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Lecture Sixteen. Onomatopoeia and Translation 拟声词的翻译. About onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is derived from “onomatopoiia” (Greek ), meaning name-making. e.g. : 知了 cicada 猫 cat cuckoo 布谷鸟 喵 miaow 叮咚 ding-dong 哞 moo 咕 coo bark 吠. Polysemy of onomatopoeia.
Lecture Sixteen Onomatopoeia and Translation 拟声词的翻译
About onomatopoeia • Onomatopoeia is derived from “onomatopoiia”(Greek ), meaning name-making. e.g.: 知了 cicada 猫 cat cuckoo 布谷鸟 喵 miaow 叮咚 ding-dong 哞 moo 咕 coo bark 吠
Polysemy of onomatopoeia • Thunder rumbled in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。 • The cart rumbled past.大车轱轳轱轳地驶过去了。 • My stomach rumbled emptily.我的肚子饿得咕咕叫。
Parts of speech • In Chinese and English (1)哈哈哈,这不要紧! (独立成分) Ha! Ha! Ha! What does it matter? (2) 秋风飒飒。(谓语) The autumn wind is soughing in the trees. (3) 嗞嗞的声响(定语) sizzling sound
(4) 突然他听到门”吱”地一声开了,他弟弟走了近来。(状语) Suddenly he heard the door creak and saw his brother enter. (5) 敲了两下门,心上还突突直跳。(状语) He knocked twice at the gate, his heart thudding violently. (6) 天空中划过一道成V字形的白色闪电,紧接着传来一声霹雳,然后是深沉的隆隆雷声。(宾语,定语) White jagged lightning, followed by the brazen clash and deep rumble of thunder.
(7) The angry husband shut the door with a bang. (名词,补语) 生气的丈夫砰地把门关上. (8) My heart is banging in my ears. (动词,谓语) 我听见自己的心脏在砰砰地跳动。 (9) The drunken drivers drove bang into the store windows. ( 副词,状语) 醉醺醺的司机开车砰地撞进了商店的橱窗。 (10) “Bang! Bang!” shouted the boys in imitation of gunfire. (感叹词,宾语) 男孩们高喊”砰!砰!”模仿着枪声。
Types • 模仿人类发出的声响 呸(boo),咦,啊(Oh / Ah),喔,唉,哟,哇(wow) • 模仿动植物发出的声响 狮lion吼roar, howl 虎tiger啸howl, roar 树叶tree, leaf飒飒声rustle • 模仿事物发出的声响 咕嘟babble, gurgle 嘟嘟/呜呜toot, hoot
Imitative words imitating the sound produced by humans e.g.aha 啊哈 sh 嘘 ouch 哎哟/啊唷 ahem 嗯 hurrah 呜啦
Imitative words imitating the sound produced by animals baa 咩(音mie) moo (哞, 音mou) coo 咕 Apes gibber 猿猴吱吱叫。 Asses bray (heehaw)驴叫 Bees hum /buzz /drone 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫 Bulls bellow 公牛怒叫
Cows low (moo). 母牛哞哞叫 Cocks crow(cock-a-doadle-doo) . Hens cackle (cluck). 母鸡咯咯叫 Chicken cheep. 小鸡叽叽叫 Cats meu/purr. 小猫喵喵叫。 Dogs bow-wow. 狗汪汪叫 Doves coo. Ducks quack. Elephants trumpet. 大象吼 Frogs croak. 青蛙呱呱叫
Birds chirp/twitter. 鸟儿啾啾叫 Geese gaggle. 鹅嘎嘎叫 Horses neigh /snort. 马嘶 Magpies chatter。 喜鹊喳喳叫 Mice squeak. 老鼠叽叽叫 Pigs squeal/grunt. Lions roar. 狮吼 Tigers grow/roar .虎啸 Wolves howl. 狼嗥 Snakes hiss.
Imitative words imitating the sound produced by objects & actions e.g. 扑通 thump /patter/chatter murmur 淙淙 babble 潺潺 rumble 轰隆 rustle 沙沙声 zip 嗖嗖 tout 嘟嘟 tick 滴达 tinkle 叮当 ka-dok 咔嗒
Translation methods • Rendered by Chinese imitative words e.g.: 1. Two heavy guns went off in the woods-----BRUMP!BRUMP!两门大炮在森林里开火------轰隆!轰隆! 2.Whee-ee-ee!Whee-ee-ee!The police whistles shrilled suddenly.“的!的!”突然警笛响了。 3.Thump!A table was overturned. “哗啦”桌子推翻了。
Literal translation e.g.: 1. “呃啾”的一声响,爱姑明知道七大人打喷嚏了,但不由得转进眼去看. “Ah-tchew!”Though Ai-ku knew it was only Seventh Master sneezing, she could not help turning to look at him. 2. 外面找地基的小工们聚集在一起,迎着阳光由远处“哼哼唷,哼哼唷”地又以整齐严肃的步伐迈到楼前。
….and outside the window the labourers working on the foundation of the new building have already assembled and now ,with the sun on their faces, they are coming closer and closer with grave, rhythmical tread, their “hung-hung–yow, hung-hung-yow ” sounding in the distance.
