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Amber Kugler's assistive technology assignment
Assistive Technology By: Amber Kugler
Assistive Technology (AT) • Any device or service that helps a student that has a disability to meet education goals. • Helps the student to participate in the classroom to the fullest of their ability. • Improves the performance of a student with disabilities.
Students can use AT to: Communicate Perform academic tasks Participate in social and extracurricular activities Move or travel around the school Use proper seating and positioning Access materials
Assistive Technology act • AT Act of 1998 • The law establishes a grant program that is administered by the U.S. Department of Education. This provides funds to support the state programs that helps the assistive technology needs of people with disabilities.
Hearing Impaired • Auditory Trainer- channels the speaker’s voice to the individual as if the speaker were standing right next the them the whole time.
Seeing Impaired • Video Magnifiers- projects a magnified image on a video monitor, television, or computer.
Dyslexia • Learning Ally- produces audiobooks for people with dyslexia. It helps the child with the dyslexia as well, by highlighting words and letters.
Physically disabled • Eye Tracking- helps individuals with little to no hand movement. The device follows the movement of the eyes and allows the individual to navigate the web with eye movements.
References (2013). General Medical Council. In Assistive technologies for people with physical impairments. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from http://www.gmc-uk.org/accessibility/assistive_technologies/physical_impairments.asp . (2013). American Foundation for the Blind. In Video Magnifiers. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from http://www.afb.org/info/living-with-vision-loss/using-technology/assistive-technology/video-magnifiers-221/1235. undefined. (2014). Learning Ally. In Is it dyslexia. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from https://www.learningally.org/parents-students/is-it-dyslexia/. (12/14/2011). Assistive Technology Partners. In Assistive Technology for Individuals112/14/11Who Are Hearing ImpairedAssistive Technology for Individuals WhoAre Hearing Impaired . Retrieved January 26, 2014, from http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/medicalschool/programs/atp/Documents/ATforIndividualsWhoAreHearingImpaired.pdf. (2012). Nationally Disability Rights Network. In Technology SPecific Laws and Regulations. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from http://www.ndrn.org/en/issues/assistive-technology/292-assistive-technology-federal-law-and-regulations.html. The IRIS Center. In Assistive Technology. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/at/#content.