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Explore the riveting world of definitions and discourses in this comprehensive compilation that invigorates the mind and soul. Delve into various subjects from foreign policy to disaster management, and court proceedings to humor. Enrich your vocabulary and knowledge with engaging insights and thought-provoking content.
invigorate—to give energy to debilitate—to make feeble and weak afflict—to cause suffering alleviate—to make less severe revitalize—to give new life or vigor to artifact—any object made by human work curator—a person in charge of a museum exhibition—a public showing or display archive—a place in which public/historical records are stored gallery—a room or a hall used for a special purpose Set 1 Day 1Definitions
Set 2 Day 1Foreign Policy/Law and Order • escalate—to grow or increase rapidly • sanctions—measures taken by countries or groups, such as a blockade of shipping, to enforce demands • arbitration—the settling of a disagreement by a person chosen to hear both sides and come to a decision • summit—the heads of government; the highest point of a mountain • accord—an informal agreement between countries • deliberate—careful; to discuss an issue carefully • convict—to prove someone guilty • probation—the suspension of a sentence on condition of good behavior • eligible—fit to be chosen • clemency—mercy, especially toward someone convicted of a crime
Set 3 Day 1In Court/Working the Soil • allege—to declare something has occurred; to offer as a plea or an excuse • indict—to charge with an offense or crime • assert—to state clearly and strongly • recant—to publicly with draw an opinion or a set of beliefs • vindicate—to clear from guilt, blame or suspicion • till—to work the land in order to raise crops • arable—suitable for plowing and producing crops • annual—completing a life cycle in one growing season • perennial—living from year to year • organic—of, like, or derived from living things • commodity—an article of trade produced by agriculture, mining, or manufacture
Set 4 Day 1Government/Waste Management • revenue – money collected by a government as taxes and fees • deficit – a shortage, especially in money needed; the amount by which expenses are greater than income or losses are greater than profits • domestic – relating to , made, or done in one’s own country • domain – territory under one ruler or government • appropriation – a sum of money set aside for a specific use • landfill – a place used for the disposal of garbage by burying it under a shallow layer of soil • biodegradable – able to decay and be made harmless • radioactive – giving off energy or particles produced by the breading apart of atomic nuclei • toxic – poisonous, or caused by a poison • Incinerator – a furnace for burning waste materials
Set 5 Day 1Humor/Doubt and Fear • satire– makes fun of something stupid, can be a novel, play, skit or film • caricature– a picture that exaggerates or distorts the physical features of a person • parody– an imitation that makes fun of a story, poem, song, play or other literary work • farce– an exaggerated comedy consisting of ridiculous actions and events • monlogue– series of jokes delivered at the start of a talk show by the show’s host • skeptical– doubtful about the truth of something • anxious– troubled or uneasy, especially about an uncertain event; worried • perplexed– confused, bewildered, or puzzled by something that is difficult to understand • dismayed– afraid or discouraged because of the prospect of danger • leery– suspicious, wary, or on one’s guard
Set 6 Day 1Disaster/Speech • catastrophe– a sudden event that causes great suffering • evacuate—to remove especially from a place of danger • plight—poor condition or state • chaos– a state of confusion • anguish– great pain or trouble of body or mind • fluent– able to speak easily, smoothly, and expressively • eloquent– fluent, forceful, and persuasive • stammering– speaking with sudden stops and starts, often caused by feelings of excitement, nervousness, embarrassment, or fear • garrulous—talking too much, especially about unimportant things • articulate– able to express oneself easily and clearly
Set 7 Day 1 • blatant—easily recognized or very obvious • obscure– not easily understood or clearly expressed • elusive– hard to catch or discover • tangible– possible to touch or handle; having actual form or substance • intangible– not possible to touch; not material or physical; abstract • implicit– suggested rather than clearly stated • explicit– clearly stated
Time duration—the length of time something lasts perpetual– lasting forever; eternal fleeting– passing swiftly; not lasting longevity– a long life transient– passing away with time; temporary On Stage electrify– to thrill or astound melodramatic– overly emotional and dramatic scintillating– sparkling or brilliant ovation– enthusiastic applause adulation– intense admiration Set 8 Day 1
Feelings exhilarate– to make cheerful or lively indignant– angry, especially at an unjust act melancholy– sad or gloomy apprehensive– fearful of what may happen ambivalent– having conflicting feelings toward a person or thing Scientist at Work hypothesis– a statement not proved but under investigation infer—to draw a conclusion from facts or evidence random– having no fixed pattern correlation-- a relationship or connection objective– influenced by facts rather than personal wish Set 9 Day 1
