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Visit at - www.giliidc.com<br>The PADI IDC Gili Islands with Industry Recognized Award Winning Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod offers a wealth of Industry experience and is entirely conducted by Holly, who has been a PADI professional for over 17 years, certified over 3000 Scuba Diving Instructors and offers a level of training considered to be of the highest possible standard within the recreational diving Industry and to a level way over and above the minimum requirements laid out by the PADI Instructor Development Syllabus. All Instructor level training with Holly benefits from world class training facilities offered by the only ever 5 Star IDC Career Development Centre (CDC) to be established on the island of Gili Trawangan.
consulting THEGILIIDCINDONESIA THENO.1PLACETOTAKEPROFESSIONAL LEVELDIVETRAINING WelcometoourGiliIDCIndonesiawebsitewhereyoucanfindalloftherelevant informationaboutourPADIprofessionalDivemasterandInstructorcoursesand continuingeducationprograms. Courses ExperienceBasedHigh EndTrainingonthePADI IDCwithHollyMacleod; GloballyRecognized IndustryLeadingAward WinningMultiplePlatinum PADICourseDirector. StudyTurtleBehaviorin theGiliIslands – PADI SpecialtyCourse. 2019Schedulewith PlatinumPADICDHolly MacleodontheGiliIDC Indonesia Clients choose us! PADIDivemasterCourse EmergencyFirstResponseCourse PADIInstructorDevelopmentCourse (IDC) PADIInstructorCrossoverCourse PADIInstructorCrossoverCourse PADISpecialtyInstructorCourse PADIMasterScubaDiverTrainer (MSDT) PADIIDCStaffInstructorCourse CourseDirectorandMasterInstructor Preparation Theno.1placetotakeprofessional leveldivetraining ForMoreInformation - www.giliidc.com