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大學圖書館系統 聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館 United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System. 專題展覽 Featured Display 2014 年 7 及 8 月 July & August, 2014. 攝 影 學 與 香 港 攝 影 家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers.
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 2014年7及8月 July & August, 2014 攝影學與香港攝影家Photography and Hong Kong Photographers
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 攝 影 學 Photography 攝影技術 與 藝術攝影 Photographic Technology & Art Photography “攝影技術源自歐洲,1839年法國畫家路易.翟克.文迪.達蓋爾(1787-1851)在法國科學藝術學會公佈發明了「達蓋爾銀版攝影法」。同年,英國人威廉.亨利.霍士.塔博特(1800-1877)也發明了「負片法」,又稱「卡羅法」。兩人皆在1839年間宣稱發明了攝影術。自此,攝影術旋即隨著西方對科技方面的研究及發展,陸續出現不同的攝影技術、沖曬方法及器材而得到快速發展。” (參考資料:http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation_chi.pdf “In 1839, the French artist Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851) announced the invention of the daguerreotype at the French Academy of Sciences thus firmly locating the discovery of photography in Europe. That same year, the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877) invented the talbotype or calotype which involves a negative-positive process. Both claimed to have invented photography in 1837. Since then, photography diversified progressively as technological research advance in the western world. The development of photographic technology, equipment and methods for film processing emerged rapidly.” (Reference: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation.pdf
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 攝 影 學 Photography 攝影技術 與 藝術攝影 Photographic Technology & Art Photography “攝影的發展由「攝影術」提昇至「藝術攝影」的層次,實有賴於一些早期攝影組織及當時的社會精英的著力推動。例如英國的攝影學會於1853年成立(即現時的英國皇家攝影學會,該會為世界第一間最具規模的攝影學會,英國君主為其贊助人,會長及成員均為社會上的顯赫人物,而該會所頒發的名銜甚具權威性。1892年,倫敦的靈傑兄弟同盟會攝影組織每年舉辦一次「沙龍」展覽,而「沙龍」這個名字是當時法國藝術界的一個流行用語,意思是超卓而高尚的藝術品展覽。至1910年「倫敦沙龍」出現,訂明要有鮮明的藝術作品方可展出。其後,世界各地每年均舉辦國際攝影沙龍的活動。” (參考資料:http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation_chi.pdf) “From documentary photography to elevated forms of art photography, this this impressive development owed its success to the unstinting efforts made by earlyphotographic societies and the social elite. One example is the founding of the Photographic Society in London in 1853 (Now known as the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain). It has the distinction of being the first well-established photographic society in the world. At the outset, it counted amongst its members the prominent figures in the society whereas the British monarch were its patrons. Also, designations awarded by this society were highly prestigious. In 1892, the photographic society Linked Ring Brotherhood in London began to host annual salons. At that time, the fashionable term “salon” referred to exhibitions of outstanding art hosted by the high society in French art circles. In 1910, the London Salon was founded and set a criterion that only works with a distinctive artistic quality would be accepted for exhibition. Thereafter, photographic salons were organised frequently around the world.” (Reference: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation.pdf
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 香港攝影家 Hong KongPhotographer 陳復禮先生 Mr Tchan Fou-li “陳復禮(1916-)於1940年代在越南隨陳芳渠學習攝影,1955年定居香港,創作迄今已逾半個世紀。早年投寄國際沙龍,成績蜚然,曾連續五年名列前十名(即「十傑」)。陳氏與友人於1958 年創辦香港中華攝影學會,而該會是香港首個以華人為主導的攝影組織,有別於當時的香港攝影學會。1995年,世界華人攝影學會成立,陳氏被推舉為名譽會長。陳氏亦曾創辦《攝影藝術》、《攝影畫報》及《中國旅遊畫報》等具代表性的攝影雜誌。 ” (參考資料:http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation_chi.pdf) 《往日時光:四友攝影精選集》,頁126Gone are the days : a memoir of four photographers, P.126 “Tchan Fou-li (1916-) studied photography under the famous Vietnamese-Chinese photographer Chen Fangqu in the 1940s. Tchan settled in Hong Kong in 1955 and has since been engaging in creative photography for more than half a century. His early participation in international salons was met with great success. For five consecutive years, outstanding works exhibited at international salons placed him among the Top Ten photographers in the world. He also founded the Chinese Photographic Association of Hong Kong with fellow photographers in 1958. Unlike the already existent the Photographic Society of Hong Kong, this association was the first to be formed by Chinese photographers. In 1995, the Society of Worldwide Ethnic Chinese Photographers was formed. Tchan was elected as its Honorary President. Tchan also founded the iconic photography magazines Photoart, Photo Pictorial and China Tourism.” (Reference: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation.pdf)
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 香港攝影家 Hong KongPhotographer 陳復禮先生 Mr Tchan Fou-li 年份Year簡況Note 1916 -生於廣東潮安 born in Chao’an, Guangdong Province 1944 - 移居越南, 隨陳芳渠學習攝影 move to work in Vietnam, acquired photographictechnologyand skills from Chen Fangqu 1955 - 定居香港, 受西方寫實主義影響, 作品轉向關注社會民生 settle in Hong Kong; influenced by western realism, works depicts the lives of ordinary people 1957-61 - 列入世界攝影沙龍十傑 ranked world’s top 10 salon photographers 1960s - 提出畫意與寫實結合, 發表《論中國畫意與風景攝影》advocate “combining pictorialism with realism”, published Chinese Pictorial Painting and Landscape Photography 1980s - 開創「影畫合璧」, 邀請國畫大師在其攝影作品上揮毫 promote “composite style of photography and painting”, invite renowned Chinese painters to adorn his photos with supplementary brushstrokes. 1980s-90s - 攝影中把西洋繪畫結構形式與中國畫意結合 assimilate western painting composition with Chinese pictorial aesthetics (參考資料 Reference: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_statement_Tchan_chi.pdf; http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_statement_Tchan.pdf and http://artaward.hk/books/index/8)
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 香港攝影家 Hong KongPhotographer 陳復禮先生 Mr Tchan Fou-li 重要攝影作品 Important Photographic Works 1950 - 《香河朝汲》Carrying Water from Perfume River 1951 - 《戰爭與和平》War and Peace 1957 - 《血汗》Survival 1967 - 《搏鬥》Surge of the sea 1982 - 《千里共嬋娟》Thinking of You 1983 - 《秋江水寒鴨先知》First Sign of Autumn 1990 - 《白牆 》 White Walls 、《霜葉紅於二月花》Autumn Leaves 重要作品結集 Notable Publications 1978 - 《陳復禮攝影集》 Photo Works by Tchan Fou-li 1984 - 《影畫合璧》 A Harmonious Combination of Photo and Painting 1996 - 《陳復禮攝影自選集》 Self-selected Photo Album of Tchan Fou-li 2005 - 《詩影凡心》 My Heartfelt Poetic Moments 2008 - 《影畫合璧—與中國書畫大師攜手之作》Photography Combination with Chinese Painting by Tchan Fou-li Featuring Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Masters (參考資料 Reference: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_statement_Tchan_chi.pdf ; http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_statement_Tchan.pdf and http://artaward.hk/books/index/8) 《詩影凡心》 My Heartfelt Poetic Moments
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 香港攝影家 Hong KongPhotographer 陳復禮先生 Mr Tchan Fou-li • 陳復禮先生剛榮獲2013香港藝術發展「終身成就獎」Mr Tchan Fou-li is the awardee of “Life Achievement Award” of The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2013 • 想了解更多陳復禮先生的資料和作品,可以瀏灠香港藝術發展局香港藝術發展獎網頁和香港文化博物館網頁 More information and works about Tchan Fou-li is available in the webpages of The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards ,Hong Kong Arts Development CouncilWebsite and Hong Kong Heritage Museum webpage 香港藝術發展局香港藝術發展獎網頁The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards ,Hong Kong Arts Development CouncilWebsitehttp://www.artaward.hk/ 香港文化博物館網頁 – 研究資料 – 藝術 – 香港攝影Hong Kong Heritage Museum webpage–Research Materials – Art – HK Photographyhttp://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/chi/materials/art_essay_photography.aspx
