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中文 101 欢迎你

中文 101 欢迎你. dì kè 第 七 课. 地址 (ADDRESSES). mù biāo 目 标 (Objectives) _v I can ask and answer the question where you live __ I can describe my room __ I can ask for and give phone numbers. gōng yù. 公寓. dà fáng zi. 大 房子. fáng jiān. 房间. diàn huà. 电 话 .

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中文 101 欢迎你

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  1. 中文 101 欢迎你

  2. dì kè第 七 课 地址(ADDRESSES)

  3. mùbiāo 目 标 (Objectives) _v I can ask and answer the question where you live __ I can describe my room __ I can ask for and give phone numbers

  4. gōngyù 公寓

  5. dàfángzi 大房子

  6. fángjiān 房间

  7. diànhuà 电话 

  8. shǒujī 手机http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2/schools/archives/morph/A4E2.html

  9. fángjiān A: 你的 大吗? xiǎo B: 很小。 fángjiāndiànhuà A: 你的    有没有 ? B: 有/没有。 shoujihàomǎ A: 你的电话号码是多少? B: 13928286868。

  10. fángjiān A: 你的 大吗? B: _____。 fángjiāndiànhuà A: 你的    有没有 ? B: 有/没有。 shoujihàomǎ A: 你的电话号码是多少? B: _____________。

  11. Grammar Notes • 有没有yǒuméiyǒu is a question phrase meaning “have or not (have)”. It is the same as asking “有…吗?” • 号码hàomǎ and 号hào • both mean number.

  12. liànxí练习 (Exercise) Translation. nǐjiāyǒugǒuma yǒuméiyǒu • 你家有狗吗?(有没有) nǐjiāyǒuméiyǒugǒu? 2. My apt number is 88. Wǒ de gōngyùhàoshìbāshíbā (hào). • His cell phone number is 562-345-7890. Tā de shǒujīhào(mǎ) shìwǔlìuèrsānsìwǔqībājǐu líng.

  13. Qrvoice.net • Competition about Chinese pronunciation on Qrvoice.net. • 你住在哪儿? Nǐzhùzàinǎr? • 我的房子有两个房间 。 Wǒ de fángziyǒuliǎnggefángjiān. • Cerritos College的电话号码是 562-860-2451, 我的手机号码 是 714-268-2889 Cerritos College de diànhuàhàomǎshì 562-860-2451, wǒ de shǒujīhàomǎshì 714-268-2889.

  14. xiězì 写 字Chinese Character Writing Bingo; Stroke Performance

  15. jiāoliu 交流 Communication Describe your room with four lines: • Very big, big, or not big(small)? • What do you have in your room? • What color is your room? • Do you like your room or not? Why? • And other info you want to share with us

  16. Tiǎozhàn挑战( Challenge) Listen and answer the following questions: What is the context of the dialogue? Which country is mentioned in the conversation? What is his telephone number?

  17. Tiǎozhàn挑战( Challenge) • P. 116 7-4; 7-5 • P. 115 Supplementary Practice • P. 118 7-9 • Word Competition/Music vs. Kungfu

  18. wén huà文化(Culture) Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony (Video) Theme Song I: 我和你 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC0w7-RWm_U

  19. 房子出租fángzichūzūHouse For Rent • 2-3 persons per group. • Draw out a dream house that you are going to rent ($2,200/month) on the poster. • List buzzwords in Pinyin and/or Chinese characters beside the sketch of the house, including but not limited to the following information: 几个房间? 几个卫生间?多大?有wi-fi吗?地址是什么?联系电话是什么? ……

  20. 房子出租fángzichūzūHouse for Rent • Also, write out one advertising slogan for your house • Each group presents their house based on the buzz words you listed, and then answers one question from each of the other groups. • Finally, we vote for the favorite house that you want to rent.

  21. wén huà文化(Culture) Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony (Video) Theme Song: 北京欢迎你 Běi jīng huān yíng nǐ

  22. Lesson 7 Assessment

  23. Competition for Writing Chinese Characters in Lesson 7

  24. Lesson 7 SpeakingAssessment • Choose one situation below and role-play the conversation with your partner(s): • Option 1: You invite your friend to have a party at your house. You give him/her your address and cell phone number. • Option 2: You are a Burglar (110), Fire (119) or Medical Emergency (120) dispatcher. Ask the caller for his/her address and phone number.

  25. 作业 (HOMEWORK) • MCL • Copy Chinese characters at least twice in Chinese character book Lesson 7 • Prepare for your final-term projects

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