Rendered by Chinese verbs which are not imitative words. e.g.: 1. I clanked the kettle. 我敲水壶。 2.The train puffed towards Tokyo from Sendai.火车从仙台开往东京。 3. The cop carried a stick ,ready to thwack anybody who offended his ear or eye.警察提了根棍棒,遇到他不顺耳,不顺眼的,动手就打。
Thomas Nash: Spring Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king, Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing. Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! (The function of onomatopoeia in writing)
郭沫若译: 春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜; 处处都有花树,都有少女环舞, 微寒但却清和,佳禽争着唱歌, 啁啁,啾啾,哥哥,割麦,插一禾!
Rendered by an imitative word +a verb e.g. 1. “What’s happening ?” he muttered. “怎么回事啊?”他喃喃地问。 2.“Hold him by the nose, dearie, then he’ll splutter and wake up.” 捏住他的鼻子,阿妹,他就会呼噜呼噜地醒过来。
Amplification 增词法 e.g. 1. The stone fell on his head. 石头叭嗒落在他的头上。 2.The kids are crying loudly. 孩子们在哇哇大哭。 3.John fell asleep almost immediately. 约翰几乎倒头就呼呼睡了。 4.木梆一声一声地响过去。 The tock-tock-tocking of a watchman’s hollow gong goes by.
Generalization i.e. rendered by such Chinese words as “…声/响;…叫/鸣” e.g.: 1.We heard the machines whirr. 我们听到了机器声。 2.They heard the muffled booming of artillery from afar. 他们听见远处大炮在隐隐约约地响着。
3.The screeching of the brakes got on my nerves. 煞车声刺激了我的神经。 4.The frogs in the fields outside the town were croaking cheerfully. 青蛙在城郊的田野里使劲地叫着。 5. The moment he rushed in, the hens chucked and the dogs barked. 他一进门,鸡也叫,狗也咬。
Free translation e.g.: “哥哥哟!”笼里的鹦鹉突然一声怪叫。 “My dear !”squawked the parrot in the cage.
翻译实践 原文: In some societies people want children for what might be called familial reasons: to extend the family line or the family name, to propitiate the ancestors; to enable the proper functioning of religious rituals involving the family. Such reasons may seem thin in the modern, secularized society but they have been and are powerful indeed in other places.
In addition, one class of family reasons shares a border with the following category, namely, having children in order to maintain or improve a marriage: to hold the husband or occupy the wife; to repair or rejuvenate the marriage; to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way. The point is underlined by its converse: in some societies the failure to bear children (or males) is a threat to the marriage and a ready cause for divorce.
Beyond all that is the profound significance of children to the very institution of the family itself. To many people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family —they need children to enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. Children need the family, but the family seems also to need children, as the social institution uniquely available, at least in principle, for security, comfort, assurance, and direction in a changing, often hostile, world. To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension.
参考译文: 在某些社会中,人们希望拥有孩子是出于所谓的家庭原因:传宗接代,光宗耀祖,讨好祖辈,使那些涉及到家庭的宗教仪式得以正常进行。此类原因在现代世俗化的社会中似显苍白,但它们在其他地方曾一度构成并确实仍在构成强有力的理由。
此外,有一类家庭原因与下列类别不无共通之处,这便是:生儿育女是为了维系或改善婚姻:能拴住丈夫或者使妻子不致于无所事事;修复或重振婚姻;多子多孙,以为家庭幸福惟有此法。这一点更可以由其反 面得到昭示:在某些社会中,无法生儿育女(或无法生育男孩)对婚姻而言是一种威胁,还可作为离婚的现成借口。
孩子需要家庭,但家庭似乎也需要孩子。家庭作为一种社会机构,以其特有的方式,至少从原则上说,可在一个变幻莫测、常常是充满敌意的世界中让人从中获取某种安全、慰藉、保障,以及价值取向。于大多数人而言, 这样的一个家庭基础, 即使从其表层意义上来说, 也需要不止一个人来维持其存在, 并使其时代相传, 生生不息。
翻译讲评 1、“In some societies people want children for what might be called familial reasons: to extend the family line or the family name, to propitiate the ancestors; to enable the proper functioning of religious rituals involving the family”
2、“In addition, one class of family reasons shares a border with the following category, namely, having children in order to maintain or improve a marriage: to hold the husband or occupy the wife; to repair or rejuvenate the marriage; to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way”
Assignment • Do Exercises 2 and 3 in the textbook (p. 152).