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The Red Cross, with the support of Barcelona's City Council, invites students to submit their End of Master theses on sustainable development. Exceptional contributions will be recognized and published, and winners will have the opportunity to present their research at a seminar in early 2020.
With support from Barcelona’s City Council, the Red Cross hereby adopts the rules of the inter-university research competition. Under the objective of stimulating research in the area of sustainable development, the Red Cross will publicly recognise the outstanding achievement of students that, through their End of Master thesis, make an important contribution to the promotion of sustainable development, by dealing with, and researching these thematic areas from a socially transformative perspective. WithsupportfromBarcelona´s City Council:
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTER-UNIVERSITY END OF MASTER THESIS RESEARCH CONTEST: CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • 1. OBJECT • The present rules establish the regulations for the inter-university research contest. Under the thesis Education for Global Justice ´Private-public alliances for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda' launched by the Red Cross with the support from the Barcelona City Council, this contest is created to stimulate research in the area of sustainable development. • 2. TARGET POPULATION • Applications can only be submitted by students currently enrolled in Official Masters and University Own Masters’ who will hand in their Final Master Project this academic year (2018-2019) and who fulfil all the requirements established in section 4 of the contest’s current regulatory basis. • 3. AWARD • An award will be granted to the winning thesis, based on the degree of compliance with the set of criteria specified in section 10 below. • The award consists of the publication of the investigation and invitation of the author to present their investigation as a speaker during the seminar ´Private-public alliances for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda', that will take place during the first semester of 2020. • As well as recognition and public communication of the award winner, the student will be given an accrediting diploma. • Apart from the winning candidate, one or more submitted thesis can receive special mentions based on the level of significant contribution to the area of sustainable development. • 4. THESIS REQUIREMENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS • 4.1. Eligible End of Master Thesis must meet the specific requirements established by each University where students are pursuing their degree, and must be presented during the 2018-2019 academic year. End of Master theses from previous years are not eligible. • 4.2. Eligible end of Master theses must be related to the Sustainable Development Goals. The investigation must seek to contribute to the promotion of sustainable development through a transformative social approach. • 4.3.This contribution must be demonstrated in accordance to sections 7 and 10 of the current contest rules. • 4.4.- Theses can be presented by individuals or groups. • 4.5.- Authors that present theses to this contest are responsible for the source of the work being their own creation. WithsupportfromBarcelona’s City Council:
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTER-UNIVERSITY END OF MASTER THESIS RESEARCH CONTEST: CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 5. INCOPATIBILITIES Only one application per end of Master thesis will be accepted, independently of the number of authors of each project. The work presented must be original and unpublished, and should have not received any previous awards at the time of submission. 6. APLICATION PROCESS Required documentation, specified in section 7, should be submitted telematicallyto the following email address ods@creuroja.orgduring submission period of applications specified in section 8. 7. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 7.1.- Applications must include the following documentation: Submission form fully completed and signed, following the standard model that will be available at www.imatgessensedrets.com, the day of the opening of the call for proposals, without prejudice that the standard model may be published or provided through other communication channels, previously agreed with the respective Universities involved, and through an express request sent to the following email address: ods@creuroja.org. In this form candidates will have tobriefly defend the relation of the investigation with the object of this call for proposal, established in sections 1 and 4. The End of Master thesis in PDF format. 8. PERIOD FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS The period for submission of applications is from July 1st to September 16th 2019 (both inclusive). 9. JURY 9.1.- The jury will be composed by - Two members of the Red Cross. - A representative of each of the Universities involved. - A representative of Barcelona's City Council. WithsupportfromBarcelona’s City Council:
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTER-UNIVERSITY END OF MASTER THESIS RESEARCH CONTEST: CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • A technician from the Red Cross will carry out the functions of secretariat and coordinating the jury´s work. This person will not have the right to vote. • All of this without prejudice to the participation in the final jury of other independent experts in the area of sustainable development designated by the Red Cross. • 9.2.- The precise composition of the jury will be published on the website, the day of the opening of the call for proposals: www.imatgessensedrets.com, without prejudice of the publicity carried out through other channels of communication previously agreed with the respective Universities involved in the contest. • 10.EVALUATION CRITERIA • To select the wining end of Master Thesis , the jury will consider the following evaluation criteria: • The alignment of the end of Master Thesis with the object of the call for proposal: promoting sustainable development through its approach and study of themes related to this area, from a socially transformative perspective (30 points). To evaluate these aspects, the jury will also takeintoaccount the information included in the corresponding section of the Submission form, where candidates briefly defend the relation of their investigation with the object of the call for proposals, following the details included in section 7. • The quality of the investigation and its conclusions (20 points). • The rigor and scientific approach of the research (20 points). • The creativity and originality of the investigation´s topic and approach (10 points). • Complexity of the topic (10 points). • Document references (10 points). • 11. ADVISORY SERVICES AND TUTORIALS FOR STUDENTS • The International Cooperation, Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law department of the Red Cross, is at disposal of students interested in participating in the contest. This department offers advisory services and tutorials regarding the specific relation of their end of year thesis with the object of the current call for proposal. • This advisory service will be provided on request and free of charge, by contacting the Red Cross through the following email address: ods@creuroja.org WithsupportfromBarcelona’s City Council:
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTER-UNIVERSITY END OF MASTER THESIS RESEARCH CONTEST: CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 12. VEREDICT AND AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT The jury has from the day after the deadline for submissions, until November 18th 2019 to reach a final verdict. The successful candidate will be informed directly the day after the jury reaches its verdict. The award will be announced through the website www.imatgessensedrets.com, without prejudice of using other channels of communication and publicity, previously agreed with the Universities involved. 13. AWARD CEREMONY The award will be presented at a public ceremony held during the final semester of 2019; open to the public, the ceremony will take place on the day, place and time specified on the website www.imatgessensedrets.com. 14. INTELECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Award winners, and those that receive special mentions, authorise the Red Cross to disseminate their work, free of charge, and allow and facilitate its publication following specifications included in section 3. This authorisation will be given in writing. For all terms not contemplated in the current regulations, the Royal legislative Decree1/1996, of April 12, approving the revised text of the Law on intellectual property, will apply. 15. DATA PROTECTION In accordance with the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Data of a Personal Nature and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, the personal data of candidates of the competition will be treated with the sole purpose of administering the present call for proposal in accordance with the principles of security and confidentially. Candidates can exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel and object, and those contained in Chapter III of the Regulation (UE) 2016/679) by contacting the Red Cross at the following address: Cruz RojaEspañola (Att/ Delegado de Protección de Datos), Avda. Reina Victoria 26-28, 28003 Madrid or, by email at dpo@cruzroja.es. Participation in this contest entails full acceptance of the present rules and regulations. Barcelona, May 2019 WithsupportfromBarcelona’s City Council:
ods@creuroja.org PRIVATE-PUBLIC ALLIANCES FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE 2030 AGENDA WithsupportfromBarcelona’s City Council: