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Project Deliverables. This is an iteration-based project. All artifacts of each Iteration are to be posted in Rational Team Concert (RTC), which is separately documented with accompanying tutorials on my web page. See Course Lecture Notes.
ProjectDeliverables This is an iteration-based project. All artifacts of each Iteration are to be posted in Rational Team Concert (RTC), which is separately documented with accompanying tutorials on my web page. See Course Lecture Notes. Each Iteration consists of a number of ‘deliverables’ in the context of RTC are referred to as Work Items Initially – for Iteration 0, you may include Work Items in the RTC/Change and Configuration Management (CCM) portion of RTC. The deliverables in Iteration 0 are items of work. Later, when specific products are developed, they will be entered as ‘artifacts’ in Requirements Management. Work items are activities usually resulting in producing an artifact constituting part of each deliverable.
Executive Summary • Every iteration will include an Executive Summary. • This is to be a single page document and should summarize the contents of the iteration: • What work items were undertaken (list) • What work items may have been changed • Note: revising artifacts is the norm in an iterative approach to software development. • Identify Risks as a Work Item (elaborated upon ahead). • Executive Summary is likely developed by team lead and backup.
Rational Team Concert • Rational Team Concert (RTC) will be the tool of choice for CEN 6016 and CEN 6017. • All work items and artifacts for each iteration will be posted to appropriate places in your team’s project area. • A set of tutorials on RTC has been developed for your use and will guide you.
Rational Team Concert • Tutorials include basic information on ALM/CLM, creating and managing a Jazz account, creating a new project, managing requirements with Rational Requirements Composer (RRC), creating iterations, work items, establishing the Eclipse client for your use, source control (your programming), change sets, and linking work items and change sets. (More will be coming later.) • The team is responsible for familiarizing themselves with this very popular new development environment.
Work Items • Each iteration consists of work items undertaken. • Each Work Item will be posted to your project area in RTC, along with the name(s) of the individual(s) primarily responsible for accommodating each work item. • Some of these items may be Word documents, others graphical models, tables, answers to questions, and assessments. (A few initial work items will be placed in Configuration and Change Management (SSM) part of RTC.) • Some work items will be done by individuals; others by more than one team member. • Work Items will include all of your basic work item artifacts / activities including all business modeling, requirements, analysis and design, testing, management, deployment, and implementation modeling items.
Grammar, Wording, and Professionalism • Under NO circumstances will poor grammar or ill-conceived sentences be considered acceptable work. Remember: you only get one chance to make a first impression. Poorly done work will really hurt your grade and perception of what otherwise might be high-quality work. This is a graduate level course and mature, professionalism is expected. • EACH work item of EACH iteration must be reviewed • While the Quality Assurance Manager (ahead) may be the one primarily responsible for grammar and wording, please recognize that this is a TEAM responsibility!! • I cannot stress too strongly emphasis placed on professionalism in organization, content, presenting and reporting.
Iteration #0due 5 Sep 2012 – Start of Class Team Formation, Project Identification, Roles, Methodology, Special Topics
Important • Be certain you add me as a project participant along with other team members. • Give me all permissions, please. • Also, when you load documents to Work Items, please convert them so I don’t have do and I have easy access to them. • Lastly, Iteration 0 will be graded. • As grades / comments are entered by me into RTC, please share with all team members. Even if the ‘comments’ I offer only go to the work item owner.
Work Item: Executive Summary • Project Title • Standard contents (see previous generic description) • Project lead (interim or permanent) will develop the Executive Summary • Describe in summary form the work items undertaken for this iteration. (Details will follow and should not be included in this summary) • Include any issues encountered.
Work Item: Risk List • Risks will be identified, quantifed, and prioritized. • See Risk List in the Word Templates links provided. • Undertake an initial risk assessment as best you are able at this time. It will change. • In the Iteration Assessment, risk mitigation must be addressed.
Work Item: Team Formation • List the team members by name and the role(s) each will undertake. • Use the descriptors on the next slide. • Please realize this may change and be modified as individuals take on new roles as the project evolves, but you should make every effort to nail down roles. • (See Target Organization Assessment in Templates.)
Team Roles and Responsibilities (sample roles) • Team lead and backup: • Team Quality Assurance Manager : (responsible for ensuring all work items are properly reported, formatted, included on time and more; responsible for work item reports to RTC) • Business Analysts (Requirement Specifications) • Application Designers (Modelers; architects) • Application Programmers (API / IDE specialists) • Database specialists (database designers; interfacing…) • Testing and Reporting (business analysts; others)
Work Item: Approved Project Description • Topic must be pre-approved well before it becomes a part of this iteration. • Include full write up. • Title • Description – several paragraphs • Need – Significance? Usefulness? Clients? • Availability of Resources to Specify • Sources of knowledge • Overall Software Development Plan (See Software Development Plan in Templates) • It is conceivable that you may not have this item thought out yet. But give it a shot. Will change later.
