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Union County CYO Basketball Parents and Coaches Pre-Season Meeting

Union County CYO Basketball Parents and Coaches Pre-Season Meeting. Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Archdiocese of Newark, NJ. From Pope Francis ….

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Union County CYO Basketball Parents and Coaches Pre-Season Meeting

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  1. Union County CYO Basketball Parents and Coaches Pre-Season Meeting Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Archdiocese of Newark, NJ

  2. From Pope Francis ….. Jesus offers us something bigger than the World Cup! He offers us the possibility of a fulfilled and fruitful life; He also offers us a future with Him, an endless future, eternal life. But He asks us to train, “to get in shape”, so that we can face every situation in life undaunted, bearing witness to our faith. How do we get in shape? By talking with Him: by prayer, which is our daily conversation with God, who always listens to us. By the sacraments, which make his life grow within us and conform us to Christ. By loving one another, learning to listen, to understand, to forgive, to be accepting and to help others, everybody, with no one excluded or ostracized. Dear young people, be true “athletes of Christ”!

  3. Pre Season Meeting - Agenda • Our Overall Purpose • Overriding Rule of Archdiocesan Athletic Programs • Visions and Guiding Principles of a Catholic Faith Based Sports Program • How Do Catholic Values Come Alive? • Four Building Blocks for Catholic Youth Sports • Program Standards • Coaching Requirements and Standards • Home Court and Game Dates • Practices & Facilities • Scorebook and Game Clock/Scoring • League & St. Teresa CYO Webpages • Day of Service

  4. Our Overall Purpose Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for young people to play sports by participating in any or all of the programs in a county structured environment, which works closely with the individual parish teams. We are here to foster the development of the whole child in the sense of a sound mind in a sound body. The aim is to develop the physical well being of our youth and to develop and have particular athletic skills. We emphasize the importance of a Christian atmosphere, one in which the players, coaches and fans will be able to see Christ reflected in each other. We aim to do this in the most pleasant and safe surroundings available and with the complete cooperation and support of those adults who share our aims for our young people.

  5. The Overriding Rule of Our Athletic Programs in the Archdiocese We are all working with young people. Although there are specific and thorough guidelines named herein, we always are within the general rule that all of our actions are to be guided by the common sense rules of fair play. Also, it makes our jobs easier if we constantly keep in mind that we are here for the youth as models of Jesus Christ to be emulated.


  7. Catholic Values Come Alive in Catholic Youth Sports • In Catholic Youth Sports programs, emphasis rests not on the number of games won or lost, but on the participants' attitude in victory or defeat. Learning how to lose is just as important as learning how to win. Learning how to win graciously is more important than winning itself. • Catholic Youth Sports programs serve the needs of all youth and reflect the diversity of the community. They enable the gifted to excel, the less gifted to participate and improve. "Star" athletes and teams do not receive exclusive attention. • Principles of fair play and sportsmanship must govern every game.

  8. Four Building Blocks for Catholic Youth Sports • Sports as Youth Ministry Catholic parish and school athletic programs must be intentionally connected with the mission and values of the Gospel. When understood in this context sports become part of the overall parish ministry to, with, by and for young people. This connects your sports programs with the basic mission and values of your school or parish. An essential question is this: How does your Catholic youth sports program enhance, animate, or violate the mission and values of your parish or school?

  9. Four Building Blocks for Catholic Youth Sports 2. Coach as Youth Minister When sports are rooted in the mission and values of your school/parish, the Coach becomes a youth ministry leader who is ministering to young people on behalf of the faith community. In this context the coach needs to have the gifts and abilities to fulfill this ministry as well as being open to the training and accountability required to serve the youth and families entrusted to her/his care

  10. Four Building Blocks for Catholic Youth Sports 3. Team as Christian Community Among the many terrific benefits of being on a Catholic athletic team is the opportunity to learn first hand what it means to be part of a Christian community in a personal way. This relates to how the young people and coaches live Christian values of caring, forgiving, encouraging, settling conflicts peacefully, supporting, loving, and challenging each other. The team experience is where Christian faith is lived in practical ways that connects the individual and team with basic Gospel values and beliefs.