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 影片播放 Video Show下午二時正 2:00 p.m. 地下 視聽區 Audio-visual area, G/F 星期一 Monday 香港百人:[水禾田] 水禾田奪獎無數,除了香港、內地和台灣,在國際亦享負盛名,維港、著名地標等,有人叫這些做集體回憶,對於水禾田來說,攝影是藝術,同時亦是記錄歷史。從事攝影藝術多年,他不單埋道於藝術創作,對香港,對兩岸亦有一份感情、一份承擔,在八十年代初期,當時海峽兩岸還沒有系統性溝通,關係處於緊張,水禾田就選擇專程到兩岸展出自己在北京及台灣拍攝的相片,為的不是錢,不是名氣,而是兩岸溝通。
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 影片播放 Video Show下午二時正 2:00 p.m. 地下 視聽區 Audio-visual area, G/F 星期二 Tuesday 香港故事.快樂香港:早安,晨之美! 「日出而作、日入不息」,一班追遂日出日落的攝影愛好者在網絡群組相聚,每天返工前、放工後不約而「同行」於香港山頭海岸,捕捉大自然的奇妙變化,作為都市生活的精神食糧。面書(facebook)「香港日出同行」群組, 去年三月成立,九個月結集了二千多人,一同擁抱日出日落,太陽伯伯的魅力不容小覷!
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 影片播放 Video Show下午二時正 2:00 p.m. 地下 視聽區 Audio-visual area, G/F 星期三 Wednesday The Jon Gray masterclass of photography Jon Gray, a world-renowned photographer shows how to use light to its best advantage in photography.
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 影片播放 Video Show下午二時正 2:00 p.m. 地下 視聽區 Audio-visual area, G/F 星期四 Thursday Photography 101Prog. 1. Mother nature's studio Using simple point-&-shoot cameras, experienced photographers demonstrate techniques for photographing a variety of topics.
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 影片播放 Video Show下午二時正 2:00 p.m. 地下 視聽區 Audio-visual area, G/F 星期五 Friday Inside Story: Photography The digital camera revolution makes taking photography more popular than ever. The program interviews some photo enthusiasts and professional photographers to share how to take better photos.
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 影片播放 Video Show下午二時正 2:00 p.m. 地下 視聽區 Audio-visual area, G/F 星期六 Saturday 攝影業界面面觀 幾位專業攝影師暢談攝影師在香港的發展及商業人像攝影的製作。
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers 參考資料 Reference Hong Kong Arts Development Council 2014, 香港藝術發展獎2013 = Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2013, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, viewed 19 June 2014, <http://www.artaward.hk/books/index/8> Hong Kong Heritage Museum 2011, Hong Kong Heritage Museum webpage–Research Materials – Art – HK Photography , viewed 19 June 2014,<http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/chi/materials/art_essay_photography.aspx> Kan H.F. [et al.] 1993, Gone are the days : a memoir of four photographers ,Next Publications Ltd. Lau, Lesley 2009, The Verve of Light and Shadow: Master Photographers Tchan Fou-li, Kan Hing-fook, Leo K.K. Wong : Curatorial Interpretation, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, viewed 19 June 2014, <http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation.pdf> Lo, Yan-yan 2009, Tchan Fou-li - Inventing Hong Kong Pictorial Photography with the Charm of Chinese Culture Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, viewed 19 June 2014, <http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_statement_Tchan.pdf> 劉鳳霞 2009, 光影神韻 — 攝影大師陳復禮、簡慶福、黃貴權:館長導覽, 瀏覽於2014年6月19日,<http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_interpretation_chi.pdf> 羅欣欣 2009, 陳復禮-創造具中國文化韻味的香港畫意攝影, 香港文化博物館, 瀏覽於2014年6月19日,<http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/downloads/materials/curatorial_statement_Tchan_chi.pdf>
大學圖書館系統聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, University Library System 專題展覽 Featured Display 攝影學與香港攝影家 Photography and Hong Kong Photographers -完- - End -