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„Consulting for Palestine, Liberation and Justice“

„Consulting for Palestine, Liberation and Justice“. Concept Draft for a unified/central Communication and Operation Platfrom as a tool of Global Palestine Democratic Alliance/Network By Jafra* * Could be any one has not changed the Palestine direction on his compass.

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„Consulting for Palestine, Liberation and Justice“

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  1. „Consulting for Palestine, Liberation and Justice“ Concept Draft for a unified/central Communication and Operation Platfrom as a tool of Global Palestine Democratic Alliance/Network By Jafra* * Could be any one has not changed the Palestine direction on his compass

  2. Motivation (Brainstorming) • PAL cause is signal/sample for missing global Human Lobby for Justice • Communication and coordination between PAL solidarity organizations/ NGO‘s should be enhanced • Most of grassroots groups and activists was established upon local aspects, even the root cause for most of the challenges is global • Missing an operating umbrella association (Re/New PLO?) • No work modularity and unified information, communication/operation system, corporate Media Ctrs as alternative Stream Media to serve the struggle for Equality and social Justice • Result: Lot of Inefficiency, Efforts get vaporized, No Change (on the opposite), Frustration .. • General Obj.: We should increase the efficiency of the huge global Solidarity Efforts with Palestinians, Organize Resources and Information Magmt, Do not invent the wheel twice..in order to build the front for real Super Power, There is no Unified open/informal real democratic Movement/Organisation without hierarchy absorbs and manage the global resources/volunteers • Already new 21th Ctr. Formulas for global Change does exists: Key words: Web2.0, wiserearth, consciousness, blessed unrest, better world, anotherworldispossible , evil empire , How to Save the World , informal intelligence , Global Brain , Participatory Design and many others

  3. Current Situation from Stength and efficiency point of veiw „Semi-Green Area“ Burning Area

  4. Key Massages to change this situation • Stop and Think! Get Ready First! Re-direkt Efforts, set common new collective prioritites to build needed boundery conditions for change. Start a new „snow-ball“/pattern-formation collective strategy! • Understand power based policase and challange with Co-Creative Consciosness, Analyze Dimentions of Occupation, Define successful political speach and vision. Imagine the Future. Transfrom what IS. PALESTINE/Justice-Networking IT-Instrument • Create user friendly Networking Platfrom using modern up to date standards, as communication system and global operation forum for counter-govern-System front • Data of Registerd members will be used to build specific Subnetworks (local cause-, roots/origin-, profession-, location-, ..based or any combination of that) • Develop new philosphy for global politics, social justice / economy with other actors • The huge virtual team should cooperate and work vision/idea/project/action based and not on local or narrow politcal base

  5. Situation with Global Justice Communication Platfrom „Semi-Green Area“ Burning Area

  6. Situation with Global Justice Communication Platfrom

  7. ModulesofNWing Instrument (PAL related) Intelligent Database (PAL part > electronic PAL popular counsel) Get, structure and save required Info about NW members through an online template Discussion Forum and Chat Corner user will be autom. prompt to www.palestineremembered.com • Name, Gender(m/f), Origin (from PAL), Birth Year,City, Region, Profession/ Branch • Categorization: Structuring Fields of Competence/Interest (Multiple choise possible; max 3) • Autor/Journalism skills • Art/Musik • Culture/Literature • Web, Data Base Programming • Enterpriser • Sponersing • Media Know-How • Translation • Are you able to hold a lecture? • Select NewsLetter Language • Organization/Association • Others • PAL-Sub-Networking • Mail-Groups units • PAL Schooler/Students- electr News paper • PAL Women • PAL Journalists • PAL Autors • PAL Academics • PAL Unions • tbc None PAL would have own Sub-NWs (Solidarity NW) .. Need to be disucussed • to decrease NW mail spam multi Language News Letters will be managed and created via active members • Those Members will reserve a time slot into the related projects tasks table (NewsLetter Proj)