Work Item: Iteration Assessment • Frank assessment of iteration 0. (5-10 minutes) • One or more team members will report on Iteration 0 in classroom setting. (good, bad, and ugly) • What can be done to improve this process? • Iteration 0 will be graded. Grades: not team grades. • Individual Peer Reviews must be submitted no later than class time on the date on which the Iteration Reports are due/presented. • Likely accomplished by Team Leader • See Iteration Assessment in Templates
Work ItemQuality Manager’s Certification • I certify that to the best of my ability all work items have been completed and are included in the iteration report. • _____ Quality Manager’s (QMgr) Initials • _____ Team Leader’s (TL) Initials • Comments optional. • (completed by QMgr and TL)
Iteration #1 Business Modeling (Domain Analysis)
Iteration #1 Business ModelingBusiness Domain Analysis Due: Wednesday, October 3rd • Purpose: • To understand the structure and dynamics of the organization within which the application will operate; • To ensure customers, end-users, and developers understand the organization; • To derive requirements on systems to support the organization;
Iteration 1 – Business Modeling and Domain Analysis Work Items • Team Member’s Statement of Work (See link on web page) • Business Vision Document – See templates. • Business Use Case Model – See templates Use an approved graphical tool. (Tentatively assigned.) • Business Glossary – See templates • Business Rules – See templates • Business Risk List – See templates; Revise Iteration 0 • This is a hefty assignment. Start early!!
Work Item: Executive Summary • See slide 2. • Overview of the iteration from top to bottom. • No more than one page.
Work Item: Statement of Work • You are to include each individual team member’s statement of work (SOW) • Develop a document of sequential SOWs and include as a work item.
Work Item: Business Vision Document (1 of 2) • Use the appropriate forms on my web page: Link to Useful Templates You Will Need. This is a Word document. This captures the purpose of the application domain. • What services are they providing? • What are they all about? • Who are the customers? • What are the goals of this business? • Primary stakeholders?? • Points of contact: emails and telephone and any notes such as availability / non-availability; where they work, office symbols, tech support, BAs, etc. • This is NOT a product vision document (the product you will develop). This is about the business, enterprise, environment.)
Business Vision Document (2 of 2) • Use the BusinessVision Template (see web page) but you must MODIFY it so that it does NOT address a project; rather, it will capture the vision of the enterprise itself. • Normally, in “Stakeholders,” we address those interests NOT from a project perspective but from an organization’s perspective: customers, users, etc. In our case, address the interests of the stakeholders for the projects you are undertaking. • There is no Product Overview But your business vision document should address what the business is all about. • Add major sections that you deem appropriate.
Work Item: The Business Glossary (1 of 2) • Use the Business Glossary template. • Definitions of important terms used in the business. (alphabetical) • Key words: (sometimes these are called ‘core abstractions.’ ) These are often the ‘things’ the business deals with. Business Entities. Nouns. A Student Registration system might have key words like Course, Schedule, Payment, Registration, Student, Professor, …. What is needed here are acronyms, important definitions, basically the jargon of the organization. These will be heavily referred to when we do use cases!
Business Glossary (2 of 2) Another key component of domain analysis is the domain model (next deliverable). Here, we supplement the glossary by adding in a graphical mode – business entities, their relationships and associations: (What’s important in business entities are the ‘attributes.’ So, for example, if you were defining a Student business entity, you might include things like: ssan, classification, gender, major, gpa, projected graduation date, ACT/SAT scores, etc. We do NOT worry about (and do NOT include) methods • This, however, is for the next deliverable.)
Work Item: The Business Rules • Use the Business Rules template. • See examples on my web page. These are merely samples. • Be careful: The samples on my web page are Rules for an Application. • In principle, the formal approach is to develop business rules for the entire organization and not for the specific application domain. • For our projects this year, you are to develop businessrules for the specific application domain for which we will be developing the application. • Business Rules are policy declarations or conditions or guidelines that must be satisfied in running the business.
Work Item: The Business Risks • Use Business Risks template. • What are some of the risks that the organization and developers must be constantly assessing: • Clients: market share, technology awareness, new statutes from Washington D.C., the state of Florida; trends in the industry; demographics; • Developers: Revisit your Risks from Deliverable 0 to update: include environmental considerations; personnel risks; technology risks; economic risks; time constraints; give this some thought….