  11. Four Building Blocks for Catholic Youth Sports 4. Parents as Partners It is commonly lamented that parents are a big problem in youth sports. Stories abound that support such a claim. Yet in Catholic sports programs we recognize that parents need to be as fully engaged as possible in helping to work as active partners to foster the best of what Catholic youth sports is about. This requires active work with parents to identify what is and is not acceptable in Catholic youth sports while working together to always keep the value of the child growing in faith as central to all considerations.

  12. Program Standards • Standards - core drills and skills that will be used at all clinics, training sessions, and team practices.Standards are critical for these additional reasons: • Fully Leverage our Gym Time; • Coach Coverage; • Learning - older siblings/parents can contribute to instruction if we all understand the plan; • Coach Training; • Volunteer Training. • Overall, we want to implement standards so that all players are taught certain core basics.

  13. Acceptable Standards of Coaching Behavior • Set a good example for participants and fans to follow, exemplifying the highest moral and ethical behavior. • Respect the judgment of officials and abide by the rules of the event. • Treat opposing coaches, participants, and fans with respect. • Instruct participants in sportsmanship and demand they display good sportsmanship; Coach in a positive manner, reflecting Christian values. • Remain seated on the bench at all times except in the instances in the National Federation for Catholic Youth Sports Rulebook.

  14. Coaching Eligibility To be an eligible coach in the Archdiocese of Newark the coach MUST have completed the following: • Attended and completed a Protecting God’s Children Class • Have a volunteer application on file at the Parish or School they are coaching at • Had a Background Screen done on them at the Parish or School they are coaching at • Attended and completed the Rutgers S.A.F.T.Y Clinic.

  15. Home Court – St. Joseph’s Hall @ CSE

  16. Home Game Dates (6 per Team)

  17. Practices and Facilties • Oak Knoll and Oratory Prep have made their gyms available to St. Teresa CYO • Practices will either be Monday or Wednesday nights • Additional practices/clinics @ Rec. Ctr. or Summit Schools (e.g., if OK or OP unavailable that week) Rules for Practices: • Wear Practice Jersey; • Arrive on time but not too early; • Ensure a coach is there to supervise; • Players must take/dispose of all they bring; • Pick up on time; • Treat the Facilities w/ Respect

  18. Scorebook & Time/Scorekeeping For all Home Games, we need parent/sibling (HS) volunteers to: • Keep the Official Scorebook • Run the scoreboard/clock Please let your coach know when you can volunteer A coach or I can sign a HS student form for volunteer hours if the perform one of these duties.

  19. League Website & Rules The Union County CYO league uses a specific website to post contact numbers, schedules, results, etc. The address is www.leaguelineup.com/uccyo League Specific Rules can all be found on the league lineup page the Union County CYO league uses www.leaguelineup.com/uccyo • Rules for our teams are - JV/Varsity Boys and Girls

  20. St. Teresa CYO Webpage

  21. Uniforms We will use the following uniforms: • Maroon and White revisable uniforms identical to last season. Newly ordered jerseys will have “St. Teresa”Can use the uniform from last season if it fitsCan use the uniform of a sibling but must tell me the #Jerseys ($38) and shorts ($25) can be purchased separately • Practice jerseys ($15) – reversible and numberedFall Team players can use the same practice jersey All uniforms must be ordered @ Thompson Sporting Goods522 Morris Avenue, Summit (908)273-0660 Uniform #s – e-mail top three choices

  22. Day of Service The Program will schedule a Day of Service for all players to participate. • 7th/8th Graders – volunteer @ Food Bank. We plan to bus. Need five or more coach/parent chaperones • 5th/6th Graders – make bag lunches for Bridges at a location on the Parish Grounds Saturday January 11th @ 8 AM Sharp is planned DOS.

  23. Thank You For Joining Us Tonight – Best of Luck This Season!

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