Set 10 Day 1 Describing Character 1. extravagant– wasteful, especially of money 2. reticent– not willing to say much; silent 3. inquisitive– tending to ask many questions 4. sophisticated– wise to the ways of the world 5. naïve– simple and uniformed 6. pretentious– viewing oneself as superior to others 7. resourceful– able to deal with a situation effectively 8. ethical– moral; following standards of good conduct 9. resilient– able to bounce back from trouble 10. methodical– orderly and systematic 11. congenial– friendly and agreeable
Moods and Attitudes 1. wistful– feeling or showing longing 2. cynical– convinced that people generally act for selfish reasons 3. contemptuous– showing scorn or disrespect 4. nostalgic– longing for something far away or long ago 5. buoyant– resilient and cheerful in spirit Economics 6.economics– a science that examines how societies use resources to produce, distribute, and consume goods and services 7. monetary– relating to money 8. inflation– an overall increase in the prices of goods and services 9. gross domestic product– the total value of final goods and services produced by a country during a given time 10. recession– a period of low business activity, usually with some unemployment 11. depression– an especially long or severe recession that results in business closings and massive unemployment Set 11 Day 1
BEFORE AND AFTER 1. alter– to change partly 2. renovate– to put in good condition again 3. refine– to make better; improve 4. refurbish– to renovate; to brighten or freshen up 5. deteriorate– to become worse; to corrode or decay DIPLOMACY 6. diplomacy– the conducting of negotiations between nations 7. coalition– a temporary alliance between groups or nations 8. encounter– a meeting, as in conflict 9. preliminary– coming before a main event 10. compromise– an agreement in which each side gives up some demands Set 12 Day 1
Predicaments 1. absurd– completely unreasonable or untrue; ridiculous 2. frustrating– discouraging 3. precarious– dependent upon chance; risky 4. bewildering– confusing 5. humiliating– lowering one’s pride or self-respect Describing Artworks 6. representational– natural; objective; truthful 7. abstract– using patterns of lines, masses, or colors to present a subject in a nonrealistic way 8. symmetrical– consisting of halves formed by parts that are similar in size, shape, and position 9. geometric– consisting of straight lines, triangles, circles, or similar regular forms 10. florid– highly decorated; showy; ornate Set 13 Day 1
Movement 1. falter– to move or speak unsteadily; stumble 2. jostle– to knock or push against so as to jar 3. recede– to move back or away from 4. envelop– to surround 5. eject– to throw off or out Kindness and Cruelty 1. empathize– to share in another person’s thoughts or feelings 2. humanitarian– a person devoted to eliminating pain and suffering 3. tolerant– showing an acceptance of feelings or habits that are different from one’s own 4. exploit– to use unfairly for one’s own benefit 5. malicious– getting pleasure from hurting others or from seeing them suffer Set 14 Day 1
The Constitution 1. federal– of or relating to a union of states under a central authority 2. preamble– an introduction, especially to a constitution 3. intent– purpose 4. suffrage– the right to vote 5. interpret– to determine the meaning of Study and Work 1. tenacious– persistent; stubborn; persevering 2. indolent– disliking or avoiding work 3. lethargic– abnormally drowsy or dull; sluggish 4. meticulous– very careful, especially about details 5. diligent– hardworking; industrious Set 15 Day 1
Meetings 1. chair– a person who presides over a meeting 2. convene– to assemble for a common purpose 3. adjourn– to close a session or meeting 4. motion– a suggestion for action made at a meeting 5. second– to support a motion or nomination so that it may be debated or voted on 6. minutes– an official record of what is said and done at a meeting Citizenship 7. civic– of or related to citizenship 8. native– of or related to the place of one’s birth 9. naturalized– granted the rights of citizenship in a country 10. nationalism– devotion to and support of one’s country 11. subversive– having the intention of overthrowing a government Set 16 Day 1
Sequence & Order 1. subsequent– following in time, order, or place 2. prominent– noticeable, widely known, and attracting attention 3. paramount– ranking higher than any other, as in importance 4. ultimate– final; conclusive, highest honor 5. succeeding– coming next after another Innovations 6. multimedia– a combination of various types of media, such as tape recordings, still pictures, print materials, and film. 7. cellular telephone– a moveable telephone unit 8. voice mail– a system used to record, send, listen to, and store telephone messages 9. virtual reality– a computer technology in which users can create lifelike experiences 10. word processing– using a computer to type, edit, store, and print a document Set 17 Day 1
Set 18 Day 1 (Weather, Goals, Experiencing Change) 1. meteorologist– a person who deals with weather forecasting 2. temperate– neither very hot nor very cold 3. balmy– gently soothing, mild, and pleasant 4. sweltering– extremely hot and humid 5. inclement– rough, severe, and stormy 6. visualize– to form a mental picture of 7. vocation– a calling in life 8. aspiration– a strong desire or ambition 9. quest– a seeking; a search 10. attain– to reach a desired goal 11. abrupt– sudden; unexpected 12. anticipated– foreseen and taken care of in advance 13. drastic– having a severe effect 14. subtle– not open or distinct 15. volatile– likely to change suddenly