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Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.usDENISON CSD. Welcome!. Julie Wood

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    1. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Welcome! If you are joining me today, you must be a great teacher looking for TIME! Tested Ideas with Major Efficacy Please scan the Word Wall and pick up an organizer off the BLACK table.

    2. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Welcome! Julie Wood—jwood@denison.k12.ia.us Denison Community School District 16 year teacher of FCS with a Master’s Degree in Health Education ESL endorsement through Morningside PUP grant Recent student of CRISS training (CReating Independence through Student-owned Strategies)

    3. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Ideas come from… CRISS ESL Methods Class Nature of my subject area Other teachers Conferences Internet My very own brain ?

    4. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Why Differentiation? Let me tell you a computer story….

    5. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Let’s get started.. We will be… Practicing vocabulary Learning teaching styles Exploring differentiation Pick 1-2 ideas today that you can use in your classroom.

    6. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD TIME Tested Ideas with Major Efficacy (power to produce a desired effect)

    7. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Word wall words refer to the wall Efficacy-power to produce a desired effect Parry-to block or prevent Neutralize-to make something ineffective Encompass-to include, completely surround Ossification-”set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs” google.com

    8. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be To be parried….

    9. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be NOT to be parried….

    10. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be To be neutralized….

    11. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be NOT to be neutralized….

    12. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be To be ossified….

    13. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be NOT to be ossified….

    14. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD To be or not to be To be or not to be is a quick review that helps students understand vocabulary. They should know what it is and what it isn’t They should also be able to use the word…

    15. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD This is an example of which word? New teaching strategy? What’s wrong with the old ones? They’ve worked just fine for 65 years. No, I refuse. I won’t do it and you can’t make me!

    16. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Using the words…. How might ossification, parry your ability to create lesson plans? How would ossification, neutralize your effectiveness in the classroom? Embracing new teaching styles must encompass your every day routine. Overload can also neutralize your effectiveness. You can’t do everything in one day or even one month. Choose one or two ideas from today’s presentation. Take them back to your school and make them your own!

    17. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD FCS Teachers We work hard! No one can accuse us of being ‘ossified’. But sometimes….we get discouraged. We need a few more bitch sessions like we had last night! And then….we’ll get back on that ‘cycle of professional development’ wheel and continue running around in circles. Why??????

    18. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD So back on track: we’ve covered… Julie Wood—that would be me! TIME—tested ideas with major efficacy Word walls--present them, post them To be or not to be—use as a review

    19. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD And let’s keep the wheel rolling…. We have 4 main things that still need to be completed 1. learn the 2 column notes 2. learn the waterfall packets 3. learn the frayer model* 4. general classroom tips/differentiation 5. view samples and displays; practice making your own *what is the difference between learning and introducing? How many times must a word be heard/used in order for it to be ‘learned’?

    20. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD 3-2-1 (not the ticket out the door) 3-do part of the assignment as a large group (or demonstrate) 2-do another part in pairs 1-do the last part individually Differentiation tip #1: Give students a chance to discuss their ideas with a partner before calling on them. In some cases, let the student know what question they will be asked so that they can be prepared with an answer.

    21. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD For example… Discuss this… What does the acronym TIME stand for?

    22. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Two column notes Simple to complex…… (see organizer bag) Fold the paper Fold and cut the paper Standard wonder weave 3-I’ll demonstrate, 2-work with a partner, 1-make your own Over achiever wonder weave

    23. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Frayer Model Let’s look at some examples…. (see frayer model bag)

    24. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Waterfall Packets Let’s look at some samples (see organizer bag)

    25. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Differentiation tip #2 Created ‘leveled’ organizers. Level 1-most advanced; students take notes using very few cues Level 2-fill in the blanks using the power point format Level 3-LRSWD chart with specific words identified by the teacher

    26. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Classroom tips (see review bag) Notecards Notecard strategies Review, review, review Remind students of their waterfalls, vocabulary sheets, etc. Remind students to study Rely upon and help fellow teachers!!!

    27. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Classroom tips Using the internet Google web sites Utah http://www.uen.org/k12educator/corelessonplans.shtml CRISS (CReating Independence through Student-owned Strategies http://www.projectcriss.com/ http://www.mvrhs.org/eel/caruthers/linkforallteachers/index.html Pasco County CRISS Newsletters Google images

    28. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Differentiation tip #3 Use pictures and color coding whenever possible Lets look at the elementary word binder, foods binder

    29. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Cue’d Retells Demonstrate cue’d retells

    30. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD Differentiated Labs Selecting groups Discuss assignments for each level

    31. Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us DENISON CSD In closing Julie Wood jwood@denison.k12.ia.us Please… Complete the evaluation Select the 1-2 ideas you would like to use in the 2010-11 school year. Peruse the samples and pick up copies Ask questions Have a completely fabulous time during the remainder of the conference.

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