Iteration #2 Domain Modeling and Features Listdue: Wednesday, Oct 17th Executive Summary Iterate Previous Work Team Statement of Work (SOW) Domain Model The Product Vision Document (Problem Statement) Needs and Features List Quality Manager Assessment Iteration #2 will be presented by each team in class
Iteration #2 – Work Items - Overview • 1. Executive Summary. • Summarize the Iteration. • 2. Iterate / Review / upgrade previous artifacts • Based on evaluation of your deliverable. Your changes should be annotated in the Executive Summary. All previous deliverables should be reviewed and potentially updated. • 3. Team Statement of Work • Assigning responsibilities to different roles to be accommodated on the team. This text document should be developed by the team leader in concert with individuals. Team leader must provide direction and guidance. All tasks and sub-task-ids should be clearly delineated. Add column to the Team Leader Log • 4. Domain Model (precursor activity to Use Case development) • Is an essential activity to facilitate good use case development that contains glossary items and objects from the problem space (domain). This is a graphical model of Business Entities (enterprise as a whole). But these entities will become useful for your application. (major artifact this deliverable; You may use Visio or Smart Draw and import this model. • 5. Product Vision and Features List • A few sentences or paragraph; Reveals scope of project. Follow with catagorized list of features (User Needs and Features) See lecture notes.. • 6. Quality Manager’s certification • that all artifacts have been reviewed and meet these sepecifications.
Work Item: Executive Summary • As previously done. • Summarize the Iteration. • The good, bad, and ugly. • Assess how all went and ways to improve • Overview of artifacts developed and your assessment of them. • How did the team do? • No more than one page.
Work Item: Statement of Work • You are to include the Statement of Work from my web page updated with this Iteration’s efforts. • Include each individual team member’s statement of work (SOW). • I am after a personal self-assessment as well from individuals. • Remind all team members to email their personal self-assessments / team assessments to me.
Work Item: Domain Model This is a major effort that takes into consideration attributes, multiplicities, associations, etc. • Be careful. the Domain Model may look like a Database Schema. It isn’t. It is similar – to a degree – to a Fully Attributed List in the Logical Model – but there are differences. • Notice also – a good domain model does not have methods (responsibilities) – only attributes and connections (associations/ dependencies) • There is a decent link to a student example on my web page.
Domain Model - continued • The Domain Model is an extension of Deliverable 1. It deals with the enterprise / organization and is essential to understanding the environment (in terms of the business entities) within which the application to be developed will function. • It is an essential artifact. • See Lecture slides on the Domain Model and the textbook.
Work Item: Product Vision Statement • See lecture slides and templates provided on my web page. • I am after a short description (paragraph at most) for the Product Vision. • This results in scoping the project (together with Needs and Features ahead). • The Product Features Section in the template is essential and is to include identification of stakeholder needs and their mapping to features via the traceability matrix shown in referenced articles. (See lectures coming and slides ahead) • The QA individual must develop a Traceability Matrix that maps Needs to Features and vice versa. So the SQA will have two matrices prepared. (See sample article for guidance)
More on Needs and Features • When we are dealing with ‘needs’ and ‘features’ we are dealing with reasonably high levels of abstraction. • But it is critical to capture the features in the Product Vision Document for a new application, because it is these features that must be accommodated in the delivered system. Needs are higher level and often include very high level statements of desired needs not all of which are features which can be implemented in a system. (These may not be explicit, and you may have to wing it, if these are not directly provided.) • The Features drive the development of the use cases – our functional requirements, and the development of our supplementary specifications – our non-functional requirements.
Traceability Matrix – Leffingwell article … Feature #m Feature #2 Feature #1 Need #1 Need #2 … Need #n The Stakeholder needs are in the first column and the applicationfeatures that we have defined to meet those needs constitute the columns. Features are normally found in the Product Vision document for the Application.
Traceability Matrix • We put Xs in the cells under the features that we have defined to satisfy the stakeholder needs. • Please note that this is a 1:n mapping, as there are far more features than explicitly stated Needs. • Further, the Needs are at high levels of abstraction. • Study the matrix carefully. • No X under a feature? Perhaps Need is not mapped into feature(s)! Flag!! • Features not traced back to a Need? Perhaps we have Features that are not traceable back to Needs!
Needs to Feature Mapping • Maybe the Needs or Features are not clear! • Too, we are not dealing with a lot of information here, so this traceability should be undertaken. • Leffingwell: “Once you've mapped the need-feature relationships and have determined that the needs and features are correctly accounted for and understood, it's time to consider the next level of the hierarchy: relationships between the features and the use cases.” • Coming…
More on Sample Features • Features are not behavioral (like the Use Cases - coming). These are typically text descriptions. See text books. • Example of features: (We will discuss) • ClassicsCD.com Web Shop Need a Secure payment method. There must be easy browsing for available titles. Users need the ability to check the status of an order. Application must provide Customer e-mail notification. The catalog shall be highly scalable to include many titles and effective searching through those titles. The Customer shall be able to customize the Web site. The Customer shall be able to register as a user for future purchases without needing to re-enter personal information.
Reference • See the link on my web page under Helpful Links: Selected Sample Student Work: http://www.unf.edu/~broggio/cen6016/SamplesLinksAndExercises/Product_Vision_10_03_07.doc • You should include much of this: the product vision statements, stakeholder needs, features, etc. as you deem appropriate. • This Work Item represents a lot of work and should be completed as a team.
Future Iterations • Will be inserted as developed. • Iteration 3 will be Use Cases