  8. Folders to save documents All countries has the arabic part and specific landuage Xi Web-Server-Folders/Archive Storage Location for different Subjects ModulesofNWing Instrument Intelligent Database (International Solidarity NW) Get, structure and save required Info about NW members through an online template • Name, Gender (m/f), Birth Year,City, Region, Profession • Categorization: Structuring Fields of Competence/Interest (Multiple choise possible; max 3) • Autor/Journalism skills • Art/Musik • Culture/Literature • Web, Data Base Programming • Enterpriser • Sponersing • Media Know-How • Are you able to held a lecture? • Select NewsLetter Language • Organization/Association • Intern. Soli-Sub-Networking • Int Journalists • Int Autors • Int Academics • tbc Members Rooms Speack out Corner, Essys, Articles Online Conference areas, IM

  9. Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx Lx International Solidarity NW Origin in Palestine NWwww.palestineremembered.com, virtual local governance .. Ox Lx Competences NW Location Gen. Comm

  10. Peace Communities, Resources, Ideas Action Columns Projects Coordinators and Tools PAL Culture / Literature Media Fundraising Politics, History … Experts Pools – Competence NWs FocusedProjects NW discussing Forums

  11. Network SegmentationsExpl for Germany USA Local Level Köln Düsseldorf Nord Center Hessen NRW Österreich BRD ModulesofNWing Instrument Action/projects Levels nested- Meeting – Cycles* (MC) Country Level MC: 1/20Week Expl. So. State Level MC: 1/12Week Expl. Sat. Regional Level MC: 1/8Week Expl. Fr. MC: 1/2Week Expl. Mo. MC: 1/2Week Expl. Mo. MC: 1/4Week Expl. Wed. Meetings > LL will be held Online (personal meatings will remain essencial) in fixed synchronised nested time stamps <-> rotated participating principle/ Informal Community is deciding who will join the meetings in upper levels

  12. Global Communication Layers (Break Down for Germany as Exmpl) 6.x6i 5.x5i 4.x4i 3.x3i 2.x2i 0 1.x1i

  13. ModulesofNWing Instrument Communication Methods Projects and Creativity Pool Document exisiting PAL-Projects, Ideas collection and coducting System • Logged In Member will see each others and will be able to chat (IM-conferencing) • Multi languagesdiscussion Operation Rooms (online et*-Forums) • Multi-Language NewsLetter • Creativity Pool • tbc develop new Projects and Creativity Pool - Feature to be implemented under each causes and groups. Document existing Ideas/Projects Ideas collection and conducting System: The Mask for Idea-entry should include for exampleCreator, Titel, Description, Tag Action Level (local, regional, national , international)Evaluation (Severity, Priority, complexity, Costs Aspects)etc.Before creating new Idea, member will be directed to the exsting projects/idea on the cause or project.If the idea is new , the entry will be transformed and prompt the into discussion forum for further development.The active discussion will be posted under the cause home-pageAfter getting concrete information about the idea, it can be moved to project - status. Under Cause home-page "New Project" flag will appear.Cause members can add the project to their "My Projects"-ListProject coordinator can send massage to all group members. Members should be able to add jobs/action items to their list as well .. etc. et; Enhanced tagging Forums: With tagging technology xi-sub-network memebers will have r/w access to xi Forum. Other members will have only r access. Members can change the sub-network once each 90 days. xi-sub-Network mempers will be announced about new post per Email. Multilingual: Each xi-Forum exists in different languages. Embedded translator can be used to create xi-t posts. Translator groups will edit and review statements or discussion summeries and re-post in the related xi-Forums. Moderator groups will make sure the discussion moves effeciently in constructuve path and decrease parallel efforts.

  14. Political Human Rights Lobby Equation „resisting“ Civil Society Power + Ideas Pool Projecs, Foundations, Institutes, .. = NW Actions/Campains/Organs Dialogue Medium • Palestine WikiMulti language Key Subjects • Land Thievery • Human Rights • Presinors • Conflict History • tbc Anti-framing propaganda, benchmarket global Campaines PAL Culture Forum PAL Media Center, Alternative Mainstream Media , News Letter (X) Economy Forum PAL Job- und Enterprising Ctr Establishing Academic & political Foundations AND MUCH M O R E

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