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Here is the most current EIC Earned Income Credit Table. See table, https://claimtheearnedincomecredit.com/earned-income-credit-table/ The credit maxes out at 3 or more dependents. You will not be eligible if you earned over $56,844 or if you had investment income that exceeded $3,600.
EARNED INCOME CREDIT (EIC) TABLE 2020,2021 H E R E I S T H E M O S T C U R R E N T E I C E A R N E D I N C O M E C R E D I T T A B L E . T H E C R E D I T M A X E S O U T A T 3 O R M O R E D E P E N D E N T S . Calculate Your Earned Income Credit Amount The Dependents Tax Credit Calculator will give you an accurate view of how much you could be entitled to. Just answer some simple questions regarding your income and your living circumstances. How to Claim the Credit Your credit amount will vary depending on many different factors, such as income, family size, and filing status. The maximum amount a family can receive is over $6,000. Earned Income Credit Restrictions The federal tax return does have a few restrictions in regards to the EITC. One restriction to be aware of is that the aggregate investment income cannot exceed $3600. Earned Income Credit Opportunities and Regulations Depending upon your status, as a taxpayer, you are entitled to additional income tax benefits offered statewide as well. Check with your state’s Department of Revenue to see how your low- income status. The Bottom Line of the Earned Income Credit Do not miss out on your EIC credit for fear of being audited. If you truly do qualify for the EIC credit, file for it.You can use the Dependents Tax Credit Calculator for free, and see how much you can claim. WWW.CLAIMTHEEARNEDINCOMECREDIT.COM/EARNED-INCOME- CREDIT-TABLE