions Whoever with an Internet connection ….
MERCURY – BEPI COLOMBO MERTIS: MERcury Thermal Infrared Spectrometer: Global mineralogical mapping (7-14 mm), surface T and thermal inertia MIXS: Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer: Elemental surface composition, global mapping and composition of surface features SIMBIO-SYS: (HIRC, STC, VIHI) Spectrometers and imagers for optical High resolution and Stereo imaging, NIR (< 2,0 mm) imaging spectroscopy for Mineralogical mapping. Various processes have shaped the surface of Mercury (more than 3500 Mya?). Mercury experienced a long period of heavy bombardment. Plains between craters suggest that the planet may have also experienced extensive volcanic activity. The data BepiColombo will return on the shape, height, composition and structure of the surface and interior will reveal whether any of these processes are still acting on Mercury.
MARS - EXOMARS Panoramic Camera: 2 wide angles stereo + 1 high res. cameras To characterize environment and geology Infrared Spectrometer: water related minerals and scientific target selection Mössbauer Spectrometer: to study mineralogy of Fe-bearing rocks and soils Microscope IR: to characterize the structures and compositions of samples at grain size level X-ray diffractometer: to determine the mineralogical composition of crystalline phases Establishing whether life ever existed or is still present on Mars is considered of the highest scientific interest; it is also a necessary prerequisite to prepare for future human Missions, which is the Aurora Exploration Programme ultimate goal. To this end, in 2009, ESA intends to launch the ExoMars mission. ExoMars will deploy a high-mobility rov on the Martian surface, carrying a comprehensive suite of scientific instruments.
USGS Historical Lunar data Archive THE MOON Lunar rocks are mainly composed of Olivine, Pyroxene, and Plagioclase. Ilmenite is highly abundant in some mare basalts. The maria are mainly composed of basalt, the highlands are Fe-poor and composed primarily of anorthosite. Further significant component of the crust are troctolite, norite and KREEP-basalts. These rocks are believed to be genetically related to the petrogenesis of KREEP (chemical remnants of that magma ocean?). Lunar basalts are more Fe-rich than the terrestrial basalts, and have lower viscosities. Clementine data: UVVIS camera NIR camera LWIR camera
OVERALL STRATEGY Focus the spectral database on the properties and field relationsof rock suites, in order to better constraints the geologic evolution of planetary bodies Laboratory Measurements: Rock slab surfaces Rock powders (different size classes) Mineral separates (Pure and Mixtures) In situ Measurements: Target area of interest for the investigations addressed to planetary surfaces: - volcanic environment - actual and ancient evaporitic environment - areas of hydrothermal activity Ancillary data: Chemical composition Mineralogical composition GPS information
TASKS AND WORKPACKAGES POTENTIAL PARTNERSHIPS Coordination UniPr (Italy) temp. Sample collection UniPr (Italy) + PAFS-net VNIR laboratory measurements INAF - IASF (Italy) MidIR laboratory measurements DLR (Germany) Chemistry and petrology UniPr + OU + MIXS Team PAFS-net + UniPr + INGV (Italy) VNIR and MIdIR in situ measurements Spectral modeling UniPr (Italy) ?? Algorithms for remote data processing Web design SME Training and Outreach All Partners
USGS Digital Spectral Library: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/ofr-03-395/datatable.html UV-NIR (0.2 - 5.2 microns) Minerals, soils, vegetation, computer simulations of mixtures Ancillary Data: Name, formula, collection locality, a brief description, Chemical and mineralogical analyses are not always available RELAB Public Database: http://lf314-rlds.geo.brown.edu/public_data/data/ Bidirectional VNIR and sometimes FTIR reflectance Minerals, rock powders (scarce slab surfaces), extraterrestrial samples (Lunar soils and meteorites) Ancillary Data are: Chemical composition, not always available CURRENTLY AVAILABLE SPECTRAL DATA